Audiovox (like) cruise died on AE

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This won't help you, but might help sombody else. Link to a troubleshooting guide I wrote for Murph and hosted on his website:

Audiovox Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting tips start on page 8
Thanks for that!

My CCS100 died on the CFR/EOM run. I bought a new kit from Murph's but hadn't replaced it yet; somehow I missed this on his website and the kit from him doesn't include instructions.

I'll troubleshoot per the pdf and see where I'm at. If it's fixable, then this would go great on the Wee, so no loss!

Mine started acting up on some hills in Wisconsin ~50 miles south of La Crosse on the way in. It would surge acceleration then shut off, then surge & shut off. It was never right after that. I could occasionally get it to set but it wouldn't bump up or down, then quit all together by the time I got home to Florida.

Mine is mounted in the tray area under the seat, and I've built a custom control pad as I found the stock one hard to manipulate with gloves on.

My Audiovox is about the same....Smitty installed and works just perfectly.....holds within 1 or 2 mph every time........

How do I get in touch with Smitty? I want one for my bike but don't feel great about doing it myself if someone's already become proficient in doing the install. I'm in SoCal also.

It will be an expensive plane ticket to fly Smitty out to Ca. Are you planning to ride to the Missouri and have Smitty do the install?

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It will be an expensive plane ticket to fly Smitty out to Ca. Are you planning to ride to the Missouri and have Smitty do the install?
The mention of Smitty was in a post by someone in Ontario, that's just a few miles from me. I was hoping it got done locally.

I tried to ask some others in SoCal where they had theirs installed (when they indicated it was installed by others) but alas no one bothered to respond.

I tried to ask some others in SoCal where they had theirs installed (when they indicated it was installed by others) but alas no one bothered to respond.
IIRC, a bunch of guys did in fact chip in and buy Smitty a plane ticket and Smitty spent several days doing nothing but AVCC installs.

The AVCC install is not technically difficult, in fact the hardest parts are drilling the throttle stop and finding a location for the servo. The biggest issue is the length of time it takes to do the install if you are having someone else do the job. Even at his best Smitty I don't think he could do the job faster than 4 hrs.
