Autocom Question

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Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
Maui, HI
Hi Everyone.

Kinda new here to the Forum. Been lurking around reading all the topics on the FJR1300. I got a new 05 FJR1300 ABS, of Course the "Faster" Blue color.

I'm in need of some help regarding the installation of an Autocom System. I recently put in an Autocom Super Pro AVI Duo Kit, with a Kenwood TK-3101 for bike to bike. When using the system without the Kenwood the VOX is perfect with the VOX control in the middle of its range. However, when I hook the Kenwood radio up to the system, using the 102p (which is a harness that replaces the radios battery, so it can be bike powered then plugs into the AUX 5 plug) I then have to turn the VOX control all the way up to get the radio to transmitt. With the VOX all the way up, when riding the system transmitts just from the wind noise. Any help would be appreciated. I'm hoping its just a setting that I'm forgetting to adjust.

Thanks in advance,


Call Keith Goudelock (pr. Godlock) at Tulsa Truck Center 918.446.2245

He knows quite a bit about Autocom.

Another option is a push-to-transmit button. Then you have privacy for rider to pillion chat.

I got a new 05 FJR1300 ABS, of Course the "Faster" Blue color.
Quite correct, IMO. The '05 is the faster of the blue bikes.
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Hi Everyone.

Kinda new here to the Forum. Been lurking around reading all the topics on the FJR1300. I got a new 05 FJR1300 ABS, of Course the "Faster" Blue color.

I'm in need of some help regarding the installation of an Autocom System. I recently put in an Autocom Super Pro AVI Duo Kit, with a Kenwood TK-3101 for bike to bike. When using the system without the Kenwood the VOX is perfect with the VOX control in the middle of its range. However, when I hook the Kenwood radio up to the system, using the 102p (which is a harness that replaces the radios battery, so it can be bike powered then plugs into the AUX 5 plug) I then have to turn the VOX control all the way up to get the radio to transmitt. With the VOX all the way up, when riding the system transmitts just from the wind noise. Any help would be appreciated. I'm hoping its just a setting that I'm forgetting to adjust.

Cliff, I have two pro m1 autocoms, one on an fjr and one on an lt. They both do the same thing you are talking about. When you plug in the frs radio it takes more volume from your mouth to get the system to activate. All you can do is get the mic right up to your lips and talk LOUD.......... project, as they say in the acting profession. It will work, just takes a little more effort on your part. The autocom has some glitches, and takes a little time to get dialed in, but is still the best on the market, in my opinion.

Good Luck,

Thanks for the replies. I have ordered the PTTwith toggle switchn, so I can talk just to my passenger and not have the conversation transmitted to everyone, it just hasn't arrived yet.

DCH, I get what your saying and it does work, when projecting louder into the mike, almost to the point of yelling but not quite. It's just gonna have to take some practice. Oh well another good excuse to get on the bike for more riding.

Again, thanks for the replies.


I too have experienced this while recently testing out the TK3101 radio with another rider. We have both gone the route of the PTT, to not have to deal with the VOX and to gain privacy. I tried mounting the PTT switch as described by Autocom on the left handlebar, but felt immediately the ergos wouldn't cut it for me. So I headed over to radio shack and got one of those small round push switches and mounted it in the location where the euro pass switch would normally be.

The PTT housing did not require any modifications to add the additional 2 wires, and there are even 2 unused connection prongs inside for soldering on the existing internal switch. There is also a small outlet on the switch housing to serve as a location for the wire to enter.

I velcroed the PTT switch close by on the left handlebar so I can still have fast access to the toggle switch if needed.

I headed over to radio shack and got one of those small round push switches and mounted it in the location where the euro pass switch would normally be.
The PTT housing did not require any modifications to add the additional 2 wires, and there are even 2 unused connection prongs inside for soldering on the existing internal switch. There is also a small outlet on the switch housing to serve as a location for the wire to enter.

I velcroed the PTT switch close by on the left handlebar so I can still have fast access to the toggle switch if needed.
Hi Guys,

I called Keith earlier today about the above situation. He related that he never came across anything like I described, especially without any additional accessories, like MP3 player, cd player or phone connected to the Autocom. He suggested that I call Scott at Autocom America which I did.

Scott's opinion on the situation is that because of the 2 watt power of the Kenwood TK-3101, the (I think he said ) EM's that are produced when the radio transmitts is what might be interfering with the VOX of the control unit. He suggested that I move the radio as far away from the Control unit as possible and face the antenna in the direction away from the Control Unit.

If that doesn't work then, I should try and get my local Comm. guy to build an extension for the antenna so I can mount the rubber antenna part (which is the part that emitts the EM's) even further away from the control unit.

If both of those suggestions don't work, then I should contact him again and he will ask the engineers for a suggestion. It sounded like he got this question quite alot, because he seemed to have the suggestions right away, without having to think it out.

I'm gonna work on it in a bit. I called the local comm. store, where I bought the radios from and he related that he could build the extension with no problems and it would cost about $15.00. I forgot to ask if the extension would be shielded somehow to no transmitt the EM's along with the rubber antenna part.

I give you guys an update later this evening or tomorrow morning.



I couldn't mount the switch to the grip either, interfered a bunch for me. I put it between the switch housing & the Clutch lever mount....

Hi Guys,
I called Keith earlier today about the above situation. He related that he never came across anything like I described, especially without any additional accessories, like MP3 player, cd player or phone connected to the Autocom. He suggested that I call Scott at Autocom America which I did.

Scott's opinion on the situation is that because of the 2 watt power of the Kenwood TK-3101, the (I think he said ) EM's that are produced when the radio transmitts is what might be interfering with the VOX of the control unit. He suggested that I move the radio as far away from the Control unit as possible and face the antenna in the direction away from the Control Unit.

If that doesn't work then, I should try and get my local Comm. guy to build an extension for the antenna so I can mount the rubber antenna part (which is the part that emitts the EM's) even further away from the control unit.

If both of those suggestions don't work, then I should contact him again and he will ask the engineers for a suggestion. It sounded like he got this question quite alot, because he seemed to have the suggestions right away, without having to think it out.

I'm gonna work on it in a bit. I called the local comm. store, where I bought the radios from and he related that he could build the extension with no problems and it would cost about $15.00. I forgot to ask if the extension would be shielded somehow to no transmitt the EM's along with the rubber antenna part.

I give you guys an update later this evening or tomorrow morning.



I too have had the same problem. I had to adjust the VOX to the sensitive side slightly, so that high wind noise will sometimes activate the mic. Then I positioned the mics' "sweet spot" right on the tip of my lips and still have to talk in an elevated voice "projected" as previously noted. I also have my cel phone and Mp3 attached and they work very well and don't seem to create any additional problems whether they are connected or not, however they are located in my tank bag.

I am very interested in the remote antenna set up you are using, your current installation setup and the results. I have included a pic of my setup on my '06, as you can see, my radio is close to the Autocom unit and the antenna is pointed away from it.




We're not bike-powered on our Kenwood TK3101's but our VOX controls all work fine. One note about that radio, if you turn the volume up too far on the Kenwood itself you will screw up the VOX control. None of us can figure out why but somewhere around 50% of volume is the limit for each of us. We got really frustrated before we figured this one out.

We're not bike-powered on our Kenwood TK3101's but our VOX controls all work fine. One note about that radio, if you turn the volume up too far on the Kenwood itself you will screw up the VOX control. None of us can figure out why but somewhere around 50% of volume is the limit for each of us. We got really frustrated before we figured this one out.
Wish I knew this little snippet several weeks ago. :(

Penforhire Posted Today, 10:13 AM We're not bike-powered on our Kenwood TK3101's but our VOX controls all work fine. One note about that radio, if you turn the volume up too far on the Kenwood itself you will screw up the VOX control. None of us can figure out why but somewhere around 50% of volume is the limit for each of us. We got really frustrated before we figured this one out.

Wow, I'll have to try that out tomorrow. That would be great if it solved my problem. Thanks for the tip.

MrWizard Posted Today, 08:01 AM
I am very interested in the remote antenna set up you are using, your current installation setup and the results.
I haven't gotten the extension yet. I should be ready by tomorrow. I'll take some pics and let you know if it helps out any. Hopefully, Penforhire's suggestion will solve the problem.

Thanks All,


Hey Guys,

Here's what I found out so far. As far as the volume on the Radio having any effect on the VOX, It didn't get any better regardless of the volume on the radio. What I did find that helped was when I connected a transciever extension, which allowed me to move the radio a total of 3 feet away from the control unit. This allowed me to turn down the VOX control back to the factory setting and the VOX picked up my speech at a normal volume. I didn't have to project my voice out at all. So It appears that by placing a larger distance between the radio and control box resolves the issue.

The anntena extension isn't ready yet from the comm. shop. I hope that the extension will be shielded somehow, so It doesn't emit the interferrence. I'm gonna mount the radio in my tank bag for this friday's ride to see how it goes.

I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Huh. Good to hear something is working. My Pro7 and TK3101 sit right next to each other in the tank bag. I have wanted to place the radio vertical but just for better range.


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