Autocom vrs. Starcom1

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The Video Dude
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ventura, CA
Ok im ready for a better Intercom system than the crap i have now. Anyone out here use either the

Autocom superpro Avi or the Starcom1 advanced.... my problem with my audioboss system i have is the mic goes to pot after 20 mph... How is the Autocom & the Star1 adance at 80mph????... Clear sounding? can talk bike to bike clear? Please let me know what your thought are... I see big price diffrence in the 2... Im going to purchase one of these but need your help



Yeah i saw it but i guess im looking for someone that has used both, What works better????
Call Keith. He's used both, and many others. Told me (but don't hold me to the exact number) he's dropped something like 3 grand on other shit before settling on Autocom.

I haven't used both but... I just finished installing my Starcom1 Advance last night. Took the girlfriend for a ride this morning before work... She's still a little squirmy on the bike so we only tested it to around 80-90 and it worked great. I've read a few posts here about 50% 50% good and bad results, maybe I got lucky.

I wanted to get Nolan's N-Com Wireless system but that would have run about $1100 dollars (including helmets).. So for $344 shipped from sportbikeeffects.

Im happy.

Helmets used HJC CL-14's

Tested with the windshield both up and down...

I just ordered a full face helmet head set so the grfriend and I can communicate on the Starcom1. I'll post the trials and tribulations.

I just ordered a full face helmet head set so the grfriend and I can communicate on the Starcom1. I'll post the trials and tribulations.
Well, there goes that relationship! :lol:

I've been generally happy with the Starcom Advance, but it's farted a couple of times lately: One blown fuse and then the other day, it quit working completely only to go back to normal operation the next. :dntknw: As for two up communication, I've only used it once and didn't bother to take the time to adjust the VOX or mics for wind, but it still worked acceptably. I'm sure with some fiddling, I can dial it in, but for that I'd need a consistent pillion. <_<

Ok im ready for a better Intercom system than the crap i have now. Anyone out here use either the Autocom superpro Avi or the Starcom1 advanced.... my problem with my audioboss system i have is the mic goes to pot after 20 mph... How is the Autocom & the Star1 adance at 80mph????... Clear sounding? can talk bike to bike clear? Please let me know what your thought are... I see big price diffrence in the 2... Im going to purchase one of these but need your help


If your happy with the system and it's just the mic, I suggest one of these! It's the only mic I've used that has absolutely NO wind noise at ANY speed! Perfectly clear! I use it with the Motorola 6700 radios for BTB communications. Works great! You wear it on your neck and it picks up from your larynx.

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