Bad day for me...06 down

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That is why our insurance is going,goingand still going to go up because of non wrecks with others. If it is cosmetics bite the bullet and pay for it your self. From what I have seen a little shopping on the net and a good painter you save your premium from at doubling for several years. i would do a line item cost of repair andf compare yours to the estimate . Remember you already have 500.00 into it
Just a different twist of thought and approach.............

Insurance is not going , going , going up because of wrecks like these. Insurance is going up because there are more crappy drivers and repair/parts prices are going up. On avearge, most folks involved in minor accidents do to their own fault do not report them to their insurance companies. High deductables and fear of insurance cost rising is the number one reason here. When I got my first insurance policy some 35 years ago, I had a $50.00 deductable. They don't even offer that as an option now..most are $500 to $2000.

Motorcycles take up a very very small part of the driving public and factor little into an insurance companies "profit margin"... so you, me , and the guy next door could report claims on our bikes and costs for motorcycle insurance would not go up. Insurance company studies on states that have helmet laws compared to those that don't showed little diffrence..(to the overall cost of insurance)

Although I do appreciate posting a "diffrent twist of thought " here, my view, as these are all just opinions, is that it IS a new bike and the repair costs do seem alot higher than 500 bucks...I would put in a claim and have it made new again.....


Yup, call your insurance company. Ask point blank what will happen to your premium (if you're paranoid, don't give them your name the first call). Then you can make up your mind.

My bike er, uh, fell over all by itself, no, that's not right, my dachshund knocked it over, two weeks ago and scratched up stuff on the right side. $600. Underwriter at the company (NOT THE AGENT) said there would be no increase due to it being a comprehensive claim, and even if I'd made a collision claim the increase would be very slight. I also asked if it made any difference that I've been a customer for about three weeks. Nope "That's what you pay your premium for," said the nice girl in Wisconsin, America's DAIRYLAND.

Regarding asking your AGENT, several years ago my son wrecked his car (heck, he wrecked it 8 times in three years) and did more than $7,000 damage. My AGENT said, in exactly these words, "Oh, Mark, don't file that claim!" She was trying to be helpful, afraid my company would drop me and send me to the dreaded Pool...the deep end of it. She was absolutely wrong, as I learned from a personal injury lawyer friend almost a year later. I wrote her boss, and happened to mention that my PI lawyer buddy almost choked on his BBQ when I told him the story. I had a check within 48 hours. The moral: ask the UNDERWRITER at the COMPANY.

I had the bad luck to get hit on the freeway :angry: :angry: and the bike went down on the left side. Everyone is correct in that there will be hidden damage once the fairings are off. My damage came to approx $2,500.00 There are tabs on the headlamp assy that can break causing the need to replace the headlamp assy. Mine is a 04 so yours may be different. Best of luck on your repair's.


Sorry to hear about your low side. ATGATT kept you from being in worse shape. As a new 06 owner myself, I'd put it through insurance and make it right. As for a safety course, I have been riding for 24 years and I still retake the experienced rider class about every three years just as a refresher. Good luck

Good luck with your repairs. I'm glad to hear you only suffered minor road rash, which will probably heal faster than your frustration of having the spill.

+1 on the refresher courses!!! I have ridden over 35 years and learn something useful every time i take a course, whether it is riding fast or slow. Same as skiing and golf lessons, other sports I enjoy frequently. I have taught skiing and yet love learning from others, to keep improving.

Sorry to hear about you mis fortune as well, I concur on the claim, why pay if you do not use it when needed.

Might be able to help with the parts listing.' alt='a>'>


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Sorry to hear about your drop. Some perspective; I had an XS1100 Yamaha. Leaving work uphill in the wet, I would turn the throttle on as smoothly as possible. When I got to 2800 RPM the rear wheel would spin up in the first three gears in a easily controlable manner. The FJR is even more powerful. Restraint is neccessary in the lower gears in the wet. When the bike is stood up it won't jump out from underneath you. Hope you feel better and your FJR is repaired soon. TJ

Should I even say this, let alone think it...

I have never dropped or crashed my street bike (oh please don't jinx me)

Been down in the dirt plenty of times.

Many of you say claim the helmet, leathers, etc...

Do you have a special accessory rider on your policy?

I am not sure if I have any coverage for gear and/or farkles, etc...

What kind of limit is common, $2000 maybe?

I will have to call my agent and ask.

Not to start some new insurance thread but at $325/yr full coverage in SoCal I would suspect little to no extras like a gear or accessory coverage.

Progressive is processing my claim now and the bike is at my dealer for repairs...Progressive will be buying me a new helmet, leather jacket, gloves, jeans and shirt (all items torn or damaged). It's covered by a standard accessory limit of $1,000. I pay over $750 a year for the FJR in Indiana (vs. $135 for my Road Star), so it's nice to have this stuff covered.

As I rode the bike 70 miles to the dealer today, I did notice a lot more damage. Much of the front end is pushed to the right and the plastic that lines the fork/stearing area is cracked. The side mirror was pushed into the windshield, and the back pressure vent up front is not longer in the center. The dealer said to expect several weeks for the repair... :(

Progressive is processing my claim now and the bike is at my dealer for repairs...Progressive will be buying me a new helmet, leather jacket, gloves, jeans and shirt (all items torn or damaged). It's covered by a standard accessory limit of $1,000. I pay over $750 a year for the FJR in Indiana (vs. $135 for my Road Star), so it's nice to have this stuff covered.
As I rode the bike 70 miles to the dealer today, I did notice a lot more damage. Much of the front end is pushed to the right and the plastic that lines the fork/stearing area is cracked. The side mirror was pushed into the windshield, and the back pressure vent up front is not longer in the center. The dealer said to expect several weeks for the repair... :(
Once again sorry that this happened to you. :(

Well based on what you have provided, it is probably for the best that you filed the claim.

Please keep us posted on how they handle the claim, raise rates etc.

Good luck with the repair and hope you are to be riding soon.

:( Sorry to hear your misfortune, insurance advice is not what you need, though. You need to remember that you have 145 hp in your right wrist and it will blow you away in an unthinking instant!! Keep that in mind and you will be on your way to moderation in all things.
Keneth, my 06 got knocked over and after I got it back I noticed the right mirror looked wrong so I took it back, it turns out that the sub frame inside the windshield fairing got bent when it went down. They just bought the outside pieces and put them on. The cross member needs to be replaced the ;mirror actually screws into the end of this sub frame support as long as its not right your mirror and other items wont fit right.

Keneth, my 06 got knocked over and after I got it back I noticed the right mirror looked wrong so I took it back, it turns out that the sub frame inside the windshield fairing got bent when it went down. They just bought the outside pieces and put them on. The cross member needs to be replaced the ;mirror actually screws into the end of this sub frame support as long as its not right your mirror and other items wont fit right.
you're going the right way, in my opinion. i had a 15 mph low side on my valkyrie when i goosed a bit with my rear tire on a paint stripe while cornering. dumb, dumb, ditty dumb. looked like a few hundred, maybe. except the front forks were actually tweaked. bike was still rideable, though a bit shaky. repairs came to $5400.

take the time to heal your bruises, think about how you're gonna make a DIFFERENT mistake next time, and be glad it wasn't some yahoo running a light and hitting you in the side. you're gonna be fine, and so is the scoot. that's not a bad crash.

take care,


I almost hate to bring this up, cause I sure I will get a load of hate mail for even suggesting it, but...

I can't help but wonder if the over-sensitive throttle response at low RPM's didn't play a role in your accident.

Glad to hear you didn't get hurt, that is all that is really important. Bikes can be repaired.

This is a bit of a side issue but what are the forum's thoughts on sliders? I see they are available

for a lot of sport bikes and the FJR but do they really work?


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