Bad News from Beatty: Injury Accident in White Stag 10!

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Great news. Dont personally know the injured but still sending all positive juju out there I possibly can for a full and fast recovery.

Great news Burk for the both of you. Breaking ones neck is never a good thing, so John is on the receiving end of some good fortune, however, someone was keeping a watchful eye over both of you.

Since you'll be laying around a while, maybe I can call now and then to get some hints on the planning of SW-FOG 2010 being you did such a great job on the 2009 SW-FOG. It was mentioned the SW-FOG needed an Avatar designed. You should have the privilege of designing that if you are up to it.

Glad you're gonna be alright Burk! :yahoo:

Great news you are both on the mend! Looking forward to seeing you at SW-FOG 2010!!!

:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

Appologies for not having been around here for a while and missing most of this news. Dave (Pinhead) did give me most of details yesterday and I thank him for that. Thanks also to all of you providing updates.

Burk and John, sorry to hear it happened. Happy to learn it was not worse (although it was surely bad enough). Heal quickly, gentlemen. Hope to cross paths soon.

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John Beck Update...Great News!
John's surgery this morning to secure the broken bones in his neck went very well. The surgeons did not have to fuse any bones together so John will have full movement of his neck. They expect to have him on his feet in a few hours and he could be released as soon as this weekend.

Sherri and Barb, John's daughters, asked me to pass on their thanks for all of the love and support sent their way. It has helped John's spirits to hear the well wishes.

They are still working on where John will be recovering over the next few weeks. They are mulling over several options.

My update is I have a blue wrist cast that matches my FJR and will be in a sling for my shoulder for at least 3 months. The breaks were not severe they just need to heal. My hope is John and I will be able to recover together as we will have a few months to kill...imagine the ride planning that could happen.

So you'll be ready in time for a return trip to the Prescott BBQ Days, right?? ;) John was the guy who went with us, right? Hope you both heal quickly.


So you'll be ready in time for a return trip to the Prescott BBQ Days, right?? ;) John was the guy who went with us, right? Hope you both heal quickly.


That was John that went to Prescott. I am hoping we will both be ready for some 'que by then!
