WOW!!! I cannot believe some of the crap that's been posted in this thread.
BramFrank, I can't prove it here, but I believe what you identified as "alot of dirt on the road" was actually oil absorbent, most likely put there on purpose to soak up the multitude of fluids that mutilated sportbike must have left in its' wake.
To BramFrank and Thug, your attitudes towards bicyclists is absolutely appalling! Road use taxes have absolutely nothing to do with a bicyclists right to use the road. And regardless of how crazy you think they may be for riding on a road like that in the first place, it IS their legal right to do so. Walking through a bad neighborhood does NOT give the locals the right to kick your ass and rob you, and you don't deserve it just because you did! I knew what Ohio's laws were regarding bicyclists, but wasn't sure about GA, so I looked it up. The GA DMV rulebook says;
"Bicyclists may be using the road at any time. Please pass them with caution, treating them as you would any other vehicle you wish to pass on a two lane road. Because bicyclists do not always travel in a straight line, allow extra width when passing."
That's a direct quote. Just because bicycling ain't your bag, don't mean you can just piss on bicyclists!
For the record, I'm an occasional bicyclist, not an avid one. I'm far from being Mr. Safety. My avatar shows exactly the kind of riding I like to do (yes, that's me). But there's a time and a place for fast riding, and anybody that says there's nothing wrong with what those guys are doing there, doesn't deserve to operate a motorcycle on public roadways either. To try and pass blame off to the bicyclist, or berate the TV station as blowing things out of proportion, is about as closed minded as an attitude gets.
I would be wrong to not at least give BramFrank credit for mentioning the tiered licensing system. It would solve ALOT of motorcycle related problems here in the states. New riders should not be allowed to buy 170 mph motorcycles without proving they can operate one safely. It works in other countries, no reason it couldn't work here. I also think that people should have to retake their driving test every decade or two to prove you can still drive...not just pass some pathetic vision test and keep on going. I pulled my 73 year old mother off the road when it became painfully clear she was a menace behind the wheel. She didn't like it and neither did I, but I couldn't wait for her to kill herself or somebody else.
I am a biker (motorcyclist) to my very core. Anybody that knows me will say the same. And I like to ride fast. All those same people will attest to that too. I think we bikers often get a raw deal on the road and in the courts, but I don't think every other road user is supposed to kiss our ***** or get the hell out of our way just because we want them to. I've been an AMA member for 16 years because I want to support those who are working to protect my right to ride. Right is right, and fair is fair, no matter which side of the issue you're on. Sometimes you're on the wrong side. Deal with it.