Bag Bumper Strips

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011
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Similkameen/Okanagan BC Canada
I'm having my side cases repainted locally, and have managed to remove the red reflectors using a heat gun and monofilament.

I'd like to remove the rubber bumper strips as well.

Will the heat gun/monofilament method work without damaging the strips so they may be re-installed after the paint job?

Or is there another method to safely remove them?


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I did everything I knew how to do to try to break through that yamma-glue on mine. That stuff's like cast iron. I didn't have a heat gun, but rather attempted to use a hair dryer. No luck. My rubber strip had fallen off and I bought a new one. I was trying to remove the residual yamma-glue. I couldn't even get a corner of it to peel up away from the sidecase. Considering it had such a tenacious grip, I'm wondering how my original rubber strip fell off and got lost in the first place. Oh well. Good luck and keep us posted. I glued my new strip straight onto the old left-over glue with contact cement. Worked great.


darksider #44

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Yep-check yer bumper strips..mine were hanging by a thread-apparently Yammie glue doesn't stick to rubber all that great..

I've taken a lot of them off. They peel off quite readily from the Yammy-rubber glue. Getting the glue off the lid is very difficult. I use a narrow sharp wood chisel and slice it off. Heat may work, but may cause more headaches for your painter. I use black RTV silcone rubber to reattach them. I would not recommend anything like contact cement that has a solvent in it - you are apt to ruin the new paint job if you miss your mark...

BTW, how much is your local painter charging?

Ive heard of others that have lost theirs too. Maybe we should all give them a wiggle just to make sure they're on there good.

Thanks garauld

I'll peel 'em off and use RTV to stick 'em on again.

The painter said he can remove the glue for me.

Edit: Once I'd peeled the things off, I decided to remove that yammy-rubber glue myself using a wood chisel as per garauld's tip. Time consuming job, which would likely have increased the painter's fee

He's charging @ $350.00 CAN to do the two bags, the two upper fairing sides, and the LH mirror. If the match-up isn't close enough, I may just get the whole thing painted. Maybe red...

I've taken a lot of them off. They peel off quite readily from the Yammy-rubber glue. Getting the glue off the lid is very difficult. I use a narrow sharp wood chisel and slice it off. Heat may work, but may cause more headaches for your painter. I use black RTV silcone rubber to reattach them. I would not recommend anything like contact cement that has a solvent in it - you are apt to ruin the new paint job if you miss your mark...
BTW, how much is your local painter charging?
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