Bag liners

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I use mine all the time. Especially If I go anywhere with cloths. It's a nice way to keep the clean stuff away from the non clean stuff.

Heck, I've had cloths in the bags and tools in the case oustside the bag. Works well.

Get em. If you end up taking the feej say to the smokies, you'll use them plenty.

Buy 'em, you like 'em. In the worst downpours the hard bags can leak a bit. Nice to have dry jammies when you pull in at night, and a plastic garbage bag is sooo tacky.

I use one of my OEM bags to carry stuff back and forth to work. It is falling apart by the way.

I'd buy a small duffle bag or the like from Land's End or LL Bean's before I'd spend that kind of money on Yami bags. My humble opinion they are wildly overpriced for what you get. We have one of those LL or LE bags that fits perfectly in our Givi V46. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Bag liners as a few others have said are great to have. i use mine all the time..

To date, my favorite way for putting them to use, was when i went to the store and put two 6-packs o'brew in each bag.

i got a few approving grins from the others in line, i was tickled too.


Everytime I go somewhere on my bike that requires carrying stuff, I use my bags. Also, while on a tour you can grab them out of the hardbag & go into your hotel. If you plan to tour, invest in a set.

PS, I've ridden pretty fast through some absolute torrential rain & have "never" had my saddlebags leak. I suppose if you actually dipped the bags into water, they'd leak... but never had a problem with them on the bike.

If you look on Fleabay beware of the knockoffs. I am pretty sure that OEM bags will say "Yamaha" in large letters & "Performance Touring" in small letters. Aviod the ones that have FJR1300 written in large lettering across the side. I've heard that quality really lacks with these bags.

The original owner of my used 05 "could not find" the liners. So I bought knock-offs off Fleebay. The OEM liners that came with my new 07 are actually a bit harder to use and have had quality issues. The knock-offs have been flawless.

The Yami liner bags are a bit stiffer material and can be a little bit harder to fit. But I love them both so much that I use them constantly for anything longer than a day ride.

I've actually used them as overnight luggage when traveling via the cager, because I am so accustomed to packing in that bag.

Yamaha replaced my defective OEM liner bag when it developed a tear across the seam. The dealer didn't want to do the swap, but I argued that it was included with the bike and therefore was a replacement part covered under warranty. Yamaha finally agreed, but not without some pushback.

PS, I've ridden pretty fast through some absolute torrential rain & have "never" had my saddlebags leak. I suppose if you actually dipped the bags into water, they'd leak... but never had a problem with them on the bike.
If you look on Fleabay beware of the knockoffs. I am pretty sure that OEM bags will say "Yamaha" in large letters & "Performance Touring" in small letters. Aviod the ones that have FJR1300 written in large lettering across the side. I've heard that quality really lacks with these bags.

I too have been caught in an absolute downpour, y'know..........rain pooling on the hwy, can't see 20 feet in front of you type stuff. My bags (saddlebags) have never leaked.

I bought the ones (with the large FJR1300 lettering across the side) from fleabay and they have been great so far, I use 'em all the time. We will see if they last far so good.

I bought the ones (with the large FJR1300 lettering across the side) from fleabay and they have been great so far, I use 'em all the time. We will see if they last far so good.
Just reporting what I've heard.

I bought the ones (with the large FJR1300 lettering across the side) from fleabay and they have been great so far, I use 'em all the time. We will see if they last far so good.
Just reporting what I've heard.
I didn't mean for my comment to come across in a bad way.............sorry. :blush:

I like mine OK, except when I'm trying to pack the max. You can very easily load up the soft bags so much they won't fit inside the hard bags.

But they do keep stuff dry in the rain. The hard bags alone DO NOT.

I like the Bag liners but only use them for the big trips. I think the hard bags only leak when they are overstuffed and are not sealed all the way. Otherwise, never had a problem with leaking. They dont even leak when I wash the bike and spray them with the hose.

FWIW-Never had a leak with the bags on either the 05 or 07. Been in pretty hard rain with both. Generally don't use the bag liners but do on ocassion. Kind of like a tool that you don't use often. When you need or want it-it is nice to have on hand.

I use mine whenever I go on long trips. Very handy just to be able to pop open the side cases and carry your gear into the hotel room packed in those bags.

My bro-in-law and I usually do a long trip once a year. Last time we went I had to chuckle when we reached our destination and out of the side cases of his beautiful brand-new K1200GT came...

...trash bags. :lol:

Seems BMW has the liners as a pricy option.

I didn't mean for my comment to come across in a bad way.............sorry. :blush:
Not taken in a bad way, Matt. Thanks for the concern, though.


Oh, and to keep this on topic... do yourself a favor & get some bag liners.

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I use one of my OEM bags to carry stuff back and forth to work. It is falling apart by the way.
I'd buy a small duffle bag or the like from Land's End or LL Bean's before I'd spend that kind of money on Yami bags. My humble opinion they are wildly overpriced for what you get. We have one of those LL or LE bags that fits perfectly in our Givi V46. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Which one? (I have a V46 also)

I like the Bag liners but only use them for the big trips. I think the hard bags only leak when they are overstuffed and are not sealed all the way. Otherwise, never had a problem with leaking. They dont even leak when I wash the bike and spray them with the hose.
I use mine for trips too. Have not had a leakage problem. In a pinch, I can carry both bags over a shoulder, my V46 (I need a liner for that!), helmet, jacket, gps, etc. all in one trip to the hotel room. Especially useful if it's a long hallway.

Aside from trips, the biggest reason to use the liners is to keep your crap from falling out when you open up the bags. IMO, this is the best of both worlds between a top-opening saddlebag and a side-opening saddlebag. If I need something quick, I can set the bag in the open sadddlebag, and get what I need. my only complaint is that it takes a little patient tucking to get the liner back in so the bag will close, especially with the shoulder straps attached.

I find them very handy for commuting. I always ride ATGATT so I keep a pair of street shoes, slacks, and shirt in one and a laptop in the other.

I think the hard bags only leak when they are overstuffed and are not sealed all the way.
If the saddlebags are closed properly they're gonna' be really close to the same amount of closure on an empty saddlebag. If it isn't closing all of the way, then the liner is in wrong & I'd think that you stand a chance of losing all contents to the road.
