Bag problem

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Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Az usa
I just purchased a right side bag from fleebay and when I received it , the handle that allows the bag to open was broken. Seller will take it back with full refund but if it can be repaired Iwant to keep it. I have the parts to fix it just not the skill to do the work . Any suggestions

^ ^ ^ :lol:

If you've got that problem, here's what I recommend, SR.

Actually damn useful for a common warm weather rider issue. Well, male riders.

To the OP, I'd try to fix it. If that doesn't do the job, undo your fix, put it back in "as received" condition, and return it.

SwollenRaccoon posted: Whew! Sorry, when I saw the title to the original posting, I thought it was a medical/anatomical issue. Glad it's not..........
I thought he was talking about his girlfriend.

I just purchased a right side bag from fleebay and when I received it , the handle that allows the bag to open was broken. Seller will take it back with full refund but if it can be repaired Iwant to keep it. I have the parts to fix it just not the skill to do the work . Any suggestions
I don't remember but that handle assembly probably pop rivets into the main case.

Can you snap some pic's and post them?

Shouldn't be difficult to do... You need to change out the key cylinder as well..

If you have an entire lock/lever / handle assembly, I'd probably just change the entire assembly out.
