Bagging the bags

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user 3386

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2006
Reaction score
My '06 FJR looks so damn sexy without the saddlebags...


... (okay, maybe the Corbin Smuggler helps the looks a bit), that I'm gonna store the bags in my garage until I need them. Dust and dirt is a problem, though, so I came up with a cheap solution: common 'tall kitchen' 13-gallon garbage bags (Glad, etc.) fit the FJR saddlebags (1 bag per bag) perfectly. Cinch them up like so...


...and put 'em near the bike(s) in the garage, for when ya truly need to alter that sexy look by carrying around more stuff like extra gloves, rainsuit, change of clothes, etc. Here's the result:


In case you can't read the vanity plate on the FJR, it's "M. PYTHN," as in Monty Python, my comedic heroes from my home country England.


Goes well with the plates on my Gold Wing: "R U A GOA?"... figure it out? A famous Python sketch has a proper gentlemen accosted in a pub by a questionable character who demands to know: "Your wife, gov'ner, is she a goer? Does she like to...go? Know what I mean? Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge." It may take them a few seconds, but when I see folks in the car behind me start to chuckle, I know my work here has been done. ;)

Lee....better make sure nobody else in your house puts out the garbage :derisive: know what I mean? know what I mean?....say no more....say no more!.... :lol: ....

Love the dart board and Guinness banner. You're not homesick, are you?

By the way, I'd be careful wrapping you side cases in non-breathing materials. Moisture can be present and create all sorts of problems for you - mold being one. Like Carp, you get lots of fog, er, marine layer and that shit is just nasty. Too, that plastic can react with the paint and eff it up for you or at least cause it to oxidize at a different rate than your exposed paint on the bike. I simply cover mine with an bath towel so at least the dust stays off, but it can still breathe.

Just a though...

Aside from making me ROTFLMAO :yahoo: with the "shoe size" and "say no more!" bits, I feel I must now come clean and let you know what those white bags...


...actually contain. You see, my real name is Phlarnuk and I hail from the planet Xacton :evilsmiley: from where we have recently begun to plant our "FJR pods" in Earthling garages. After a 9-month gestation period, these little white pods (appearing like kitchen trash bags stuffed with FJR saddlebags) will hatch and multiply and grow into full-size FJRs, allowing all citizens to experience the fun of commuting to one's work cubicle with the wind in one's face, getting 45 mpg, and avoid receiving those annoying "I hate you" stares while getting 11 mpg in one's Hummer.

*shrugs* I'm not sure I understand so many peoples' desire to be-bag the FJR. The bags are a primary contributor to the reasons I bought the bike. I needed something with luggage designed in to the bike - as well as all the other great features of the bike. There are better choices out there for just a sport bike if that's what you wanted.

My '06 FJR looks so damn sexy without the saddlebags...

Ya you're right there but then it becomes a heavy sport bike, no? <_<

In case you can't read the vanity plate on the FJR, it's "M. PYTHN," as in Monty Python,

I would have guessed "My Plaything"

I can't get anything right. :blink:
+1 on Chornbe, personally if I wanted to ride around with bags all of the time I would have got the FZ1 for a whole lot less and bought some soft luggage. But to each their own.

But, the point of the FJR is that you get a sport bike, heavy though it may be, and a touring bike. Leave the bags on when you need to carry stuff, put them in the garage to lighten the bike up some when you want to ride more aggressively. Works for me.

Welp, I have taken my bags off, and then put them back on, then taken them off again. Everytime I have them off I shake my head when I go to clean my visor (on my full face helmet) and I dont have my rags and "Honda Cleaner"

I cannot feel the difference with or without the bags as far as how the bike performes. Mebbe I am a beginner and thus insensitive to the nuances, or I am so skilled I compensate without thinking........... Hey, can anyone tell me what that button does below the one thingy on the right side?? :yahoo:

I would have guessed "My Plaything" I can't get anything right. :blink:
I would have guessed "My Python" figuring you were trying to compensate for something :lol:

But, Then I realized you don't Have "loud pipes" :rolleyes:

Mikey you beat me to the "say no more"

Why don't you change the wing to "wfrthin" Waffer Thin.

I know you'll get that one.

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Got to get one of those Kayak's (hanging from the ceiling). Sorry for snoopin' around your garage there. :D

Didn't your side bags come with fabric bags for storing? They are a tight fit but may be a little better on TWN's observation on preservation.

Yeah, it looks good without the bags. I only use them for trips that require it (week+). Of course, haven't done that in a while.... but will get back to it soon.

But it does suck if you drop it w/o the bags. Did that recently. I think the exhaust is a bit bent in on the right. Fairings are hurting....oh well, it happened, fortunately at 0 mph (grabbed the front on a u-turn on an incline with a passenger: stupid, i know).

Tougher to get through traffic with the bags on as well. at high speed on the highway no probs, cars keep their space between them. its the city that sucks ass.

Anyway, glad you like the new found look..... but me, i always ride with the top box. :p

I rode my bike for two years without the bags and carried what I needed in a rucksack on my back. In the hot weather my back was getting so sweaty from the weight of the rucksack pressing on it that I put the bags on to put my rucksack into. Now it 's an increase in comfort on my daily commute not to have a bag on my back plus I can store my helmet safely when I leave the bike parked in town to go shopping.

The only drawback I can see is that the bags tend to scuff up when my boot just clips them when swinging my leg over the saddle.

The only drawback I can see is that the bags tend to scuff up when my boot just clips them when swinging my leg over the saddle.
You learn to get on a bit different when you own a FJR. Its like getting on when your passenger is already sitting in the back seat. Standing on left facing the bike bend your right leg up until your knee is as close to your chin as possible. Now extend your lower leg out as straight as possible over the bike and lean forward stepping over the bike. :D

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Riding without bags, want a sexier look? Shave the undertail. Go up even with the license plate.
Great idea. Then you can have an overweight sportbike that gets shit all over you in the rain. But, we're not done yet. Next, put on some smaller mirrors-- maybe bar end mirrors made from dental mirrors-- tape eveything up and only use the bike for track days... isn't that why we bought the thing in the first place???

I rode my bike for two years without the bags and carried what I needed in a rucksack on my back. In the hot weather my back was getting so sweaty from the weight of the rucksack pressing on it that I put the bags on to put my rucksack into. Now it 's an increase in comfort on my daily commute not to have a bag on my back plus I can store my helmet safely when I leave the bike parked in town to go shopping.
The only drawback I can see is that the bags tend to scuff up when my boot just clips them when swinging my leg over the saddle.
+1 on that. I have scuffed mine as well. Not too bad, but now I make an effort not to scuff them.


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