To date I have not noticed any degree of vibration in the bars. When the bike was new I added Vibranators. I had them on my 07 as well and found them very effective. As for TBS, it was done on 600 mile service and again on the 16K service. Perhaps it is my imagination but I think the bike is more responsive after the 16K service.
Our 2014;s must be very different from each other. The vibration in the handlebars (really, that's the only place I feel them) at ~4k rpm is one of the
attributes that I like least about my 2014. My old 2005 had similar vibes until I did the RDCUATBS, and then it was much better than what the 14 is now. But the 14 ain't got no adjustments for a UA TBS.
As stated, I installed the Vibranators when the bike was new. If there was handle bar buzz prior to that I do not know. I also added Grip Buddies at the same time. Are you suggesting you have other vibration areas at -4k?