Banff and Jasper July 2nd to July 9th.

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Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I am a bit behind on the routing part, but will work on posting them for your editing suggestions.

I booked 2 nights in Radium to use as a base to go into and out of Banff over 2 days. Would that be unnecessary?

Similarly 2 nights in Hinton to go into and out of Jasper area over 2 days.

I love that little shot from Radium on 93 to 1. The last time I rode it I was following Hudson, we should still be in jail!

Thank you for all the suggestions!

Here are my tentative dates/places, already have places booked here, but please share any comments on these places to stay and/or recommendations?

July 3rd Nelson
July 4th Radium HS
July 5th Radium HS
July 6th Hinton
July 7th Hinton
July 8th Fernie

I will start drafting routes (thanks for those suggestions as well), and start posting snapshots for critiques and improvements also soon!
Be interesting to see how you connect the dots, looks kind of convoluted. I would not spend two nights anywhere on this trip. Personal travel habits up there are up at 0600 on the road at 0630, breakfast about 0800, destination around 16-1700hrs and then wander the area, light until late that far north. anything you chose you cannot lose. Rain gear and a good radar detector. Park rangers run radar. I would avoid the town of Banf like the plague, really congested tourist trap.

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It's a long way from Radium to the town of Banff - 1.5 to 2 hours ride, depending on whether you stop or take the scenic route. I guess you could make a day trip of it and return but you would ride the same route again on the way to Hinton. The most scenic parts of Banff NP are along the Bow River Valley and on the Icefields parkway toward Jasper. The road to Radium is OK but not amazing - the passes at either end are the best part.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I am a bit behind on the routing part, but will work on posting them for your editing suggestions.
I booked 2 nights in Radium to use as a base to go into and out of Banff over 2 days. Would that be unnecessary?

Similarly 2 nights in Hinton to go into and out of Jasper area over 2 days.
Jasper will not be as crazy busy as Banff. Expensive but not as busy.

From Creston, I'd recommend taking the 3A to Kootenay Bay (best ride in BC), then cross Kootenay Lake on the ferry, take Hwy 31 to Kaslo, 31A to New Denver, 6 to Nakusp, then to Penticton, 97 to Kamloops, 5 to Valemount, 16 to Jasper, 93 to Lake Louise, 1A to Banff, 1A to 40, 40 south through Kananaskis, 22 south to Crowsnest Pass, then 3 back to Creston.
I used to live in the area and I concur with the above. Only other advice is WATCH FOR LARGE MAMMALS. Seriously. Elk and Bighorn Sheep are everywhere in the general area and are known for standing in the middle of the around just around the next curve...

Go ahead - ask me how I know.... :(

And they also travel in packs. Not unusual to see a dozen or more just......standing there....

Here is the first "fun" leg. First day would be slabbing into Boise, ID.

Fun Day 1: The squiggly lines look fun on the map, but I think this route will be hot as hell in July, any locals care to chime in?
That's a good route--you'll know you've been on a ride after that. It may be hot in July, but that is no guarantee. We get cold spells in early July some years. You'll love the stretch from New Meadows to Grangeville--the Salmon River Canyon is awesome and the road is fun. Be prepared for a slog through traffic all the way from Couer d'alene to Sandpoint but there's no avoiding that. Bonner's Ferry is a great little town. Remember your passport! From Bonner's Ferry the next morning you'll ride up the road with little to no traffic and go right through at Porthill easy peasy, usually max 2-3 cars there.

Just south of the Canadian border is the famous Going-to-the-Sun Highway. Never been there myself but really want to because everyone recommends it.

Living less than 100 miles from Jasper Town, we avoid the parks during July and August. If I do need to route that way I like to get through very early in the am, especially on the Banff - Jasper highway.

The views are absolutely spectacular on highway 93 but I don't consider Banff and Jasper good motorcycling roads. Jasper is about enjoying the outdoors - hiking, kayaking, camping - some of the best in the world. But, restaurants in Jasper are average at best. There are a few attractions, snow coach on the Columbia Glacier and a glass walkway over the valley at same. There's the Jasper Skytram up Whistlers and Miette Hot Springs, which are all pretty good. However, if you are just riding, imho, I'm not sure why you would spend 2 nights in Hinton. If you would like to do some hiking and climbing, there are so many options, you could spend weeks.

I have not spent a lot of time around the Banff area as it usually is just to dang busy.

From Radium I would go to route through to Jasper and then head west and stay at Valemount, all in one day, then make my way back to Kamloops, Revelestoke, Nakusp and Nelson. If you have not been in these areas, you should, as I highly recommend it as I think these are some of the most enjoyable motorcycling roads I have been on.

Another good option would be Radium to Hinton in one day. Then head up highway 40 to Grande Cache, then to Grand Prairie, Chetwynn and then overnight in Mackenzie, BC. Then head back south through Prince George and then to Valemount. Decent scenery more about putting on miles than looking.

All of this, of course, is just my opinion and Jasper and Banff should be seen by all, cause it really is spectacular.

Here are some routes. Not set in stone, so you have tweaks, suggestions - please let me know. There is a lot of good advice in this thread, and I tried to strike a balance between my great love of photography and scenery, and my love of riding. Neither of which I have been doing much of lately, and thus this trip. If I happen to be riding past your vicinity, please feel free to reach out.

Boise to Coeur d' Alene:

Coeur d' Alene to Penticton:

Penticton to Nelson:

Nelson to Golden (maybe Lake Louise, if not early the next day):

Golden to Hinton (sightseeing day): May not go into Banff, and hopefully avoid traffic/crowds ****-show. Spend time on the icefield pkwy.

Hinton to Merritt:

Merritt to Yakima, WA: (Back in the states).

Yakima to Weed, CA: (Back in my backyard).

Thanks for all the help guys! Much appreciated! :)

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That's a nice loop. You've picked up most of the best riding in BC. Watch out for the Provincial Revenue Collectors, particularly between Kaslo and New Denver. In BC you can lose your vehicle for 40km/h (25mph) over the speed limit and the speed limit is set low in there specifically to catch motorcycles and sports cars.

Mount Revelstoke is a **** show mid day to late afternoon, kinda like Pike's Peak in the summer. It's best first thing in the morning. I'd be prepared to drop that ride if you are running late.

One suggestion here: - take the lakeshore road to Coeur D'Alene. I haven't ridden it in a few years but it was very scenic last time I rode it. Maybe one of the locals can chime in on it.

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Pretty nice routes, lots of little side attractions along the parkway (Sunwapita falls). When coming down from Kamloops to Merrit I would take 5a, scenic, relatively little traffic and a great bike road.

That's a nice loop. You've picked up most of the best riding in BC. Watch out for the Provincial Revenue Collectors, particularly between Kaslo and New Denver. In BC you can lose your vehicle for 40km/h (25mph) over the speed limit and the speed limit is set low in there specifically to catch motorcycles and sports cars
A few years back it got a new coat of asphalt and was in cherry condition. On a cross county trip, I ran it back and forth twice at waaay over the posted limit with a huge smile. Fortunately no revenue collectors enrounte.
Pretty nice routes, lots of little side attractions along the parkway (Sunwapita falls). When coming down from Kamloops to Merrit I would take 5a, scenic, relatively little traffic and a great bike road.
5A is very nice
When coming down from Kamloops to Merrit I would take 5a, scenic, relatively little traffic and a great bike road.
I'd HIGHLY recommend 5A. Great road with sweeping curves, very little traffic. Avoid the Coquilhala. Boring as hell. If you have the time, the road either way from Whistler -> Lillooet -> Spences Bridge -> Merrit is a great ride. Check out my ride report here.

What Shawn (and others) said. 5a is the best.

However, my absolute favourite, for more reasons than just the joy of riding, is Cache Creek to Lillooet to Whistler to Squamish. The draw back is you got to get through Vancouver, which can be nasty. But, even that, if you hit it really early can actually be a pleasurable ride.

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