Banff and Jasper July 2nd to July 9th.

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Whistler sounds tempting, but I will have to return for that in the coming years. Perhaps if the PNW community would tolerate me for a few days and ride up with me together from the Seattle area?

I would love to fit in Whistler, but going through Vancouver is not something I am looking to on this trip, besides I want to get to Mt. Shasta at the tail of the trip and enjoy a couple of days looking at my favorite mountain. :)

If you can fit it in, this route is highly recommended.
That route is included, my first day in Canada!! :D

Whistler sounds tempting, but I will have to return for that in the coming years. Perhaps if the PNW community would tolerate me for a few days and ride up with me together from the Seattle area? I would love to fit in Whistler, but going through Vancouver is not something I am looking to on this trip, besides I want to get to Mt. Shasta at the tail of the trip and enjoy a couple of days looking at my favorite mountain.

If you can fit it in, this route is highly recommended.
That route is included, my first day in Canada!!
vancouver to be avoided.

Cache Creek to Lillooet to Whistler to Squamish. The draw back is you got to get through Vancouver, which can be nasty. But, even that, if you hit it really early can actually be a pleasurable ride.
Agreed and Vancouver isn't *too* bad depending on the time of day. And the Whistler trip makes the ride through Vancouver worth it. :)

Hi Sam: Sorry to be so late getting to your party but we've been planning a six week bucket list getaway of our own that starts tomorrow (lots of detail on the Riders forum if you're interested).

I would modify your CDA to Penticton day, to cut north on Highway 33 at Rock Creek (about 30 miles east of Osoyoos) and then rejoin Highway 97 just on the north edge of Kelowna - unless you had a specific reason for choosing Penticton as a stop. Advantages:

- 33 is comparatively lightly travelled, much more fun and scenic m/c road than Highway 97

- You bypass all of the south Okanagan communities and their early July traffic clusters (Osoyoos, Penticton, Kelowna etc.)

- Instead of a generic motel you can plan to stay with us that evening at our place in Oyama (25 minutes further north on 97, after you rejoin it in Kelowna.

We have a home that we built to welcome family and friends on one of the most beautiful lakes you have ever seen. The water will be coolish unless we have a very hot June (like 2016) but the swimming is fine.

Sylvia and I might just ride down to meet you in Rock Creek and/or ride with you as far as Nakusp the next day - if you want the company.

Lemme know!

Instead of a generic motel you can plan to stay with us that evening at our place in Oyama (25 minutes further north on 97, after you rejoin it in Kelowna.
See? This is why I love the motorcycling community in general and the FJR one in particular. Offers and kindnesses like this.

- Instead of a generic motel you can plan to stay with us that evening at our place in Oyama (25 minutes further north on 97, after you rejoin it in Kelowna.

We have a home that we built to welcome family and friends on one of the most beautiful lakes you have ever seen. The water will be coolish unless we have a very hot June (like 2016) but the swimming is fine.

Sylvia and I might just ride down to meet you in Rock Creek and/or ride with you as far as Nakusp the next day - if you want the company.

Lemme know!

Wow! Thank you! Some of the best people I have met and gotten to know are from the FJR Forum. Come to think of it, I haven't met anyone from the FJR Forum, whom I don't consider to be really good people.

There is nothing in Penticton that draws me there, except it seemed a decent place to stop after riding all day.

I will certainly take you up on your offer of hospitality. I am looking forward to meeting you and Sylvia, and I would love your company for as long and as much as you choose to join in on the ride. Thank you so much! :D


We've been part of FJR forums and get togethers since we got our first FJR in 2004. Believe me when I tell you that we have received much more in kindnesses, new friends and amazing experiences than we have ever contributed! We are most happy to pay a little bit forward and we also look forward to meeting and riding with you Sam. If you have any questions shoot me an email at ddykesatwesternsuretydotca. I will send you full location info and directions in case we don't meet on the road first!

I've read this thread twice. Lots of great suggestions for routes. Thanks.

However, I would appreciate any suggestions about places to stop/see on route; so we can stop and get the blood flowing in nice spots instead of a random pullout on the side of the highway. Do a bit of sight-seeing and enjoy the area off the bike.

FYI, our route:

July 23, Edmonton - Brazeau - Rocky Mountain House - Golden

July24, Golden - Revelstoke - Nakusp - Kaslo via 31A - Kootenay Bay

July25, Kootenay Bay - Cranbrook - Radium Hot Springs

July26, Radium - Castle Junction - Lake Louise via 1A - Jasper

July27 Jasper - Edmonton (boring hwy 16



Several things came about which resulted in an abbreviated tour of BC. I never quite made it to Eastern BC, and didn't have the honor of meeting Dave and Sylvia either. There will be another time (perhaps next year), if they will still have me. :)

This year, due to the BC fires, I played mostly in upper WA and Western BC, with George, Doug, and Rob from the forum. The ride report will come at some point...

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Some of my favorites are:

Lake O'Hara, about 12 miles west of Hwy 1/93 junction, just north of Lake Louise. About 5 miles south off Hwy 1. My all time favorite place, google it.

Takakkaw Falls which is a few miles further west before Field. North of Hwy 1 a few miles.

Moraine and Maligne Lakes, east of Jasper off Hwy 16. Beautiful.

My. Robson, Berg Lake and Emporer Falls, north side of Hwy 16, a few miles west of Alberta/ BC border

Just several of dozens of amazing places that get you off the bike and into the beauty of the Rockies. I could spend a month in the Rockies and Kootenays and visit so many terrific places. I spent many years, skiing, hiking and riding these areas and really miss the area.
