Banned From Ezboard

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I really think before this thing gets derailed for ever one should reiterate that the site has not been apart of this recent banning issue, it is the EZboard forum. The title of this discussion is misleading and I would suggest the moderators make an effort to clarify it.

I really think before this thing gets derailed for ever one should reiterate that the site has not been apart of this recent banning issue, it is the EZboard forum. The title of this discussion is misleading and I would suggest the moderators make an effort to clarify it.
Good point.... thread title has been clarified.

MORTICIAN: Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead! [clang] Bring out your dead!

CUSTOMER: Here's one -- nine pence.

DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead!


CUSTOMER: Nothing -- here's your nine pence.

DEAD PERSON: I'm not dead!

MORTICIAN: Here -- he says he's not dead!

CUSTOMER: Yes, he is.


MORTICIAN: He isn't.

CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.

DEAD PERSON: I'm getting better!

CUSTOMER: No, you're not -- you'll be stone dead in a moment.

MORTICIAN: Oh, I can't take him like that -- it's against regulations.

DEAD PERSON: I don't want to go in the cart!

CUSTOMER: Oh, don't be such a baby.

MORTICIAN: I can't take him...

DEAD PERSON: I feel fine!

CUSTOMER: Oh, do us a favor...


CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won't be long.

MORTICIAN: Naaah, I got to go on to Robinson's -- they've lost nine today.

CUSTOMER: Well, when is your next round?

MORTICIAN: Thursday.

DEAD PERSON: I think I'll go for a walk.

CUSTOMER: You're not fooling anyone y'know. Look, isn't there something you can do?

DEAD PERSON: I feel happy... I feel happy. [whop]

CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much.

MORTICIAN: Not at all. See you on Thursday.

You can't expect to wield supreem executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you.

Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis

for a system of government

btw: It has been proven that one of the key differences between Men and Women is that Men think it's hillarious to keep quoting "Holy Grail" lines to each other, Women think it's, well, stupid.

You got that right........ haven't met one yet (who was not stoned) who thought it was funny.

I, on the other hand, could read the quotes for hours and never get bored..... let alone watch the movie!

Tim the Shrubber

Not to get TOO techie, but the IP address that you see when you run the WINIPCFG or IPCONFIG /All may NOT be the IP address that gets banned over at EZboard. The IP address you see when running either of these is the IP address of the computer you're actually sitting at. However, the IP address that is displayed during a Shields Up test is your company's OUTSIDE IP address. This is the IP address that is actually blocked and is your company's router address. The address that you're seeing on your local computer is an internal address that is not visible by anyone "outside" of your network.

This may not apply to your situation...but I'm sure it does for most.

The IP address you see when running either of these is the IP address of the computer you're actually sitting at.
Just to be pedantic, it's the IP of the interface, not the computer. Computers (devices) don't have network addresses (L3 or otherwise), interfaces do.

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Woodstock, you are quite correct! In my haste to translate Network Address Translation into a 6 sentence post I seem to have made a few errors.



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