Banned from other sites

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Junction, CO
Has anyone else here been banned from other forums?

Reasons why?

I was, for speaking my mind, about BMW's, and the poor quality of their new bikes, And renaming the all the BMW cruisers as Leper-Cs.

Pissed off a few owners.


Has anyone else here been banned from other forums?Reasons why?

I was, for speaking my mind, about BMW's, and the poor quality of their new bikes, And renaming the all the BMW cruisers as Leper-Cs.

Pissed off a few owners.

The short answer is yes. We rarely ban here, but you may get "dog-piled". Hell, you can be banned from one site just by mentioning this one. Welcome to our nut house.
Has anyone else here been banned from other forums?
Are you kidding me?

Many of us around here have been banned from the *other* fjr website. It's a really long, convaluted story. Look for some of this forum's original threads and you should be able to find the soap opera.

You should fit in just fine here.

Leper-C. I like it.

Of course it was a BMW site. Why?

I was told Leprosy was not something I should make light of.

Speaking of Leprosy

A Leper goes into a bar and orders a drink.

The bartender hands him a drink with a very disgusted look on his face.

The Leper asked is it my appearance?

No, the bartender says it's the drunk next to you dipping his bread in your back.


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Of course it was a BMW site. Why?I was told Leprosy was not something I should make light of.

Speaking of Leprosy

A Leper goes into a bar and orders a drink.

The bartender hands him a drink with a very disgusted look on his face.

The Leper asked is it my appearance?

No, the bartender says it's the drunk next to you dipping his bread in your back.

Why'd they have to restart the leper's hockey game?

Face off in neutral zone.

BTW - ALL Blue Roomers are lemmings...
If I had to classify all of us, it would be more like rats, who jumped from a sinking ship and got rescued.

BTW, I've been moving all old bashing threads (EZBored, Hardley, FJR heat, leprosy, etc...) into Never Ending Pointless Recurring Threads and would recommend this one go there as well.

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Beemer owners are very loyal. I have been to BMW rallys and have met riders in the million mile club. If you really want to tick them off just compare with them how much you spend on maintainence to what they spend. And to make matters worse BMW recommends that all of their bike run on premium fuel.

BTW, I've been moving all old bashing threads (EZBored, Hardley, FJR heat, leprosy, etc...) into Never Ending Pointless Recurring Threads and would recommend this one go there as well.
Thought about it. But people get posting credit in that thread....they don't in this one. I'm hoping people will give up on this thread because we've all learned forum bashing is pretty pointless and it will die of its own accord.

Pointless Yup, even getting more pointless.

I wonder if the local BMW club I still belong to, would mind that I put Leper in big Red letters on my tank?

I will find out when I go to this Saturday breakfast social.

Damn, I have got to get used to the fact I don't need to hit the throttle as hard as the other bike.

Hit 120 before I exited the on ramp.

The other bike will max out at 106 mph, down hill with a 40 knot tail wind.

Love the power this thing has.


You gotta know that I got banned from the "bob the oil guy" forum almost immediately. I really pissed off the hoard of Amsoil vendors and snake oil salesmen that infest and support that site. Any question from a newbie regarding maintenance is answered with "I would recommend an AutoRx treatment and a switch to Amsoil...." LOL.

You gotta know that I got banned from the "bob the oil guy" forum almost immediately. I really pissed off the hoard of Amsoil vendors and snake oil salesmen that infest and support that site. Any question from a newbie regarding maintenance is answered with "I would recommend an AutoRx treatment and a switch to Amsoil...." LOL.
i've been doing some computer work for an amsoil "dealer" of late. every time i give him a bill he pulls of some "research" and prints it out. first it was for the bike, next it was for the wrx. this after i told him i had 68 quarts of Mobile 1 mtx4 in the garage. at least last time he was honest about wanting to find a way for me to be writing him checks instead of the other way around.

Beemer owners are very loyal. I have been to BMW rallys and have met riders in the million mile club. If you really want to tick them off just compare with them how much you spend on maintainence to what they spend. And to make matters worse BMW recommends that all of their bike run on premium fuel.
The SS was very loyal too.
