Bar end weights to match Skyway sliders?

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I don't have Skyways sliders, but I have seen the pictures of his nice sliders, I would suggest Top Gun bar ends, that's what I have and they would appear to match Skyway's sliders very well.

Wonky wears these: Manic Salamander Bar Ends



I don't have Skyways sliders, but I have seen the pictures of his nice sliders, I would suggest Top Gun bar ends, that's what I have and they would appear to match Skyway's sliders very well.

I do have both the Top Gun bar ends and skyway's sliders on my '05, and I think they look nice together. They are not exactly the same color, the aluminum silver of the sliders is lighter in tone than the stainless bar ends, but they are close enough to still look great together. I'll see if I can post a pic tonight.


How close in color are these to the sliders? I've been contemplating some bling for the handle bars, so thanks for the pics.

BTW, I think you have some Saran Wrap on your gas tank??
They are stainless steel, and so are not an exact match - but very close. The bar ends are available in a polished stainless, which might be a closer match to Skyway's sliders.

And the saran wrap is to protect the paint when I'm tooling south on the 405 while munching on a pastrami .....

Actually, that's a temporary paint guard - I'm waiting for Geelong to product the first tank guard and side panels in carbon fiber. So - once those are available (approx 3 weeks) I'll be able to remove the plastic. Yeah, I know, it looks really 'cheesy'. Yes, pun intended. :D

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Here's what the Top Gun Bar Ends look like.


Here's a shot of Wonkie wearing the 06 sliders:


Pictures can be a little deceiving when it comes to matching pieces together, especially when the materials are different. In order to get as close a match as possible, both pieces would need to be polished together with a little experimentation to see how close thay could be matched. My guess would be the higher the polish, the closer the match. The Top Gun Bar Ends do resemble the shape of my sliders though, or is that vice-versa?

In this picture of my bike, you can see the throttle meister lock. Its not a close up, but I think would give a good impression as to how the Top Gun pieces would look.


Thanks for the pics. Looks like Top Gun is exactly what I was looking for. Any favorite places to purchase these?

Hi-jack!! Whats that tank protector you got there?
Uh-oh, busted!!! :guiltysmiley:

Yeah I just hadda show off the Geelongs CF I just put on, courtesy of kaitsdad* (and of course, some $$$)

*He only had the one set, don't flood him w/PM's...

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I wonder if you can still get the first generation ones. I like them best.

Hi-jack!! Whats that tank protector you got there?
Uh-oh, busted!!! :guiltysmiley:

Yeah I just hadda show off the Geelongs CF I just put on, courtesy of kaitsdad (and of course, some $$$)

Crewof1, how did those go on? Simple enough? Geelong contacted me yesterday indicating that they had an 06 coming in today to do the molds on (Eve at Geelong's indicated he was a fellow forum member, don't know who) so I'm on the list for the second set. Just curious.

Crewof1, how did those go on? Simple enough? Geelong contacted me yesterday indicating that they had an 06 coming in today to do the molds on (Eve at Geelong's indicated he was a fellow forum member, don't know who) so I'm on the list for the second set. Just curious.
kaitsdad, I sent you a PM. I don't want to hijack The Axeman's thread any more. Maybe I should take some decent pics and start a thread of my own.....hmmm.....maybe

Crewof1, how did those go on? Simple enough? Geelong contacted me yesterday indicating that they had an 06 coming in today to do the molds on (Eve at Geelong's indicated he was a fellow forum member, don't know who) so I'm on the list for the second set. Just curious.
kaitsdad, I sent you a PM. I don't want to hijack The Axeman's thread any more. Maybe I should take some decent pics and start a thread of my own.....hmmm.....maybe
Crewof1, got your PM. Thank You.

My apologies to Axeman for the hijack.
