Battery Removal and Replacement

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2011
Reaction score
Waco, TX
I've searched, googled and still can seem to find out if this is just a straight forward removal or does the right corner panel have to be removed to obtain enough room to remove it. Probably just overlooked the thread but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

ok serious answer, after I get done laughing from all the other answers, haha. To get the battery out, you will have to take out both small inner panels. The one directly over it and the one touching that that goes back to the tank(on my gen1 anyway). They should all be 4mm allen head screws if my memories right. Then just carefully wiggle them out without scratching too much and the battery's right underneath. Undo the posts and one bolt and strap holding it in place and it should come right out the top. It's fun undoing the battery and lifting the bike off, but this way saves a little time;)

Thanks for the replies. I was all ready to lift the bike off the battery. I have been working out a bit here lately.
