Active member
Looks like he made it with nearly an hour to spare. Great ride Tony.
Congratulations Tony!Thanks to all!I had a 4 into 1 lane merge east of Nashville that I was beginning to think would be the end of my ride.
I came home from work on Friday and could not sleep. By the time I hit Georgia, I was fatigued and back pains were taking their toll. Pretty good weather (overcast and raining)
Ride started at 7:15 pm and ended in a tad bit under 23 hours. I will write more about my thoughts when I get home, but the feelings now... well, the thrill is gone. Need some time to consider, but my desire to flower sniff and enjoy the ride are getting stronger.
I plan on doing some riding around Iowa while here. Think I will not do a BBG on the return ride to Florida.
I decide later- I use the BBG for motivation to get home quickly.
Craig? Pie time!