bear ate my zumo

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Dec 24, 2008
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trailered up from milton, robbinsville n.c. rode from there to elizabethton tn.(watauga dam)for a tent camp night.we set up camp and rode to town for dinner.when we got back to camp the ranger showed up with a gallon of bleach and put a ring around the tent.he said bears would,nt cross .about 2am a bear tore up everything on the picknic table and ran off with my tank bag.(wallet keys meds water)o yea my zumo. after a short walk i found my helmet then what was left of my tank bag wallet and keys were zipped in a side pouch.water bottles bit meds bit.then i found my zumo about 10" with a tooth mark in the screen more sleep that night. next morning we had an awsome ride up the parkway to about 100 mile into virgina to camp another night.she would,nt have none of that so it back down the parkway all the way to ashville where we jumped out on 40 back to the ironhorse.530 miles was the total for day 2 and about 220 for day 1 alot or turns in 750 miles thats pretty country .back home and its hot

trailered up from milton, robbinsville n.c. rode from there to elizabethton tn.(watauga dam)for a tent camp night.we set up camp and rode to town for dinner.when we got back to camp the ranger showed up with a gallon of bleach and put a ring around the tent.he said bears would,nt cross .about 2am a bear tore up everything on the picknic table and ran off with my tank bag.(wallet keys meds water)o yea my zumo. after a short walk i found my helmet then what was left of my tank bag wallet and keys were zipped in a side pouch.water bottles bit meds bit.then i found my zumo about 10" with a tooth mark in the screen more sleep that night. next morning we had an awsome ride up the parkway to about 100 mile into virgina to camp another night.she would,nt have none of that so it back down the parkway all the way to ashville where we jumped out on 40 back to the ironhorse.530 miles was the total for day 2 and about 220 for day 1 alot or turns in 750 miles thats pretty country .back home and its hot
Are you sure it wasn't Old Michael trying to get a mirror shot in the screen... He probably got frustrated and hit it with his sissy yellow helmet and dragged it off over to his camp site!

I thought sentences usually started with a capital letter.

Bummer about the Zumo.

Edit - At least you got your key back without having to dig through a pile of bear shit. Look on the bright side.

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Bleach won't even keep a really persistent neighborhood cat outa your garden, ...can't see why/how it would stop a determined bear!

Admit it -- you just wanted the new 650 and needed an excuse.

Personally I think I'd poop my pants and not want to camp the next night if it happened to me. Especially if it was OM rooting around out there!

I think your ranger got bears and bleach confused with garlic and vampires. Sorry to hear about your Zumo. Maybe you had taken it off when you had Cheeto residue on your fingers.

I've got lots of camping and bear experience. Avoiding bears in bear country requires three things.

1. Do not cook and eat at your final sleeping site - separate these two activities by at least two miles.

2. Keep all food, toothpaste, chapstick etc in a bear canister (PVC) and set this outside your camp area when you sleep. (paint the canister a bright color so you can find it if a bear tries to open it (they can't and ones who have tried in the past just leave them alone.)

3. Never sleep in a popular campsite. Bears will return to a campsite that has paid off for them in the past. Rather, set up your sleeping camp at least a mile off the trail. It's called stealth camping.

Or just stay at the Bates Motel.

Bear canister (required in many campsites where bears are a problem (better than bleach)


This is just one of many reasons I would not consider camping out. I lived in tents and slept on the ground enough while in the service (almost 7 yrs) to last me a lifetime. I am partial to clean white sheets on a comfy bed, hot showers and good meals cooked by someone else when I travel. JMO.

Camped in Jasper years ago, and a big bear, was tripping over the tent supports for about 5 minutes, sniffing his way around the tent, in the middle of the night. I could hear my heartbeat, and hoped the bear couldn't. As it was we were fine, but the experience was unforgetable. Two weeks later the same bear went after a guys steak, cooking late at night. the guy ran with the steak in the pan and the bear took a swipe at his ass and removed his right buttocks. Major story back then. Seems once those bears get a liking for human food, they are stuck on it. All I can say is, glad it wasn't me riding through when the bear took a liking to human butt cheeks.

Are you sure it wasn't Old Michael trying to get a mirror shot in the screen... He probably got frustrated and hit it with his sissy yellow helmet and dragged it off over to his camp site!

Sounds like odot looking for a bottle of 'Beam.

"the guy ran with the steak in the pan and the bear took a swipe at his ass and removed his right buttocks."

Some bad decisions are more painful than others, what a dumb phuk! :rolleyes:

I thought sentences usually started with a capital letter.
off to the c, c+, assembly language programmers gulag for you! they'd also teach you that the end of a line line (period, questions mark, etc.) is followed by a space.

but there really should be line breaks and/or other things to break up the visual look to make it easier to follow. that way, even without any character spacing between sentences, it'd be easier to follow.

maybe he could start using headers!


trailered up from milton, robbinsville n.c. rode from there to elizabethton tn.(watauga dam)for a tent camp night.


we set up camp and rode to town for dinner.when we got back to camp the ranger showed up with a gallon of bleach and put a ring around the tent.he said bears would,nt cross .


about 2am a bear tore up everything on the picknic table and ran off with my tank bag.(wallet keys meds water)o yea my zumo. after a short walk i found my helmet then what was left of my tank bag wallet and keys were zipped in a side pouch.water bottles bit meds bit.


then i found my zumo about 10" with a tooth mark in the screen more sleep that night.


next morning we had an awsome ride up the parkway to about 100 mile into virgina to camp another night.she would,nt have none of that so it back down the parkway all the way to ashville where we jumped out on 40 back to the ironhorse.530 miles was the total for day 2 and about 220 for day 1 alot or turns in 750 miles thats pretty country .


back home and its hot

other observations: a .44 mag isn't dependable enough without exacting shot placement. never take a pistol to a rifle job site. many rangers report that the average bear is smarter than your average camper. most bear canisters are also camper proof.

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