I just read where North Dakota is number one in the nation for drinking-age per capita beer consumption - 43.6 gallons annually per person on average. So as I read further I was disappointed we Montanans came in a lame third place at 40.5 gallons. But what had me perplexed was New Hampshire in second place at 42.2 gallons. How could that be? Then I remembered: Fred W!
Montana ranks 4th nationally for breweries per capita, too - 5.9 per 100,000. We have just right around a million folks in this fourth largest state in the Union, and have 44 breweries. Hell, my little town of 35,000 now has four breweries. There are towns with as few as 300 people that have a brewery. The newest "fad" is micro-distilleries, and I believe we are closing in on about 20 of them. Some make some very good spirits; others...meh. A town southeast of here with just 800 people has a distillery.
Bottoms up!
Montana ranks 4th nationally for breweries per capita, too - 5.9 per 100,000. We have just right around a million folks in this fourth largest state in the Union, and have 44 breweries. Hell, my little town of 35,000 now has four breweries. There are towns with as few as 300 people that have a brewery. The newest "fad" is micro-distilleries, and I believe we are closing in on about 20 of them. Some make some very good spirits; others...meh. A town southeast of here with just 800 people has a distillery.
Bottoms up!
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