Beltronics Express 795 Mod?

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Couldn't pass up $59 deal on Bel Express 795 detector at Radio Shack (this model got excellent reviews for a cheapo), but would like to add an audio out jack. Has anyone done this on the Express 795? I tried to open the case to check out the wiring to the internal speaker to tap into for a jack, but I couldn't get it to open up after removing the single screw and the LED display lens. Something was still keeping the two halves of the case from separating and I couldn't see what it was. Had to head out on a trip, didn't have time to fiddle and didn't want to break anything so I gave up for the time being. Will revisit it when I get back to Miami.

I don't have an audio mixer/combiner yet anyway, so for now just relying on seeing the LED's (tones are not loud enough to hear when listening to IPod with ER6's). Only noticed one alert on the way from Miami to Atlanta and that was from one of those roadside displays that tell you your speed so I was expecting it. Detector is suction-cupped to the windshield. Haven't tried it with just regular foam earplugs because I don't want to give up the music but suspect I wouldn't be able to hear the warnings at highway speeds with the foam plugs either.

(Posted also on Sport-Touring Net)

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This came from BC Rider on the Sport-Touring Net:

"I've noticed several of my electronic gizmos cleverly hide additional screws under various stickers - for instance the one with the serial number. I think this is used for both aesthetics as well as to deny warranty coverage - when some of these stickers peel off they leave a "warranty void" tag. You may want to look for some more screws under the stickers."

He was right. There was another screw under the label on the back of the unit.
