Flying at the speed of smell ;))
Another product to try.... I like easy!!!
bookmarked it to try.... :clapping:
============Not really mentioned, but one of the things I like best about Honda Polish is it's an "all surface" product.Works great on paint, plastic, chrome (yikes), glass, windshields, helmet shields, - everything.
And all Honda shops carry it now (where a disguise going into a Honda or HD shop !h34r:
I do use a spray on wax occasionally on the tank
it's carbosol systems "FastWax" with the Nascar sponsor car on the can
like it also and no white particles in the cracks
consider attending my New Orleans Ride to Eat Gathering March 6-9, '09 - more info CLICKY in my sig
Merry Christmas,
Mike in Nawlins'
==============Cycle Care Products #33. Fantastic all around cleaner with no residue.
I've seen many, many recommends for the Honda Pro Cleaner and Polish. Many folks use this instead of a wash . . . are people actually using this, with a rag, directly on dirty bikes? I'm not understanding the lack of fear of scratching the finish.Honda Pro Cleaner and Polish