Best Radar Detectors

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So what's a good inexpensive radar detector?
I got one of these when Squeezer alerted me to the deal: Refurb Passsport 8500 w/ warranty - direct from Escort - $150 shipped
I'd have to double check...however...I believe the site was

I drilled holes in the front and back....again...I have take pictures to show the final look

Ok, with Ionbeam's link assist, I can see this is an opaque plastic project box, so one would not be able to see the front panel display of the RD without making some modifcation to the end of the box, like inserting a clear lexan panel or something similar. It also doesn't seem to be waterproof, though it should be splashproof as is, which may be good enough.

So what's a good inexpensive radar detector?
I got one of these when Squeezer alerted me to the deal: Refurb Passsport 8500 w/ warranty - direct from Escort - $150 shipped
I'd have to double check...however...I believe the site was

I drilled holes in the front and back....again...I have take pictures to show the final look

Ok, with Ionbeam's link assist, I can see this is an opaque plastic project box, so one would not be able to see the front panel display of the RD without making some modifcation to the end of the box, like inserting a clear lexan panel or something similar. It also doesn't seem to be waterproof, though it should be splashproof as is, which may be good enough.
I drilled small holes in the front and back...again...haven't got pictures yet...however I'm using visual alert, so I don't need to see what the detector is saying

I drilled small holes in the front and back...again...haven't got pictures yet...however I'm using visual alert, so I don't need to see what the detector is saying
At this time, in addition to the beeping in my ears (which will change tone by detected band) I also still need to see which band it is sensing. Maybe after a while I'll learn to differentiate the various tones and won't need to look.

I have learned that I can pretty much ignore anything in the X band. In fact, I may just go ahead and disable that band on the detector setup menu, unless someone can tell me for sure that there are still some backwater PDs that use X band radars. I have also had false alarms on K band, so that must be in use also for door sensors and perimeter alarm proximity sensors. OTOH, every time I see Ka on the screen, there's been a cop ahead or behind me somewhere.

Many speed warning signs/signals used for construction and such use K band, I've even come across some that run on Ka. I always pay attention to these as places with such signs, would make ideal radar traps.

I have come across X band being used in the top-end of Floriduh (I guess that's backwater enough :) ) and there is a municipality about 30 miles from me (also in Floriduh) that runs some X band units.

On the Escort 8500 X-50 you can configure the unit to auto mute (drop volume) after the first few beeps, but I guess these kind of little features as well as better warning range are what brings up the price on the higher-end detectors.

Escort has really good service, another factor to consider.
Ditto that! I returned my Solo R2 detector to Escort for an $80 rebate off the price of a new X50 and have been very happy. A week ago however, my Smart Cord stopped powering up, so I called Escort this morning and they said they are sending me a "new" power cord NC. They didn't even want to see my older one? Great service!

Many speed warning signs/signals used for construction and such use K band, I've even come across some that run on Ka. I always pay attention to these as places with such signs, would make ideal radar traps.I have come across X band being used in the top-end of Floriduh (I guess that's backwater enough :) ) and there is a municipality about 30 miles from me (also in Floriduh) that runs some X band units.

On the Escort 8500 X-50 you can configure the unit to auto mute (drop volume) after the first few beeps, but I guess these kind of little features as well as better warning range are what brings up the price on the higher-end detectors.

The regular 8500 (non X50) also has the auto mute feature.

I also did a little more snooping around and found this web site:

Veil Guy

I guess maybe I won't disable X band just yet...

If you think you've avoided tickets by having a detector, it was probably the cop ignoring your speed on their way to a call or you weren't going fast enough for them to put in the effort.
i respectfully disagree with this blanket statement. i and others i know personally have been saved by having an appropriately-designed detector that they used as one of their tools in their toolbox in their battle against roadside taxation.

i can also assure you that keeping it within +10 of posted won't help. i was pulled and issued a written warning[1] for 3 over (had left the V1 off by mistake). only my talk about not yet being used to the then-new FJR - and having the insurance card showing it was a 2003 model in November of 2002 - got me off. he actually said, "you weren't kidding when you said it was new", as he switched gears in his ticket book (before me own widdle eyes)!

don't rely on cops' assertions that within +10 is safe. my V1 is more reliable than that statement.

as for the V1 being "old tech", just last year i sent mine in for an upgrade. it included POP mode as well as a new J(indicator) when running L(ogic mode) that shunts off false signals very quickly after an initial ping or two.

whatever you choose, avoid battery powered ones because they often turn themselves off to save batteries if they've not been ping in a while.

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I posted a response about a month ago when this topic arose indicating that I'd just purchased the Adaptive product after

reading good reviews for the first detector designed specifically for MC use. I finally had the time to install and use it on a 150 mile

quick trip from Bend (Central OR) to Kahneeta and back this past weekend. Is this a reasonable sample to base an opinion, no.

But, so far so good. I would put it on a par with my Passport 8500 at this stage.

I did ck with Adaptive - nice guys by the way - prior to install wanting to be sure I had the latest, greatest software update, which

it did. Easy to mount/wire up, I like the detachable feature when leaving the bike, and it's easily adjustable when on-the-fly. I would

definitely advise purchasing the visual LED mount. That baby is bright! Plus you can mount it on top of your gauge pod or anywhere

up top, hard to miss even when lit in full daylight.

As for performance.... I agree completely with someone's earlier comment that any meaningful protection provided by the detector

is by locking on to sigals bounced from others ahead or behind. If I'm the rider on a lonely stretch of road, my reaction time is

not going to beat the capability of an officer's radar unit to lock on. In my opinion, luck of the draw is what happens in this scenerio.

However, the Adaptive unit did an admirable job in picking up the officer hiding under the overpass along the Redmond bypass long

before I was in visual range. In addition, the County cruisers that for whatever reason leave their unit running continuously are

easy to pick up at 3/4 - 1 mile. In fairness, there were plenty of cagers on the road to bounce that signal off making it easy for

the Adaptive unit to pick up. In Highway mode, there were a few false signals at times, but no more than with my Passport. And

better to assume the worst in those cases anyway.

Negatives? The unit is pretty sensitive to the outdated 'X' band, but there is a City/No-X mode that eliminates these hits. All said, at

this point I'd give it a 'B'.

"I have learned that I can pretty much ignore anything in the X band. "
Don't haul ass through NJ then.
Yeah, I couple of posts later I semi-retracted my statement about disabling X-band after I found a link showing some locales are still using Xband equipment.

And believe me, I avoid any kind of riding in "The Garden State" whenever possible. :p

Gilf and Zilla, I appreciate hearing your Law Enforcement perspectives.
But I do not quite agree with your generalization that "it's not worth the money" to buy a radar detector. Yes, when traveling on an open road you will always be vulnerable to instant on radar and lidar. So in that circumstance you either have to keep it down to 10 over or take your chances with a ticket. Which is exactly how you would ride if/when you don't have the detector onboard. But more often than not you will be riding with other vehicles that are traveling at higher speeds and use them as your decoys. When the LEO clocks one of them you will get your early warning.

But the main reason that I (recently) bought one is for riding secondary roads. The LEOs in the towns and villages (at least around here) tend not to use pulsed radar. They seem to like to drive around with the radar blasting all the time so when they come upon a speeder (going in the opposite direction) they will get his speed before the oncoming motorist even sees the marked car. They do not need to be very sophisticated as they can easily fill their quotas since nearly everyone speeds here. Even the little old ladies in their pristine K-cars are driving above the speed limit. But for many of these small town cowboys bagging the 2-wheelers is a preferred trophy. Especially anything resembling one of those "crotch rockets"...

Based on my intended use, I see no point in buying one of the best unit out there. To me, the laser detection that even my inexpensive older model has is a bit of overkill. As others have said, it will just tell you that you'll be getting a ticket soon. And any of the new > $500 detectors is going to be no more effective than my old school Passport 8500 at detecting an instant on radar. So yeah, it's worth $150 to me have something. I do not expect it to protect me in every situation. But I agree with you that it's not worth $500-600 dollars for the minimal added protection you get from the best/newest ones.

Adding my 2cents here. I just bought a bell rx65. I found a plastic box for $15. Drilled two holes in it for the radar connections, put rubber gromets in the holes. Painted it black. Done. Attached the Marc panes visual alert to it and so far, works great! Sorry, don't have any pics on it. I'll try to take some if anyone is interested and or give the site where I found the box.

I'd be interested in what box you used.

I totally agree that an inexpensive unit is the way to go and yes, it works great for the city kitties who leave their radar "on" instead of the standby position.

If you think you've avoided tickets by having a detector, it was probably the cop ignoring your speed on their way to a call or you weren't going fast enough for them to put in the effort.
i respectfully disagree with this blanket statement. i and others i know personally have been saved by having an appropriately-designed detector that they used as one of their tools in their toolbox in their battle against roadside taxation.

i can also assure you that keeping it within +10 of posted won't help. i was pulled and issued a written warning[1] for 3 over (had left the V1 off by mistake). only my talk about not yet being used to the then-new FJR - and having the insurance card showing it was a 2003 model in November of 2002 - got me off. he actually said, "you weren't kidding when you said it was new", as he switched gears in his ticket book (before me own widdle eyes)!

don't rely on cops' assertions that within +10 is safe. my V1 is more reliable than that statement.

as for the V1 being "old tech", just last year i sent mine in for an upgrade. it included POP mode as well as a new J(indicator) when running L(ogic mode) that shunts off false signals very quickly after an initial ping or two.

whatever you chose, avoid battery powered ones because they often turn themselves off to save batteries if they've not been ping in a while.

I'm sorry you disagree with my statement. I was only speaking from experience as well as the actions of my co-workers. If you got pulled over for less than 10 mph over the speed limit (5 mph over in villages or very small cities), then it was not your day(s). Those cops probably had an authority complex (a.k.a pocket herculies - sorry short people...not trying to offend) or they were rookies. Believe me, my statements are more reliable than your V1. There's nothing wrong with having a detector and I agree they do come in handy ocassionally, but don't spend a lot of money on one.

If you think you've avoided tickets by having a detector, it was probably the cop ignoring your speed on their way to a call or you weren't going fast enough for them to put in the effort.
i respectfully disagree with this blanket statement. i and others i know personally have been saved by having an appropriately-designed detector that they used as one of their tools in their toolbox in their battle against roadside taxation.

i can also assure you that keeping it within +10 of posted won't help. i was pulled and issued a written warning[1] for 3 over (had left the V1 off by mistake). only my talk about not yet being used to the then-new FJR - and having the insurance card showing it was a 2003 model in November of 2002 - got me off. he actually said, "you weren't kidding when you said it was new", as he switched gears in his ticket book (before me own widdle eyes)!

don't rely on cops' assertions that within +10 is safe. my V1 is more reliable than that statement.

as for the V1 being "old tech", just last year i sent mine in for an upgrade. it included POP mode as well as a new J(indicator) when running L(ogic mode) that shunts off false signals very quickly after an initial ping or two.

whatever you chose, avoid battery powered ones because they often turn themselves off to save batteries if they've not been ping in a while.

I'm sorry you disagree with my statement. I was only speaking from experience as well as the actions of my co-workers. If you got pulled over for less than 10 mph over the speed limit (5 mph over in villages or very small cities), then it was not your day(s). Those cops probably had an authority complex (a.k.a pocket herculies - sorry short people...not trying to offend) or they were rookies. Believe me, my statements are more reliable than your V1. There's nothing wrong with having a detector and I agree they do come in handy ocassionally, but don't spend a lot of money on one.
Totally agree...with having a radar detector. In my in Upstate New York...the yes we will tax it or place a fee on it if it walks, talks, moves, or is consumed, state....our state troopers...are actually more reasonable on the "10 mph over"'s all the village, town and city police who also patrol the 4 laners and tend to grab you for the 5-7 over or doing 5 over in the villages that are the problem. They tend to zap each car so the radar provides that additional slow down reminder.

I do agree on the money part....$400-500 is a little much for me at least...but a couple hundred to save on possible points and fines...that works for me.

Those cops probably had an authority complex (a.k.a pocket herculies - sorry short people...not trying to offend) or they were rookies. Believe me, my statements are more reliable than your V1.
No authority complex there...

The V1 was the first farkle for my 'vette, and has come in quite handy.

I do agree on the money part....$400-500 is a little much for me at least...but a couple hundred to save on possible points and fines...that works for me.
i used to think the same thing until one stop cost me, by the time the appeal was done, nearly that much (to keep it off the books and avoid insurance hikes that would have been even more).

the next week, i dumped my cheap detector and got a V1. no tickets (with the V1 along) since.

if you constrain your riding/driving to a limited area, then that area's folk lore about traffic enforcement will be more applicable. othewise, you can't depend on anything in the way of consistent enforcement other than what the posted signs say. +1 will nail you in the little towns in the NV outback.

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For all the Passport Escort 8500 X-50 users out there. I must have not RTFM and have been using my X50 with the POP turned off, which is the factory default. Now the X50 user manual does state that cops are not allowed to issue a ticket based on the POP reading only, i.e. they have to switch the radar back to the normal mode to locking "speed history", but this would be hard to prove.

So if you have an X50 take a look at the last page or so in the user manual to see the steps for turning on the POP mode.
