Beware of Incompetent Unethical Dealers

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I have a copy of the video showing what's left of the bleeder oozing brake fluid as the rear brake is applied. The buyer has been on the dealer pretty hard and has also contacted Yamaha USA.
Keep us posted how this turns out. It will be nice to know what the dealer and Yamaha does in this situation.

Interesting conversation here.....

One the one hand, many on this forum will boldly proclaim how they chewed a dealer down on a price until the dealer out of desperation sold them the bike just to get them off of their showroom floor and get on to the next customer whom they might make some amount of a profit on. Then, on the other hand, there are those on the forum that claim all dealers are incompetent SOBs who's sole purpose it is to mess up their bike when in for service/repair by having inexperienced mechanics.

Well folks, which is it going to be??

If we are ready willing to pay a price that is fair to all concerned (dealer and buyer) then we can expect a high level of competence at the dealership from sales staff to parts to the service department. But if we are going to beat these folks down until there is nothing left to pay their employees, cover overhead, and put a bit of coin in their pocket, then we get what we deserve.

I don't work at a dealership and have no vested interest in any dealership, but I begrudge no one for making a profit for their days work. I expect to make a profit in what I do day after day, and I want you (in whatever you might do) to make a profit as well - including the dealer I frequent for my parts/supplies/etc.

There, I've cleared my mind and will go back to watching the SF Giants.....


I don't know how accurate it is, but if you go on the Yamaha web site, you can put in your zip code, and it lets you know what dealers near you have a new FJR. I'm in Austin, when I was looking for one a couple of weeks ago, it showed that the nearest dealer to me that had one was in Conroe, near Houston. I ended up buying a used one locally, so I never called Conroe. The Austin dealer didn't have a new one, and they didn't know when they would get one. They did call me yesterday and told me someone just traded a 2015 FJR, so they have a used one for sale. I had to go to the local Austin Honda/Yamaha dealer a couple of weeks ago to get my insurance. I asked the insurance lady what was the number one selling bike there and she said "Scooters", followed by Sport Bikes. Austin is a big college town, so that explains why they sell a lot of scooters. Most of the dealers I called, couldn't tell me when they would be getting a new FJR. I don't know if it is a dealer problem, or a Yamaha problem.

Interesting conversation here..... One the one hand, many on this forum will boldly proclaim how they chewed a dealer down on a price until the dealer out of desperation sold them the bike just to get them off of their showroom floor and get on to the next customer whom they might make some amount of a profit on. Then, on the other hand, there are those on the forum that claim all dealers are incompetent SOBs who's sole purpose it is to mess up their bike when in for service/repair by having inexperienced mechanics. Well folks, which is it going to be?? If we are ready willing to pay a price that is fair to all concerned (dealer and buyer) then we can expect a high level of competence at the dealership from sales staff to parts to the service department. But if we are going to beat these folks down until there is nothing left to pay their employees, cover overhead, and put a bit of coin in their pocket, then we get what we deserve. I don't work at a dealership and have no vested interest in any dealership, but I begrudge no one for making a profit for their days work. I expect to make a profit in what I do day after day, and I want you (in whatever you might do) to make a profit as well - including the dealer I frequent for my parts/supplies/etc. There, I've cleared my mind and will go back to watching the SF Giants..... Biknflyfisher
OK. I'll bite.

I'd like to see proof of your assumption that dealers who make less profit on the sale of their bikes are the same ones performing poor service, bone headed assembly mistakes or deceptive practices. The dealer who delivered an FJR with the rear brake caliper bleeder snapped off was not "chewed down" on price. On the other hand, D&H sell bikes at about the lowest prices around and consistently delivers quality assembled bikes and enjoys repeat sales to people from all over the country. If I could take my bike there for service I would!

My local dealer wanted full MSRP for a 2016 ES. Wouldn't budge off the price. They sold one ES last year and still have the 2nd 2015 they were allotted on the salesroom floor last time I checked. So they want to make $3k+ each on the two bikes they received and have sold one for a profit of $3k. D&H sold over 100 FJRs last year at a decent margin netting them over $120k. Who's the better businessman here? The dealer in a high cost of living location struggling to sell two bikes at full price or the guy in rural AL fielding calls from all over the country?

My local dealer has mounted tires backward twice for me, the 2nd time after I told them they screwed the job up the 1st time. They broke 2 SmarTire pressure sensors even though I warned them they were there and chalked marked the tire in the location of the sensor with big Xs. They even tried to tell me it was already broken before they took the tire off! I finally ended up buying my own NoMar tire machine. Not because it made economic sense, but because I got tired of dealing with their incompetent service. Should I have offered to pay them more than their shop rate to get the job done right?? Doubt it would have mattered....

When I purchase big ticket items like houses, cars and motorcycles I WILL negotiate what I think is a fair market price. If they can get more, good for them! Last time I checked we have a free market economy here. I'm not just going to walk into a dealer and pay MSRP because Yamaha's bean counters in Japan tells me that's what I should pay, no questions asked. I'm not buying toothpaste here, this is a major purchase that I make maybe every 10 or 12 years. I'd rather do my homework and pay market rate.

I work for a structural engineering firm and we are constantly negotiating fees with our clients for the honor to work on some pretty prestigious projects. We aren't the cheapest firm in town but we feel we provide a level of service which warrants our rates. When I bought my FJR I was lucky enough to get both a good deal and purchased from dealer with a stellar reputation. I offered the local dealer the same price in cash + the shipping charges I paid + a few hundred $s extra. They refused the deal?? I wasn't about to pay them full MSRP and then be scared to take my bike to them for service.

I understand what you are saying Biknflyfisher, I just don't believe paying full price guarantees you're going to get good service and/or ethical treatment......


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