Big Ben in motorcycle accident

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someone explain to me how some moron cager turning into a bike's path has ANYTHING to do with helmets....
Easy, if he had been wearing a full face helmet, he'd most likely not received the gash in his head, broken nose, and broken jaw.... what's confusing about that? :blink:

oh, now i see...let her drive all over the road, turn into your path,etc, long as you got a helmet, its all good...lucky for us bikers that no one ever breaks legs, arms, etc, its always about the head.

I think that based on your logic, I'll start a petition to do away with all licensing requirements for autos, just give them keys to the car and let em helmet will protect me from all evil....but one questions, who is gonna pay to keep fixing my bike, or buying me a new one, every time some car mows me down? And, will that same person also pay for my new helmet each time, cause you know, once it takes a blow, you gotta replace it.

oh, now i see...let her drive all over the road, turn into your path,etc, long as you got a helmet, its all good...lucky for us bikers that no one ever breaks legs, arms, etc, its always about the head.
I think that based on your logic, I'll start a petition to do away with all licensing requirements for autos, just give them keys to the car and let em helmet will protect me from all evil....but one questions, who is gonna pay to keep fixing my bike, or buying me a new one, every time some car mows me down? And, will that same person also pay for my new helmet each time, cause you know, once it takes a blow, you gotta replace it.
Dude, get a grip...

Nobody is excusing the grey-hair for what she did, but when you find a way to legislate intelligence, let me know. Are you saying a full face helmet wouldn't have helped IN THIS CASE? Are you saying he was better off without a full face helmet? Don't give me generalities... we're discussing this specific case.

Did I ever say a helmet would've kept him from getting a broken leg, or arm, or anything else? Stop the BS generalities about riding in general and other crashes... reality is that a full face helmet most likely would've prevented the injuries he sustained in THIS ACCIDENT. All Ben had the ability to control was himself... just like the rest of us.

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Is there a correllation between riders choosing to ride without a helmet and those choosing to get argumentative with anyone who thinks wearing a helmet might have been a good idea for Roethlisberger??? WTF??

Do what you want with gear and/or helmets. But how does that give you the moral high ground to start constructing straw men with which to tell those of us with contrary views that we either can't figure out a logical connection between a gray hair whose actions may have initiated the collision and the effects of a full face helmet on minimizing the extent of his injuries, OR to imply that we're ******** for having opinions about gear that differ from yours? Note that the comments on helmets that would have minimized his facial injuries specifically referred to full face helmets, and NOT to the minimum helmet requirements that states with helmet laws would allow.

Lighten up. Please.

Is there a correllation between riders choosing to ride without a helmet and those choosing to get argumentative with anyone who thinks wearing a helmet might have been a good idea for Roethlisberger??? WTF??
Do what you want with gear and/or helmets. But how does that give you the moral high ground to start constructing straw men with which to tell those of us with contrary views that we either can't figure out a logical connection between a gray hair whose actions may have initiated the collision and the effects of a full face helmet on minimizing the extent of his injuries, OR to imply that we're ******** for having opinions about gear that differ from yours? Note that the comments on helmets that would have minimized his facial injuries specifically referred to full face helmets, and NOT to the minimum helmet requirements that states with helmet laws would allow.

Lighten up. Please.
Hey. I'm light. Really. (Insert peace sign and virtual handshake).

But all this started with somebody calling somebody an "idiot" for not wearing a helmet. No argument that Ben R. woulda been better off wearing one.

Correlation? Dunno. I wear a full face helmet. Liked it better here in LA when I had a choice though...

All I'm saying.


someone explain to me how some moron cager turning into a bike's path has ANYTHING to do with helmets....
....I personally hope he sues the living crap out of her and her insurance company.


'04 FJR 1300
Has the police report been released? Do we know for certain SHE turned into his path and HE did nothing wrong? Has anyone been charged? What good would suing her do? He certainly doesn't need the money.

someone explain to me how some moron cager turning into a bike's path has ANYTHING to do with helmets....

....I personally hope he sues the living crap out of her and her insurance company.


'04 FJR 1300
Has the police report been released? Do we know for certain SHE turned into his path and HE did nothing wrong? Has anyone been charged? What good would suing her do? He certainly doesn't need the money.

1. no clue

2. no, but based on experience, its usually car turning left illegaly

3. no clue

4. suing would make her premiums go up, possibly to point that she couldnt afford ins. anymore and she would be off the road.

I agree, money wont do him much good...but I'm all about sending messages to the irresponsible driver...sue her, hope her premiums go up or the ins. company dumps her...get her off the road, I'll live longer. :D


'04 FJR 1300

Whatever your take on helmets, helmet laws, and cars turning left, this isn't good for motorcycling. One of the articles I read this morning referred to the 'Busa as "a racing type motorcycle". There are negative connotations there if you ask me. This will be a high visibility incident that safety Nazi, anti-motorcycle types will use as a spring board for their agenda.

You ride, you accept the risk. Mitigate (or don't mitigate) that risk to your heart's content. Enjoy the ride, but everyone who takes the risk also understands the risk.

Show of hands for those who will stop riding now that Ben crashed???

I thought so.

People need to chill. We don't know what happened. It's possible it was the little-old-lady's fault. It's also that it was Ben's fault. It's also possible it was neithers "fault".

Let's not assume just because a bike crashes into a cage that it can't be the biker at fault here.

Since no-one's using the term "idiot" in it's clinical def'n, just as an opinion, like calling someone a dummy, then, yes, I can say that Ben's an idiot for not wearing a helmet. I support his right to be an idiot, but that doesn't make him (IMO) less of one.

"Big" Ben Rothlesberger = Unlicensed driver.

I knew all of the cheatin' at the Super Bowl would come back to haunt the Steelers somehow... :D

Well, you guys convinced me...I will wear a full face helmet from now on...not sure of the other gear I should wear, maybe you can help me out...below is a pic of me and my woman riding yesterday with our full face helmets on...any other gear we need, or is what we are wearing ok????


Well, you guys convinced me...I will wear a full face helmet from now on...not sure of the other gear I should wear, maybe you can help me out...below is a pic of me and my woman riding yesterday with our full face helmets on...any other gear we need, ....????
Nope, that pretty much, er, "covers it". :D

This lady just finished her Motorcycle Saftey Class...she now knows the importance of wearing a helmet at all times, and as you can see from the pic below, she is in fact wearing it.


:huh: :clapping:

someone explain to me how some moron cager turning into a bike's path has ANYTHING to do with helmets....

....I personally hope he sues the living crap out of her and her insurance company.


'04 FJR 1300
Has the police report been released? Do we know for certain SHE turned into his path and HE did nothing wrong? Has anyone been charged? What good would suing her do? He certainly doesn't need the money.

Looks like Roethslisberger found the light and has repented.... a link to a Yahoo article

Well, you guys convinced me...I will wear a full face helmet from now on...not sure of the other gear I should wear, maybe you can help me out...below is a pic of me and my woman riding yesterday with our full face helmets on...any other gear we need, or is what we are wearing ok????

Can't quite make out the details of what riding gear you and your lady were wearing... any close-ups? :eek: B)

This lady just finished her Motorcycle Saftey Class...she now knows the importance of wearing a helmet at all times, and as you can see from the pic below, she is in fact wearing it.

This is why a full face helmet is prefered. :lol:
In here case the gene pool looked empty.....the word TARD does come to mind though :eek: ....
