Big Money Rally 2014

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
RenoJohn, his daughter Grace (Hi Grace!), and volunteers have opened up registration for the 2014 Big Money Rally and I am seriously excited about it!

In its third year RJ and company have taken the idea of wandering the world on weekends, with live blogging/scoring, and making it seriously fun to capture pictures of bonuses.

Big Money Rally

Several of the "threads" this year include snagging border towns along the U.S and Canada....worth more points in January!*

It tarts in January, but prep work and planning started in earnest with the packet first packet release.

There's also a County Courthouse thread that's introduced by the MASTER of COURTHOUSES....Bob Higdon visited every single one of them over the course of 5 years. You can get one.... or up to 436 of them. Nice video introduction (that I got to shoot in between drinks at Bruno's and sworn to secrecy in September).

Or following along with the Johnny Cash song, I've Been Everywhere, and visiting towns in the song is just wickedly smile inducing.

Anybody who's every been interested in rallies, but doesn't want to deal with uber competitive crazy people **.....this is the rally for you!

Over 100 have signed up so far. Again it's on your own schedule starting January 1st and finishes May 24th. There's even an optional finishers banquet in the Reno area


*Rider beware....don't be dumb and splat yourself trying to snag silly points when its icy out.

** I'm one of them, but this rally promises I won't infect or bug you. It's your own ride at your own pace. :)

I'm excited to be on staff again this upcoming year, and I might even get out and ride a few BMR bonuses too.

Anybody who's every been interested in rallies, but doesn't want to deal with uber competitive crazy people **.....this is the rally for you!
To add to that, if you are one of those uber competitive crazy people (like Iggy :) ), the BMR is great tool to get in shape and stay in shape for the rally season.

This looks like some fun!

Both my wife's and my birth places in the "I've been everywhere" (El Salvador/Waterloo, Iowa)

Border towns in January- Got to love that -

Will riders actually venture in Central and South America?

This looks like some fun!Both my wife's and my birth places in the "I've been everywhere" (El Salvador/Waterloo, Iowa)

Border towns in January- Got to love that -

Will riders actually venture in Central and South America?
You need to take a look at the I've Been Everywhere bonus locations before deciding there are any in El Salvador or Waterloo, IA. <evil grin>

Which, by the way, are publicly available without being registered in the rally.

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One question though:How does one stay married AND do this rally?

I have been through one divorce....

... Oh wait ... Is THAT why they call this BIG MONEY rally?
My predicament exactly. If I break up with the current squeeze, I might find that the FJR and the Vee are both either too cold or too hot to cuddle with.

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This looks like some fun!Both my wife's and my birth places in the "I've been everywhere" (El Salvador/Waterloo, Iowa)

Border towns in January- Got to love that -

Will riders actually venture in Central and South America?
You need to take a look at the I've Been Everywhere bonus locations before deciding there are any in El Salvador or Waterloo, IA. <evil grin>

Which, by the way, are publicly available without being registered in the rally.
I was going by the initial song markers, but dog gone what a fun looking rally!

Are many riders retired? I think when I retire - THIS is what I would like to spend my time doing.

A nice mixture between LD riding/flower sniffing and FUN!

I will pay up, but I may not finish. Its a cold winter this year, and like I said I can't cuddle with the bikes, and neither do they bring me dinner..

I'm in for the second year. It looks like I am off to a very slow start though, this snow is worse than last year so far.

The great thing about the BMR is that one can go out and ride for a day, a weekend, or a week. Last year I had ridden 5,000 miles by the close of the rally which happened to coincide with time that I usually take my bike out of storage.

I really wanted to try this out this year, but I am starting a new job/career next week and I won't have much riding time. You guys have fun!

I really wanted to try this out this year, but I am starting a new job/career next week and I won't have much riding time. You guys have fun!
5 months to complete, you can run the border area in a weekend and be close to a finisher without leaving the local area.

I really wanted to try this out this year, but I am starting a new job/career next week and I won't have much riding time. You guys have fun!
5 months to complete, you can run the border area in a weekend and be close to a finisher without leaving the local area.
Agree. The points distribution are particularly generous to those in the PNW.
