Reading a couple of current threads about obnoxiously loud HDs & sportbikes, I'm curious as to why no one has mentioned what I see from time to time up here.
3 or 4 years back, I was riding north out of montreal on my buddy's completely modded-out RC51. I was just keeping up with (heavy) traffic at 110-115kms, minding my own business when WHAM!!!! a friggen cop almost hits me BESIDE ME in my lane and simultaneously turns on his lights & sirens..... bastard This flagrant sneaking-up-on-you tactic was clearly used so I don't get the urge to outrun him. He used to shoulder to accomplish this.
Point is: I wasn't speeding any more than any of the cages. I also didn't have ownership / insurance papers of my buddy's bike. Cop didn't care. As soon as I was pulled over, he got out of his car, went to the trunk and pulled out a F-ING TOOL BOX, then proceeded to measure this, that & other other thing and wrote me-up $600 in tickets for such things as missing baffles, chopped rear fender, non-stock signals, licensplate holder etc... he was trained & equipped to find such irregularities and he had a field day with me.
I've since seen them here & there, having their way with poor riders, especially at the beginning of the season.
So 2 questions:
1) are we the only 'lucky ones'? Have you guys seen these cops/tactics in other areas?
2) philosophical question: my buddy was nice enough to let me take out the RC51 for the day. So I should pay, right? On the other hand, I didn't know the bike was full of illegal mods. We went 50-50 in the end. Part of me still thinks that years later, I should write my buddy a cheque for the remaining $300
3 or 4 years back, I was riding north out of montreal on my buddy's completely modded-out RC51. I was just keeping up with (heavy) traffic at 110-115kms, minding my own business when WHAM!!!! a friggen cop almost hits me BESIDE ME in my lane and simultaneously turns on his lights & sirens..... bastard This flagrant sneaking-up-on-you tactic was clearly used so I don't get the urge to outrun him. He used to shoulder to accomplish this.
Point is: I wasn't speeding any more than any of the cages. I also didn't have ownership / insurance papers of my buddy's bike. Cop didn't care. As soon as I was pulled over, he got out of his car, went to the trunk and pulled out a F-ING TOOL BOX, then proceeded to measure this, that & other other thing and wrote me-up $600 in tickets for such things as missing baffles, chopped rear fender, non-stock signals, licensplate holder etc... he was trained & equipped to find such irregularities and he had a field day with me.
I've since seen them here & there, having their way with poor riders, especially at the beginning of the season.
So 2 questions:
1) are we the only 'lucky ones'? Have you guys seen these cops/tactics in other areas?
2) philosophical question: my buddy was nice enough to let me take out the RC51 for the day. So I should pay, right? On the other hand, I didn't know the bike was full of illegal mods. We went 50-50 in the end. Part of me still thinks that years later, I should write my buddy a cheque for the remaining $300