Bike Security

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FJR Supporter
Apr 28, 2007
Reaction score
Omahell, NE
I'm about to pick up my newly ordered and freshly arrived FJR tomorrow and after digging around this site for a bit I can't seem to find any posts on securing the bike. So, how are you keeping your bike safe and secure? I don't care to start a thread asking for what brands are the best, just some general items.

Let's say, for example, you're attending a conference in some far away city and you opted to ride the FJR instead of rolling around like a cager. The hotel offers parking, the conference center might offer parking, but those come with the "we're not responsible for stolen property" signs. If you are forced to leave your bike out in the open, what do you do to deter theft?

I know my friend uses two types of locks, one for the front wheel and one for the rear. I'm sure there are other things he's using.

Is that all that I would need? I'm not worried about the bike at work (security cameras and guards all over) or at home (garage, shotgun, etc) I have more experience with car maintenance and repair than motorcycles, but I've wondered about the following;

Has anyone thought of or installed a fuel cut-off switch? Is it possible/easily feasible?

Battery cut-off switch - (not having my bike or any manuals yet, I don't know how accessible the battery is).

I have noticed a few companies that advertise a system that will help with the recovery of a stolen bike and those that offer security systems (I'm not horribly interested in those).

I'm not interested in leaving valuables with the bike, but I would hate to walk out of a conference or the hotel and not see the bike where I parked it. :eek:

Lojack will help recover a stolen bike. I don't know much but I do believe it is a one time fee. about the only place I wouldn't leave my bike would be Wal-Mart down the street. I do believe there is a U shaped bike lock that fits under the passenger seat. I don't remember what it's called but that could be used as a deterent. I'm just glad I'm not running around on a sportbike, seems those are more tasty to thieves.


If you are really unsure of the area, put disc locks on front and rear tires. At least this way if they are going to steal it, they've got to CARRY it!

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.

As a last step if you're really concerned, Buy a good Kryptonite chain lock. I believe the good ones are called New York Chain locks, made by Kryptonite. Buy a good 5-6 footer and lock the swingarm around a lightpole or some other such item.

I personally don't buy into LoJack for bikes. Personally I'd rather invest a few hundred into devices that will PREVENT the theft in the first place rather than spend money on a devise to recover it. Personally, if somebody steals my ride I'd rather NOT find it and take the insurance payoff. Half the time they find it wrecked in a ditch somewhere because some yahoo took it out for a fast test ride and crashed it.

Last but certainly not least, a silent (pager style) car/cycle alarm with a shock sensor and a Smith and Wesson in your hand....

I have the Scorpio i500SE and it's a great system. This link offers a pretty good deal it it too.

(Ohh wait.. can't say that anymore)

Ditto! :rolleyes:

I have the Scorpio paging alarm and it works well, toss in a disk lock for the front (that I keep under the seat) and I'm secure in the fact that my bike is secure B)

Xena Disc Alarm is what I use. Very loud, different than the sound of a car alarm, and it only goes off if it is moved.

Can't roll the bike anywhere with it on. If some tries to pick it up, it will scream the whole time, certainly long enough for you to get the clip in and one in the chamber.. :gun:

Xena Disc Alarm is what I use. Very loud, different than the sound of a car alarm, and it only goes off if it is moved.Can't roll the bike anywhere with it on. If some tries to pick it up, it will scream the whole time, certainly long enough for you to get the clip in and one in the chamber.. :gun:

Why isn't the clip and chamber already loaded? No good if it's a museum piece silly! Luckily for me wifey carries for work and wouldn't be very forgiving of such transgressions. :yahoo:

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.
King, can you put this cover on the bike while it is hot and not melt it to the pipes?

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.
King, can you put this cover on the bike while it is hot and not melt it to the pipes?

Has Mr. JohnT had a bad experience with a cover in the past maybe?

When I travel I use the disc lock brake and try to park in a spot where a van cant pull up next to the bike and lift it up and away they go. Thats why when Im on trips i like to find a hotel/motel on the first level with an overhang I can pull the bike under.


Xena Disc Alarm is what I use. Very loud, different than the sound of a car alarm, and it only goes off if it is moved.Can't roll the bike anywhere with it on. If some tries to pick it up, it will scream the whole time, certainly long enough for you to get the clip in and one in the chamber.. :gun:
I may not hear that in time while attending a conference. I hate car alarms that are set off in large parking lots. To me the vehicle screaming for attention must have something realllllly nice inside to have that type of annoyance, erm protection.

I think the locks and a cover are my best bet. Discourage the casual "borrowers". As a friend said, if they steal it, you have insurance for a reason...

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.
King, can you put this cover on the bike while it is hot and not melt it to the pipes?

Has Mr. JohnT had a bad experience with a cover in the past maybe?
Not yet, I just don't want to have one. I have a dang tree at work which drops sap or something on my bike, but have yet to find a cover I can put on hot.

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.
King, can you put this cover on the bike while it is hot and not melt it to the pipes?

Has Mr. JohnT had a bad experience with a cover in the past maybe?
Not yet, I just don't want to have one. I have a dang tree at work which drops sap or something on my bike, but have yet to find a cover I can put on hot.
Try the yamaha one spendy but nice

I also find it works to put a good full cover over the bike. Out of sight out of mind you know.... I think the brand I have is a Nelson Rigg which incorporates two sewn in and reinforced holes in the bottom on the left and right side in the middle of the cover. This enables me to use a long padlock to lock the cover together under the bike. This also prevents the cover from being ripped off by the way.
King, can you put this cover on the bike while it is hot and not melt it to the pipes?
The Nelson Rigg Defender 2000 is put on my hot bike every day without incident, having direct contact with the exhaust cans. This isn't totally a cover thread though..... so....

I use the Xena disc alarm lock, and I have a octagonal chain (forget the brand and it may be hexagonal or pentagonal... whatever the shape to make it slip out of bolt cutters) with another pin-style disc lock used to lock the chain to the opposite wheel and onto a firm post when parking in odd places.

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I have the Scorpio i500SE and it's a great system. This link offers a pretty good deal it it too.

(Ohh wait.. can't say that anymore)

Ditto! :rolleyes:

I have the Scorpio paging alarm and it works well, toss in a disk lock for the front (that I keep under the seat) and I'm secure in the fact that my bike is secure B)
Did you use the Scorpian T connector? I was looking at the website and they listed FJR1300 without year designation. I know you have a 07, so did you use the connector?



I have the Scorpio i500SE and it's a great system. This link offers a pretty good deal it it too.

(Ohh wait.. can't say that anymore)

Ditto! :rolleyes:

I have the Scorpio paging alarm and it works well, toss in a disk lock for the front (that I keep under the seat) and I'm secure in the fact that my bike is secure B)
Did you use the Scorpian T connector? I was looking at the website and they listed FJR1300 without year designation. I know you have a 07, so did you use the connector?


I used the T connector for the '06/'07, picked it up fro Road Rider in San Jose and it worked like a charm. I Just installed a break light modulator and tied it into the same T connector. The break light wire is the only one not tapped already in the Scorpio harness, so that made it easy. Plus there's no clipped wires in the factory harness :ph34r: I'm thinking about making that fallen officer ride later this month, so you may be able to snag a peak at it then Jim B) 350 miles to ride 50 miles, and then head back 350 miles. I can do that :D

Forgive me for saying... but isn't that what good bike insurance is for? I mean you can do a few doodads on your bike to make it more difficult... disk locks and whatnot... but bottom line is it can be stolen. I've heard of thieves sticking a rod thru the front & rear wheel & carrying the bike off. Realistically, that's what I worry the most about. If I were to do anything, it'd be a motion sensor pager... which I've been considering. Super duper easy to install & not the paycheck to buy one.

I normally travel commando, though. If they really want it, they got it regardless.


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I use a Dowco Guardian cover and a small Kryptonite U-shaped disc-lock.

The cover has heat resistant panels where it contacts the pipes. Covers the bike completely and has a strap/double D-rings to secure the cover from lifting in the wind while parked. Cover folds into a fairly compact storage bag. Kryptonite fits easily in tankbag, but would also fit in the L/H storage compartment.

Ordered both from Helmet Harbor in AZ.

As a backup, there's the Geico gecko!
