Bikeless blues

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I watched my (old) bike drive away on a trailer today and its not heading to Daytona. I didn't expect it to sell so quickly. 5 hours on Ebay.

Come on 1st of April. Bring me my FJ!

Boatloads of empathy here! :(

Just sold my Nomad and watched it drive away with an empty feeling in my gut.

But.... I've got a Feejer coming soon(8 weeks)! :D

Be sure and post up after your first ride and tell us all if it was worth the wait. Mine better be ready by April or I'm gonna go more nuts, or nuts more. Or again, or something. :dribble:

I had my FJR before I sold my previous bike. It was hard enough to see the old timer go while having the new colt in the stable. I don't ever what to be without a bike!

dangit...I hijacked my wife's login again (O'vale here)

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Two wheels and the road. You should love it. I gave my suzuki away for drove off. I love seeing a motorcycle ride. I rode behind my suzuki for twenty miles....on my feejer. That suzuki took me from minneapolis to west coast oregon and back and then to dallas. Best 300 bucks I ever spent. Now, if I can get my harley back in working order.....

Wow! I can't imagine it...I haven't been bikeless since 1977--I haven't always had a bike in running condition, but those were the empty pocket years of rat bikes. Somehow, I always got them back on the road.

But I always had a bike. Can't imagine what it's like not to have one.

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  "Can't imagine what it's like not to have one."

Well...IT SUCKS !

:help: It seems like Yamaha sure takes her good ol' time bring new products into the US.

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  "Can't imagine what it's like not to have one."

Well...IT SUCKS !

:help: It seems like Yamaha sure takes her good ol' time bring new products into the US.
Sorry. I guess it DOES suck--get yourself a used FZ1 and keep riding till the FJR comes in!

Welcome to the bikeless club. I sold the FZ6 about a month and half ago and all I have is my mapping software to plan future trips on. It sucks that the weather is really turning nice for riding as well.

Hopefully I will get the call on April 1st.

Let me join the club! I have been bikeless for the first time in 6 years since Thanksgiving when I watched my 03 FJR ride off into the dark. So it's been a very long wait for me! It didn't really hit me as sadness because I was excited to be replacing it with a new one until I turned and looked at my empty garage. Then wham!! A piece of me was missing.

I have a gut feeling that our March deliveries will be at the end of the month. They waited until January 31 to tell us our confirmations when they said "January". So I'm not holding my breathe that it will be next week or the week after. "March delivery" to them prolly means March 31. Hopfully I'm wrong!!

Well I won't be bikeless but the weather here in Minnesota isn't really nice enough to worry about riding just yet.

The bad news is I called my dealer yesterday and got the word my '06 won't be here until April :dribble:

There's still snow in MN. April will bring sun, rain, & clean roads. 4 more weeks, 4 more weeks, 4 more weeks. :dribble:

OH, sorry, waiters. Just got news that the ship bringing the bikes over hit another ship. Close waters. It's going to be another two months before they can deliver. Once again, sorry.

Oh, and GO MINNESOTA WILD!......WAY TO KICK THE AV'S ASS!!!!!!!!!! GO GABBY! :haha:



My wife decided to quit work and go back to school, this was April of 04 at the time I had a vstar 1100, I managed to hang onto it until about mid summer 04 until $ just got to tight to justify keeping the vstar, so, it sold. Please take into consideration I did not want to sell my bike, but needed to sell it. That was the longest 12-14 bikeless months. There was not hardly a day that went by that I didn't think about motorcycles, reading bike mag's made it worse, seeing them on the road was just a killer. Nothing worse than having to get rid of a bike when you aren't ready, the days go by slow. For those up north still wintered in, life is still much easier for you because you have the security of knowing you own a bike and can at any time go look at it, work on it, just the security of having it makes all the difference, Lynus' blankee. So, until you are ready for what ever reason, don't sell if you can avoid it, it's torture. The day will come for all of us at some point where we are ready to give em up, when that day comes it will be much easier to watch it ride off.

I posted elsewhere...

Talked to Patrick (product specialist) at Yamaha Corporate this morning. My AE claim# 196434 is due sometime in late June to a Wisconsin dealer. It wouldn't suprise me if it came in the end of summer.
