Biker Shot in Road Rage Incident

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another dissapointing story of dumb meets dumber. Looks like Darwin may claim another award winner. And with any luck the woman and her son (he was kicking a disabled person) get convicted and put in the slammer.

A lot depends on what the people looked like.

Did the guy on the bike LOOK like a dirtbag? You know what they say about first impressions...

Could there have been racial overtones - whether real or perceived?

A 15 year old boy that could easily be bigger than the biker is continually referred to as a "young son." Why? To me, a "young son" would be maybe 5 years old - or less. Certainly no more than 10.

As others have said, there's a lot here we don't know, but twisting the wrist would have certainly been the prudent thing for the biker to do!

The story is still hazy. This happened in IN, not KY, so i don't know much about there gun laws. But think about for a second.... Indiana.... (no offense to those who live in the lovely hoosier state) but I expect the gun laws are petty lean there.

I think the guy was an idiot to bother getting off the bike, as most expressed, he should have just gotten the hell outta there and let it be.

But.... I really don't see how an unarmed person approaching your car warrants deadly force. If the gun laws state your allowed to use a gun for self defense, regardless of percieved threat (who knows) then the woman will probably get off clean. If the gun laws have anything in there about how you can only use your weapon unless it was the only option for defense, then she should be convicted for something.

The fact that she shot someone with her son in the car, then got out and they cussed him and made fun of him, does not give me high hopes for the son's future. It's the mentality. Remember, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.....

But.... I really don't see how an unarmed person approaching your car warrants deadly force. If the gun laws state your allowed to use a gun for self defense, regardless of percieved threat (who knows) then the woman will probably get off clean.
A person doesn't have to be armed to pose a threat. Self defense is generally allowed by the law when a reasonable person perceives a threat. Any threat. One does not necessarily need to fear impending death, but merely any physical harm. In some states, this also extends to the protection of personal property. In any account, if a reasonable person would have perceived a threat, and there was not an immediate and easy way to remove oneself from the threat, then the expeditious elimination of said threat by whatever means is warranted.

The Alabama laws even go to the extent of assigning responsibility of defense to bystanders. Yes, as the law is written, if I were to witness someone assaulting another, I am obligated by law to defend the victim. (within my abilities)

However, even though the law is written in that way, no one is ever punished for feeling that they cannot rise to that occasion.

Well said ^^^^, and I would submit that sitting behind the wheel of a running vehicle hardly fits any possible description of being in fear of her life and unable to escape.

Both parties escalated beyond any reasonable level, but only one person resorted to deadly force.

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This is the reason I love my throttle meister so much. Being right handed, it frees me up to take carefull aim without having to stop or get off the bike. The trick here is to be on the offense :assassin: and not get caught off guard like this poor guy did. The fact that her kid had the mind to get out of the car and start kicking the guy after he was shot is pretty unsettling.

Texas recently changed their right to self defense law very similar to Florida you have lots of lee way in defending your self in your car home or business no difference in forceable entry in any of the three and in addition to a lot of folks (male and female) having a carry permit its better to ride off with out any road side discussion in this state.

This is the reason I love my throttle meister so much. Being right handed, it frees me up to take carefull aim without having to stop or get off the bike. The trick here is to be on the offense :assassin: and not get caught off guard like this poor guy did. The fact that her kid had the mind to get out of the car and start kicking the guy after he was shot is pretty unsettling.
Sig Saur, 20 round clip and ambidextrous plus a throttle meister. more is better.

This is the reason I love my throttle meister so much. Being right handed, it frees me up to take carefull aim without having to stop or get off the bike. The trick here is to be on the offense :assassin: and not get caught off guard like this poor guy did. The fact that her kid had the mind to get out of the car and start kicking the guy after he was shot is pretty unsettling.
Sig Saur, 20 round clip and ambidextrous plus a throttle meister. more is better.
:blink: Kriss Super V with Eotech HWS, chambered in 45 ACP with 30 round magazine...


This is the reason I love my throttle meister so much. Being right handed, it frees me up to take carefull aim without having to stop or get off the bike. The trick here is to be on the offense :assassin: and not get caught off guard like this poor guy did. The fact that her kid had the mind to get out of the car and start kicking the guy after he was shot is pretty unsettling.
Sig Saur, 20 round clip and ambidextrous plus a throttle meister. more is better.
:blink: Kriss Super V with Eotech HWS, chambered in 45 ACP with 30 round magazine...

True. Now if I could just shoot my M1A one handed.

I used to pack and was into the "gun-play". If ya pull it, you will likely be forced into firing. Delivering slugs to an idiot in traffic just doesn't appeal to me. Doesn't sound justified from the little info from the story here. Some may think he had it coming by walking up to the vehicle. Give me a break. I know I have done a lot more than that to some jackass cagers in the past. Personally I won't entertain morons on the roads nowdays because it's safer for them and the only way for me to keep from getting out of hand.

I feel sorry for this guy, but he really should have just rode off, or pulled into a business parking lot. That way if she followed him in, she would have looked more like the aggressor . I can't see any group convicting this woman, even with the actions after the shooting. Some slick lawyer will paint the picture of a big intimidating biker confronting her in her call with her son (who is apparently a budding thug himself).

There are plenty other more important issue in life to deal with that confronting idiots on the road. If I got into that, I'd never make it down the road. Sometime you just have to let things slide like water off a duck's ass.

I hope his is u and riding soon, and she gets at least slapped with a civil suit from him.


I expect to soon be watching television episodes with this plotline.
What bike should be chosen?
Law & Order SUV?

Ooh Ooh a stunter on a crotch rocket with a flame thrower!
Damn, now THAT'S funny!

I feel sorry for this guy, but he really should have just rode off, or pulled into a business parking lot. That way if she followed him in, she would have looked more like the aggressor . I can't see any group convicting this woman, even with the actions after the shooting. Some slick lawyer will paint the picture of a big intimidating biker confronting her in her call with her son (who is apparently a budding thug himself).
There are plenty other more important issue in life to deal with that confronting idiots on the road. If I got into that, I'd never make it down the road. Sometime you just have to let things slide like water off a duck's ass.

I hope his is u and riding soon, and she gets at least slapped with a civil suit from him.

I hope she does too, but I want her convicted in a criminal court first. And the kid, for what little they could do to him. I've personally been on three criminal juries; I always get selected for foreman because I speak up and most people won't. I'm pretty damn sure if I got called for that trial, we'd convict her ass.

Just a couple dee dee dees. One less in the world, who cares. Hopefully shell run herself off a cliff soon and it'll be a matched pair.

she's a complete head case IMHO

it would be interesting to learn exactly what sort of cursing she delivered to the man she had just shot. I bet you'd be able to tell a lot about her reasoning and motives by knowing what she was yelling at her victim.
