Bike's been ordered - Need Advice!!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Dec 5, 2005
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My name is Marc Fialdini. I live in Alpharetta, GA (suburb of Atlanta). Just put down my deposit on an '06 FJR. That should give me around four or five months to torture myself until it is here...

I'll be perusing the site for advice, important "add-ons", things to look out for, etc.

My current bike is a BMW K1200LT. It's an amazing bike for two-up and truly long distance trips (as well as in the twisties) but my wife does not ride with me often enough any more to warrant having to manage the LT's size and weight. I'll really miss the cruise control, amazing stereo system, heated seats, and heated grips but I've got a feeling the FJR will make up for this in other ways.

Please feel free to throw any advice at me. I'll be looking to mount my Garmin 276C on the FJR, purchase risers for the handlebars (I know they are adjustable but probably not enough to make a real big difference as I'm 5'7"), and perhaps heated grips, a Throttlemeister and larger windshield. I'd be curious to know how you all have done with these types of additions.

I've posted this same post to two different areas of this forum, won't make a habit of this - just wanted to get as much feedback as possible.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Thanks / Regards,


There are more answers than you have questions.

I would say, search and read on this forum as much as you can.

There is a ton of threads on the items you mentioned under Parts and Accessories.

Search and read. Lots of discussions already. Myself, just a fender extender, fork brace, and risers.

The only thing so far added to mine is a RAM mount for my GPS. Probably will go for a D&D exhaust and PCIII sometime next year.


Thanks for the advice. I rode with a couple of guys on FJR's today. One of them had a set of risers that also brought the handlebars back. I'll be getting those... The other bike had a very well installed "true" cruise control. I liked that and will likely do the same.



Don't be too anxious to buy risers. The '06 bars may have a totally different mount, and risers for the earlier models will probably not work. I think the Audiovox cc should work, though. I just hope there's room under the new lowered seat for it.

The 'o6 bars are adjustable from the factory, though the adjustment may just be rotational. I'd wait until the aftermarket catches up with the design change.

Hey, Marc!

I live on the south side of Atlanta, and would be happy to show you yet another FJR with some extra goodies onboard! If you want to drop me an email, we can discuss this offline. You can't get too much advice before making your decisions, and reading the posts here will certainly help.

Let me know if I can help you, too.


In the short term, you are going to have problems with many after-market goodies, as nobody knows what will fit on the new bikes.

I am supposed to take a California to Utah trip in the spring with a friend who rides a k1200LT and I'm sure that I will get a chance to ride it. It will be the largest bike I have ridden.

Good luck on your search and welcome to the forum.
