Bizarre 2 Wheelers Out Again

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Jun 24, 2005
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Sandown, NH
Yes indeedie, I work near the primordial river where they first evolved (Merrimac River, Manchester, NH) and they still spawn and proliferate in this same area today. In fact, most seem to be happy to stay here as nobody seems to be buying them. They are ridden by all types, with each and every rider looking out of place and unnatural. I started seeing one or two brave ones returning to spring activity again a couple of weeks ago, but today they were out in force. Since there are so many unloved and homeless two wheelers they have been made available to anyone that works in the huge factory, simply check one out like a library book and off you go. In what looks like a scene that got crossed between a cowboy movie and a space movie, there they all are, long lines of them resembling two wheel horses tied up at hitching posts outside many local businesses. In an astonishing way, as many as 20-30 people at a time will ride these two wheelers roughly a mile to Gold’s Gym so they can pay to walk on a treadmill :blink: As I look out my window and see all these two wheelers scurrying hither and yon, to and fro, I am compelled to see what appears to be a picture page out of a Dr. Seuss story book. And now the ‘alternative’ two wheeler:










No turn signals, no mirrors and no situational awareness by the riders. My FJR narrowly missed taking out a Segway this afternoon. The SOB made a wide swing to the left, in order to gain better advantage to turn right and bounce over some railroad tracks. No suspension sucks! When I hit my horn to wake up the numb nuts he jerked so hard the Segway almost got airborne. Priceless!

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Whats up with the leaning? Faster cornering??
Yes, Gen II articulates a bit. Also, the GenIIs won't let you pitch down face first the way earlier Gen Is did.

While a nuisance to road traffic they are silent and absolutely deadly to pedestrians. There have been several serious Seg/Ped accidents that I've watched from the comfort of my office window.

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Do they have any farkles out yet?
Well, actually -- yes. There are the commercial models with baskets, police models, accessories similar to a Givi, running boards, mats, equivalent of high output lights, writing boards... and then there is the good stuff! They have an 'off road/cross country' model with knobby balloon tires and best yet are big smooth balloon tires with a special golf bag adapter intended specifically for golf courses :)

You were serious, right ;)

There are a few cops in Downtown Norfolk that use these. They acually have saddlebags on the Segways. Those suckers go pretty fast, too.

You were serious, right ;)
Of course I was. I think those are pretty neat. I would like to have one except that living in a rural area really doesn't make those practical for life around here.

There are a few cops in Downtown Norfolk that use these. They acually have saddlebags on the Segways. Those suckers go pretty fast, too.
Do they have a blue light and siren? :D

These things are a similar problem in the UK. To add to the nightmare they are usually driven by the elderly or infirm. Because they have lights they assume that they are road going vehicles and you come across them traveling at 10mph in the middle of the carraigway.....with no insurance.


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Do they have any farkles out yet?
Well, actually -- yes. There are the commercial models with baskets, police models, accessories similar to a Givi, running boards, mats, equivalent of high output lights, writing boards... and then there is the good stuff! They have an 'off road/cross country' model with knobby balloon tires and best yet are big smooth balloon tires with a special golf bag adapter intended specifically for golf courses :)
Not to mention the availble "Ben-Hur"-style spiky hubcaps! (in chrome or stainless). :D

... as many as 20-30 people at a time will ride these two wheelers roughly a mile to Gold’s Gym so they can pay to walk on a treadmill :blink:
Ionbeam, this was priceless.... :clapping:

If there was a Segway Forum, and if they ever organized an EOM, they could trailer their contraptions to Deal's Gap.

There I'd love to film them while they all head out into the twisties and follow the first guy into the ditch like lemmings... :lol: :lol: :lol:


PS: OK, OK, I know. I'm already seeing a therapist.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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My wife and I rented a couple of these things for 2 hours one day in March on St Maarten. Got to tell you guys - don't knock it til you've tried it! We had the governed-down models so the tour company could keep track of us, but the guides' machines were the full caffeine models - and they can really move! Our safety gear consisted of bicycle helmets, but I could have also used something for the eyestrain caused by all of the sunbathers on the beach as we rolled up and down the boardwalk in Phillipsburg...

The Segway has been an engineering success but a marketing failure, it answers the questions never asked. As FastJoyRide notes, it is finding a niche market in the touring industry though. There are many new tour places offering 'Segway Tours', a long walking tour without the walking. A quick lesson and off you go, and as such they are a real boon to the touring business. They actually do perform pretty well. Their speed hugely exceeds a normal sidewalk pace but falls short of 30-35 mph city speeds, they are fairly agile, brake fairly well and have reasonable battery endurance for inter city and delivery routes.

As an engineering success it works great, but at ~$5k/per it is a long way from being every man's machine. Even when given to mail service people they say it is more of a hindrance than help on walking routes. I would offer that its weather protection is minimal ;) At $250/per I would probably own one. Y'all start buying them in volume so it drives down cost as was anticipated by the developer.

My only experience and relationship with Segway is what I laugh at observe from my work location close to the cloning nest and during my commute when I try not to run them down as they fly around my work building. I'm thinking that paint ball guns may make a useful training tool to assist them in learning sidewalk and road way awareness with appropriate courtesies. Perhaps they need to make an electronic noise fashioned after The Motor Company where they exclaim that loud pipes save lives :lol:

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