Blue Sea Power Dist. Box problem

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2009
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Vernon, B.C.
The power to my pdb doesn't seem to power up my Star Com Digital? There is power to the Blue Sea box? But when I check the + and - leads to the Star Com no power? Yet the box, Blue Sea has power. The fuse to the Star Com is OK I have checked several times? The fuse (2amp was blown) and replaced with a 5amp fuse? It is OK? I had the power adapter for the radio hard wired in but I have removed it from the system in case there was a problem there? I'm stumped? Any ideas!. Oh boy, I've had a few so bear with me?



Key off! Power dist. box is connected via 40 amp fuse via auto retract windshield disable? Power only available after key on? That's why I'm confused, some of the leads from the box are powered up with the key but even though I have checked the fuse the Star Com isn't powering up?

By the way the phone via the Star Com and my Garmin 550 worked just before this happened as a test?

Key off! Power dist. box is connected via 40 amp fuse via auto retract windshield disable? Power only available after key on? That's why I'm confused, some of the leads from the box are powered up with the key but even though I have checked the fuse the Star Com isn't powering up?
just saying you wouldn"t be the first to over complicate a problem

Mark -- If I understand correctly, you have power at the + & - of the Blue Sea, correct? Where & what exactly is the Blue Sea powered from?

Is the main power to the Blue Sea run through a relay at any point...maybe I missed this?

Finally, if the Blue Sea has power, is the specific fuse (in the BS) associated with the StarCom circuit good?

Is THIS the one you have or similar?


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Yes the box is exactly as shown. While worrying about what may have gone wrong I'm suspecting the StarCom itself? It's been 3 years since I installed the StarCom and I have never touched it since. As for the Blue Sea box, it is powered via a 40amp fuse which uses the switched power from the wind shield auto retract. There is power on the two main posts in either end of the box indicating at least that far all is OK. When I turn the key to power on my GPS which is connected to the BS box powers up,

Pull the power cord out of the starcomm and measure voltage at the coaxial connector. The outside of the connector should be ground, the inside is +12VDC. If you have power there, then your starcomm might be bad.

Don't forget that a headset needs to be plugged in for the starcomm to power up.

Jayke, Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!!!! I had totally forgotten about the fact that the headset had to be plugged in in order to power up the StarCom! I was just about ready to open the box and create all sorts of mayhem! How could I be so stupid? In spite of having a couple of wobbly pops I don't think I would have remembered that most important item. I was also trying to post pictures which the forum apparently forbids and was just about to throw in the towel.

Jayke again Thanks


Jayke, Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!!!! I had totally forgotten about the fact that the headset had to be plugged in in order to power up the StarCom! I was just about ready to open the box and create all sorts of mayhem! How could I be so stupid? In spite of having a couple of wobbly pops I don't think I would have remembered that most important item. I was also trying to post pictures which the forum apparently forbids and was just about to throw in the towel.Jayke again Thanks

I love happy endings!!

Yeah, the software says that a photo can't be posted, but then it does post, at least that's been my experience utilizing Photobucket.

I have posted in the practise area and it worked? But trying to include a couple of photos in this query didn't and wouldn't even though I ignored the warning and posted anyway? For the moment I'm happy!

Glad I could help.

It's always the little things that cause the most problems.

Care to guess how I knew that?

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Glad you got it figured out and working Mark. I wouldn't have been much more help since I don't know diddly squat about the StarCom units...


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