Bluetooth Headphones?

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I am having a problem getting my Zumo, Paired with my scala-rider TeamSet I can hearand and make calls to my phone, I can't recive anything from my sumo 550.

I am having a problem getting my Zumo, Paired with my scala-rider TeamSet I can hearand and make calls to my phone, I can't recive anything from my sumo 550.
Thanks knifemaker

I was tinkering with it and all of a suddent the lights started to flask red and blue and walaw it all works great. As they say "If you tinker with your toys enough they will earher brake or they will start working like they are supose to.

thanks again :yahoo:

"Can the Scala Rider (not teamset) be paired with another Scala Rider ?..............."

You can however simply use another phone. I was going to get two Scala Riders, and give one to my wife to use with her phone. As we have a "family plan" with our cells, it costs nothing to talk to one another. This would have made a fairly nice intercom system, but alas, her phone was not bluetooth capable.

I saw the Teamset advertised at Cardos site, and we are using this instead. As mentioned, the duel speakers are not true stereo, but do make hearing alot easier. The intercom works fairly well, but audio quality is not as good as the units sound via the zumo or cell phone. My wife can hear me fine , but I have on and off problems hearing her. Not faulting the unit yet, as she tends to talk softly, and keeps here visor cracked open a bit. I plan on testing it later, but for now , the system works just fine for what I need it for.

The problem we encountered was when the cell phone service was not available you could not talk to each other. We were dependent on Verizon having strong enough service for both phones. The good thing was both our phones are mp3 players as well and play through the headsets nicely. Not stereo but still clear enough.
