BMW Nav5 with Touratech Mount on FJR

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Well-known member
FJR Supporter
Nov 1, 2010
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Horne Srnie, Slovakia, Europe
After some issue with Garmin Z600 I managed replacement to BMW Nav5 navigator. Fits to Z660 mount (I have also Touratech mount). First impression is perfect. It is raining today here but I plan to ride so will do "real test". Nav5 has a lot of new features - mainly when linked with Smartphone.

Some pictures here:





Looks good! Is that the Touratech stem nut mount? I wondered how the ignition key access might be impeded. I'm interested in mounting the new zumo 590 as you have the nav5. I look fwd to hearing the report after a dry run.

I have the Nav5 built-in on my Beemer. It shut down on me one day in direct sunlight after a 10hr outing. I turned it back on (rebooted basically) and it has been fine since, we'll see.

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Looks good! Is that the Touratech stem nut mount? I wondered how the ignition key access might be impeded. I'm interested in mounting the new zumo 590 as you have the nav5. I look fwd to hearing the report after a dry run.
It is combination of Stem Mount + Touratech mount. I used that setup for more than 5 years on FJR with Z660. I started with Touratech mount gen1 (this is now on my wife's bike) and the one on the image is Touratech mount gen2. I like gen2 more - better design and more robust. I am really happy that Nav5 fits and works on Z660 Mount because I do not need to modify my cables and mounts.

There is no issue with key accessibility at all - still plenty of space. I am event plan to modify it a bit Stem Mount and to add one bar in addition to the current structure to be able to move Navi more to the front and closer to cluster and key. I do not need to see keys, but I want to have Navi as high as possible and as closer to the "line of vision" as possible. Actually best position should be above cluster...

I really like Nav5. After one day ride I am positively surprised that all works well (after 5 years of bad experience with all small issues with Bluetooth and Z660). I paired Navi5 with iPhone and SHO-1. Working well, I did some calls - very good sound, easy to operate. Contacts, list of calls, all is there. I copied 7GB of mp3 to SD card and tested Music Player - works perfect and sound quality is good too. I transferred all my POI's and some routes via BaseCamp - works well. Just does not work with MapSource (I still like it more than BaseCamp).

I purchased for my Zumo660 in the past apps "Garmin Motorrad Touren" (800+ best bikers roads in Europe). This is not working on Nav5. I can find it in the list of POI but there are only start point - no trucks what can be recalculated to routes. This is pity because I love that on Z660 because I did not need to use too much often PC on the trips...

I love new features like weather or curvy roads - really work as advertised! I like also search function for POI and destinations - works better than on Z660. Rest of the functions are very similar to Z660. I will most probably not use 90 deg. orientation option - for sure on the bike, but it is "nice to have". Due to the fact that Hardware is newer all works faster than on Z660 - including screen refreshment with whole layers and max details.

As it was raining almost whole day today I tested waterproofing of Nav5 - water has not impact on Nav5 functions. I did not have an opportunity to compare screen visibility on direct sunlight with Z660, it looks a little bit better, but not too much I must say. Navigation itself is very similar to Z660 and I did not recognize any bugs or failures today.

There is no build in speaker on Nav5 - so speak directions, music or phone calls works only through Bluetooth headset. I am planning to test later if jack output on Zumo mount will have some sound outputs. I did not have a chance to test zumo car mount with Nav5 yet. Lack of speaker will be difficult for car use but solution is to buy Nav5 car mount. I am planning to try to connect my build-in car Bluetooth Handsfree with Nav5 - but I am not too optimistic here...

Over all - I am really happy with Nav5. Hope it will remains like that in the future.

In previous post I mentioned that MapSource is not supported. I learned with help of some clever guys from Zumoforums that it is not correct. By changing of setting from MTP to Mass Storage I CAN use MapSource now.
