Bolivia's Dragon

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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Kitchener, ON







Holy Crap!


... at 10 miles per hour.

Looks like snow on the road in one of the pictures. :blink: On a bike it must be a sweaty palm, knees gripping the tank ride.

Looks like snow on the road in one of the pictures. :blink: On a bike it must be a sweaty palm, knees gripping the tank ride.
Yeah, if I ever get to ride that stretch of road, I'll need a cigarette when I'm done. (or a coffin!)

Just for the record... I don't smoke, unless I'm riding a two-stroke. :D

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I saw a special on that road on the national geographic channel. It's called "Death Road" or "Road of Death" or something like that. Incredible number of crashes every year. It's a major crossing for that range and is often used by buses and trucks. Rockslides are common.

This road in the pictures above has as been reported to be called "Rodovia Da Morte" or Highway of Death, which apparently is not the same road as the "Death Road" which the TV show is about. Both are reported to be in Bolivia.

The Death Road (running E from LaPaz) was getting to be somewhat of a tourist destination even before the TV special and I think it will really get popular now. Like Everest, it's probably going to start attracting a lot of attention. The internet has it's drawbacks as anyone who has ridden Deal's Gap on a summer weekend can atest.

- Mark

markjenn said:
This road in the pictures above has as been reported to be called "Rodovia Da Morte" or Highway of Death, which apparently is not the same road as the "Death Road" which the TV show is about. Both are reported to be in Bolivia.
The Death Road (running E from LaPaz) was getting to be somewhat of a tourist destination even before the TV special and I think it will really get popular now. Like Everest, it's probably going to start attracting a lot of attention. The internet has it's drawbacks as anyone who has ridden Deal's Gap on a summer weekend can atest.

- Mark
Actually, a little more research has indicated that the road in this thread is actually BR-116 in Brazil, not Bolivia. Because it is called the "Highway of Death" it is often confused with the Bolivian "Death Road" E of LaPaz. I'm fairly certain that the pictues are not of the Bolivian road as I watched the Death Road program on TV and it didn't look anything like this road - more treacherous I think, but nothing like these hacked out of the side of clifffs pictures.

Here's some good shots of the Death Road in Bolivia:

- Mark

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I was showing Mrs. NC these pictures, especially the ones that markjenn provided of the death road in Bolivia. It reminded her of the time we spent going up to Baguio, Philippines. It was common during the rainy season for the roads to wash out with only about 3 foot of road left for bicycles, trikes, and motorcycles to maneuver through. I will take the death road of Bolivia over the other one.

Great pictures..............and we want to complain about a few potholes.


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