Both suspension pins failed. Lucky I was only doing 15mph

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James fjr 1300

New member
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I'm posting this to get opinions about my incident (not accident - I'm fine)

So, pulling away from lights in busy central London and the bike 'sinks' to the ground instantly and stops dead.

It cannot be pushed or pulled (5 people helped to bounce it)

5 hours later it's at my bike shop via AA fun.

The bike shop inform me the pins failed but until they get the bike on the bench they can't give me a fuller story.

Obviously if I was traveling at 40 plus (god forbid at motor-way speeds) who knows what could have happened.

Has anyone else experienced this? (I hope not)

This is a fully serviced 2003, 30,000 mile bike. This shouldn't happen, right? Ever?

Any thoughts?


Interesting, I could see perhaps a pin failing, but 2 of them? Pics would be nice if possible. It will be interesting to read if it was perhaps not assembled properly or what was the cause turns out to be. Glad you are OK, it must have been quite the pucker moment.

Is your ex-wife still the beneficiary on your life insurance policy?
Is it Friday already?

But seriously, I'd look at a corrosion problem with the bolts for a bike that old. Rust (corrosion) never sleeps and you could have had a "weak link' so to speak. And the second failed immediately after the first because of the increased load. I just took apart my rear suspension for a Penske install and was suprised at the amount of corrosion on an '06.

I pulled my 06 apart at 6 months old and there was already corrosion starting on all the bolts, especially the rear suspension. Great bike but it needs to be disassembled once and put together correctly when new. No worries after that.

I lubed mine when I bought and installed my Wilbers (many moons ago....a little Indigenous-American Lingo). It was highly recommended by Warchild.

Look here: There's a good picture of the corroded bolts (pins) for the dogbones.

Hopefully there will be no other damage to the bike (inner rear fender damaged by the tire assembly?) and it will be a quick and inexpensive repair.

Is your ex-wife still the beneficiary on your life insurance policy?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Never heard of this one. Look forward to more diagnostics and pix.
I think it's pretty common over in UK. The rear shock linkage bearings get neglected because its fiddly job to get them out and re grease. They come from the factory pretty dry and a couple of UK winters will have the bearings waving the white flag. They are a serviice item but the dealers have a reputation for not doing them even tho they say they have. The FJR owners club in the UK are always banging on about them not being done when they should. I have replaced the bearings in mine twice in 60k km because they were badly corroded. FJR club UK has many stories of the linkages failing and the aluminium "knuckle" actually fracturing. A word of warning, if it is this then I do recommend you join the FJR club as they stock all the parts and will sell a refurbished linkage. The two centre bearings are REALLY hard to get out so it's best to swap

The two suspension pins that broke referred to in this post, are they the dog bones? Or the bolts holding them in place? Or what? Looks like the original post on this topic hasn't replied to any questions so I'm asking anybody who may understand what parts actually broke here. Thanks
