Bought a 2012 Wee-Strom last week

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Dec 7, 2008
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Haven't been here in months, and I've been riding a Victory Vision for about 1.5 years. A while back I started this thread talking about the Tiger 800 maybe being a "mini-fjr" as I missed my FJR.

Well, the Weestrom was a better price point (got the 2012 Adventure for MSRP with 0% financing and they threw in a matching aluminum topbox and rack), and even with all the luggage and givi racks, and the money I spent afterwards on accessories (which are on the way), it was still less than the MSRP of a base Tiger ABS without luggage.

Well, I'll be checking in every now and then, but if you're looking for a smaller FJR, I think this would be a good fit. And the handguards require NO modification for MY new bike!!! lol!!!

I still miss my FJR. It was awesome. And everytime I see one on the classifieds, I stir a little inside. But even now, it's just more bike than I need. I ride solo commuting to work most of the time, and now that I have a wee-strom, I think I'll go ahead and actually try some mild offroading. But I still miss that FJR and it's nice to have owned a bike that I actually can't think of ANYTHING bad to say about. Everything about the FJR is great. But I'm looking forward to my wee-fjr . . . I mean wee-strom.... ;)


Congrats on the purchase Alexi! There's a lot of Wee's around these parts...a few of us [ ;) ] would like to have one in the garage to supplement the FJR.

Have fun with the new ride!! :)


I too have the '12 Wee ADV and will probably have it buried with me. It is an improvement over the 2 other Wees I had, but I regret I sold my 1000 to make room for the Wee. It too is quite a bike for the money. Especially when tricked out with all the extras like Happy Trails, crash bars, etc.

I thought the 1000 could replace the FJR, but found I (and my wife) missed the FJR too much and had to get another one (for the 3rd time--live and learn).

I consider myself lucky to have fun bikes at each end of the spectrum, and working on one that might be as much fun in other ways-- a '77 BMW R 75/7. It reminds me how much bike technology has changed in 35 years.

That Wee sure has a quiet sweet little motor. To quote Goldielocks: "It's just my size."

Interesting, my second bike (in addition to my '09 FJR) is a Suzy Burgman 650. I think that Suzuki have the Twin 650 motor configurations down pat, this thing is bulletproof.


The DL650 (I just hate the "Wee Strom" handle...) is an awesome bike - I have an '04 parked next to the '05 FJR. Love them both, but if I could have only one, I think it would be a the V-Strom.


PS - Well, actually, it would probably be a DL-1000 with ABS, if such a bike existed...

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The DL650 (I just hate the "Wee Strom" handle...) is an awesome bike - I have an '04 parked next to the '05 FJR. Love them both, but if I could have only one, I think it would be a the V-Strom.


PS - Well, actually, it would probably be a DL-1000 with ABS, if such a bike existed...
I had an '04 and put all the junk on it. It was a blast. I keep hoping the guy I sold it to will want to sell it back to me before he ruins it. It sat most of a year before he rode it to get his m/c license-- no battery tender, and probably no Staybil in the tank all winter in a shed. Had I known, I probably wouldn't have given it up to him-- I had her in great shape.

Yeah, I hope they do for the 1000 what they just did for the 650.

The DL650 (I just hate the "Wee Strom" handle...) is an awesome bike -
My wife asked me why they call it a wee strom. I told her there are two possible reasons that I know of. 1), it's a "wee" little version of the bigger V-strom. And it's easier to call it the "wee" one. Then I told her the reason I am using the "wee-strom" is because it makes me cry WEEEEEEEEE when I ride it cause it is fun!!!
Very nice!


They are also calling the 2012 the "Glee" because of the Gladius motor.

I'll stick with "Wee".

I know pics are mandatory. Waiting for this weekend as I have a skid plate coming in. Wanna get some nice pics. I'll be riding some country roads and will pull over and take a nice pic at some point. As a matter of fact, I think on Sunday I'll do my first little bit of offroading and visit some fishing areas. Well groomed roads, but dirt roads nonetheless.

