Bought the 07AE yesterday and have a few questions?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
Reaction score
St. George, UT
Well I need to be careful how I say this because I bought my bike from a Forum Members father but let me tell you how the deal went. As you know I have been looking for a leftover AE model FJR. Found alot of them in SoCal. All of them were within about $500 of each other OTD. Best price I found was LACycle Sports for $13499OTD. This was the price that I was using to call other dealers to see if they would match. Most would but that was it. Now I have bought 4 previous bikes from LACycle and everyone was an easy no hassle transaction. So I called up another dealership along the coast and asked to talk to a salesman and a guy picks up and I tell him what I was looking for and what LACycle was selling for. His words over the phone were "I have never lost a deal for a bike over money." I like that so I said how much. He wouldn't say but said it would be worth my time. So I am taking it that he is going to at least be $100-200 cheaper so I load up my wife and kids and head to the dealership. When I get there the best he can do from what he said was match LACycle. I almost felt like walking away but the drive to LA would not been worth it and they were the same price so I bought anyways.

Ok now here is the kicker. I go to sign for my paperwork and they tell me because I paid such a low price for the bike that Yamaha does "NOT" provide any sort of warranty. Not the standard 12month warranty either. So when you put your key in the bike and it doesn't start you are on your own unless you buy the Yamaha extended Service plan for $900 for 2 years? Could this be true? The also made me sign a paper turning down the warranty. I hope this was a total lie by the dealership? Is it?

Also I asked if I could at least get a deal on some gear for my wife since I am buying a bike and he offerd 10% off. Then proceeded to tell me that club members get 15% off but I couldn't join and get that price....

Other than that I have a new 07 FJRAE and it's sweet as hell. Comments about my experience please. Is this typical?

I'm not that familiar with the warranties and stuff but just from listening to you it sounds like you were dealing with a fast talking salesmen that was only after his best interest.

Welcome aboard.

Well I need to be careful how I say this because I bought my bike from a Forum Members father but let me tell you how the deal went. As you know I have been looking for a leftover AE model FJR. Found alot of them in SoCal. All of them were within about $500 of each other OTD. Best price I found was LACycle Sports for $13499OTD. This was the price that I was using to call other dealers to see if they would match. Most would but that was it.
There's your first (of many) mistakes. You don't tell the dealer what price you're willing to pay. You let them tell you what price they're willing to sell it for.

Ok now here is the kicker. I go to sign for my paperwork and they tell me because I paid such a low price for the bike that Yamaha does "NOT" provide any sort of warranty. Not the standard 12month warranty either. So when you put your key in the bike and it doesn't start you are on your own unless you buy the Yamaha extended Service plan for $900 for 2 years? Could this be true? The also made me sign a paper turning down the warranty. I hope this was a total lie by the dealership? Is it?
They screwed you with your pants on.

Also I asked if I could at least get a deal on some gear for my wife since I am buying a bike and he offerd 10% off. Then proceeded to tell me that club members get 15% off but I couldn't join and get that price....Other than that I have a new 07 FJRAE and it's sweet as hell. Comments about my experience please. Is this typical?
Hell no. You got ripped off in many different and varied ways.

If I were you, I'd be looking for a lawyer.

I would contact Yamaha Warranty folks immediately. It just doesn't sound right. Even LA Cycle wouldn't pull that on you. The bike has to have a base warranty on it. I would have walked right there and then. Listen to the gut man. B)

Call Yammie corporate customer service and find out about the warranty because what you were told reeks of bullshit. Then bitch like hell - to Yammie corporate, and the dealership. Not that it will do any good. It's buyer beware out there. You just happened to find one of the crappy dealers. You should have walked early on. Consider it a lesson learned.

As long as the bike was bought as a brand new motorcycle, the factory one year warranty should start at time of purchase. I don't see how they get around that. That's why you need to call Yamaha. Their service aggrement was nothing but dealer fluff.

What they said. This smells rotten. Contact Yamaha central. It isn't the dealership that offers the warranty, it's the company - - - I don't think the dealership can void the warranty just because it doewn't want to do the work. My leftover '07 came with $1200 discount AND a warranty.

Congratulations on your deal. I paid $17,500. According to 9-7 of the owners manual were covered for 1 year. Never heard of such a thing.

BTW. Do you notice the drive train being louder the a regular bike? I'm looking to compare with someone since I feel like I'm riding a jet engine and my ears start ringing. Are you going to the NAFO event in Golden, CO?

Congratulations on your deal. I paid $17,500. According to 9-7 of the owners manual were covered for 1 year. Never heard of such a thing.BTW. Do you notice the drive train being louder the a regular bike? I'm looking to compare with someone since I feel like I'm riding a jet engine and my ears start ringing. Are you going to the NAFO event in Golden, CO?

Anyone know the Phone number to contact Yamaha? Can't find it through google. I would like to find out about my warranty. Thanks

The manual only gives a Customer Service mailing address. There is a number in the manual for the extended warranty. (1-866-937-3983)

Wow were you touching your toes when he bent you over and gave you the stiffy??

I think W. C. Fields said , there is a sucker born every minute or something to that effect

Low Balling is a common tactic used to fight potential customers that are calling around playing one dealer against another. They get you to drive a distance (the further the better) and then state that they must of made a mistake. It costs them nothing and you have now invested a few hours and dollars to take the time to come see them. They can then wear you down and by getting you flustered, and they are controlling the situation. If you stay they know that you will play bait and switch, and that will continue throughout the deal until you will sign anything just to get out the door.

You should of walked, but now you might get some help by going in on a Saturday morning and start making some noise when they are busy. Politely explain your concerns to a few different employees while in front of several customers. Gradually crescendo your voice to reach the greatest audience. Be sure to tell it to several salesmen and then ask for the manager and read him the riot act.

Or save your breath as they cannot void your warranty. Call D&H to find out about purchasing the extended warranty. You can check your warranty status at any dealership.

If the bike is new it carries the factory one year warranty - your stealer was lying to you - or the bike is used . . . . hopefully your paperwork is clear on the subject.

Call Yamaha and they'll tell you which.

You DID get the side cases, the bag liners, trhe tool kit (such as it is), the little covers for the side case mount holes and the extra lock for the top box, right?

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I called and Talked to Yamaha and this is what they have told me so far. "It is possible that this bike is not eligible for a warranty. I appears that Yamaha sells bikes to dealers from an Auction that have been damaged in crate's etc." These bike are not elegible for any warranty. They will not be able to tell me until I can get them the VIN # and I am at work right now. I really hope they didn't sell me a bike that has been damaged. And I really hope I didn't sign any paperwork while they were smoozing me over that stated that they expained it to me cause I heard nothing of the sort. If they did sell me a bike like that I will be a real unhappy camper..... I hope it's just a mistake.

If the bike is new it carries the factory one year warranty - your stealer was lying to you - or the bike is used . . . . hopefully your paperwork is clear on the subject.
Call Yamaha and they'll tell you which.

You DID get the side cases, the bag liners, trhe tool kit (such as it is), the little covers for the side case mount holes and the extra lock for the top box, right?
This is an important fact....IF THE BIKE IS NEW.....If not, he has perpetrated fraud, so if he sold it to you as a new bike and it isn't!?!?!??!?

The warranty is from Yamaha (which you should have found out by now from Customer service). If the bike was sold to him or another and is a used bike, call your local District Attorney and/or your personal attorney.

Or save your breath as they cannot void your warranty. Call D&H to find out about purchasing the extended warranty. You can check your warranty status at any dealership.
Oh more little detail..."out" the dealer by name! :angry:

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Do you notice the drive train being louder the a regular bike? I'm looking to compare with someone since I feel like I'm riding a jet engine and my ears start ringing.
You're welcome to listen to mine sometime if you want, and I'm even local :p

Of course mine has a clutch tho B)

Back on topic: Hope you can get this all worked out without having to spend alot of $$$ in litigation
