Boy scouts kill motorcyclist with tree!

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"It appears to investigators that this was a case of unfortunate timing," according to a UHP news release.

HUH?! Who cuts a tree so that it falls on to the road?

A Colorado motorcyclist died Saturday in Utah after he hit a tree that fell in front of him.

Yeah, I heard this on the news yesterday (when I was in Utah). This occurred on Highway 12 which is an extremely popular road for motorcyclists. Many in this forum have ridden it, especially this time of year, when the fall colors are at their height.

I did not know that the boy scouts were involved. But what I do know, as someone who cuts firewood on public lands every year is this: IT IS EXTREMELY IRRESPONSIBLE TO FALL TREES ALONG ANY ROAD WITH ANY SIGNIFICANT LEVEL OF TRAFFIC, LET ALONE A STATE HIGHWAY!!!!!!

Somebody was not properly supervising the scouts, which unfortunately in Utah, is a common occurrence.

I hope the family pursues a civil claim against the DUMB ASS Boy Scout Leaders who allowed this to occur!

This incident really sickens and infuriates me, especially when the UHP says it's just an "unfortunate accident". BULLSHIT!!!

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A Colorado motorcyclist died Saturday in Utah after he hit a tree that fell in front of him.

Yeah, I heard this on the news yesterday (when I was in Utah). This occurred on Highway 12 which is an extremely popular road for motorcyclists. Many in this forum have ridden it, especially this time of year, when the fall colors are at their height.

I did not know that the boy scouts were involved. But what I do know, as someone who cuts firewood on public lands every year is this: IT IS EXTREMELY IRRESPONSIBLE TO FALL TREES ALONG ANY ROAD WITH ANY SIGNIFICANT LEVEL OF TRAFFIC, LET ALONE A STATE HIGHWAY!!!!!!

Somebody was not properly supervising the scouts, which unfortunately in Utah, is a common occurrence.

I hope the family pursues a civil claim against the DUMB ASS Boy Scout Leaders who allowed this to occur!

This incident really sickens and infuriates me, especially when the UHP says it's just an "unfortunate accident". BULLSHIT!!!
Exactly! Instead of "unfortunate accident" how about "negligent homicide!"

Very tragic and avoidable. When dealing with any kind of projectile one needs to know where it's going to land before you turn it loose. Whoever was in charge of the chainsaw activity should be held responsible.

"It appears to investigators that this was a case of unfortunate timing," according to a UHP news release.
HUH?! Who cuts a tree so that it falls on to the road?
They don't always fall where you think they'll fall, but cutting one that could even reach the road is extremely irresponsible for anyone but a pro.

weren't the two scout leaders who got caught knocking over rocks in a natl park from UT too. Whats up with that? Can't imagine cutting a tree down next to a hwy like that. They lost my support since becoming a political organization. This sure doesn't help their cause much.

If these boys were in the crips or bloods and out for some outdoor edumacation, would they have gotten this utter and complete pass?

I just don't get how cutting down trees that land in a public roadway is not considered negligent. Ooopsie? Accident? Nope.

This is Utah where perhaps Boy Scouts get a pass as a quasi church organization, but this is negligence. I hope the troop has good liability insurance and the rider's family knows a good attorney. Unfortunate accident my ass.

weren't the two scout leaders who got caught knocking over rocks in a natl park from UT too. Whats up with that? Can't imagine cutting a tree down next to a hwy like that. They lost my support since becoming a political organization. This sure doesn't help their cause much.
The Boy Scout leadership in Utah has a long and very dubious record. Examples are many, including lots of avoidable incidents/accidents, the worst of which have involved the deaths of scouts, and now this!

"Leadership" related to boy scouts in Utah, could be described as an oxymoron. And yeah, the guys who tipped over the "hoodoos" in the Utah state park last year were..............boy scout leaders.

Stealth1's second post above provides a hint as to the political reality related to this, and most incidents, involving the Boy Scouts in Utah. Speculate from there!

Again, I'm being nice.

BTW, I lived in Utah for 23 years.

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Having ridden that road the first week of June earlier this year, it's hard to fathom a reason for cutting a tree in such a way as to fall it on the highway in the area the article describes. What in hell were these negligent morons doing while and after they dropped it in the highway? Just letting drivers and riders encounter it without so much as trying to warn and flag them down before hitting the hazard? Unbelievable!

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That's a truly shitty way to go out. Sure is a lot of information that's missing from the story. It's OK when being stupid hurts the person being stupid, but when it takes someone else's life someone's head needs to roll.

weren't the two scout leaders who got caught knocking over rocks in a natl park from UT too. Whats up with that? Can't imagine cutting a tree down next to a hwy like that. They lost my support since becoming a political organization. This sure doesn't help their cause much.
The Boy Scout leadership in Utah has a long and very dubious record. Examples are many, including lots of avoidable incidents/accidents, the worst of which have involved the deaths of scouts, and now this!

"Leadership" related to boy scouts in Utah, could be described as an oxymoron. And yeah, the guys who tipped over the "hoodoos" in the Utah state park last year were..............boy scout leaders.

Stealth1's second post above provides a hint as to the political reality related to this, and most incidents, involving the Boy Scouts in Utah. Speculate from there!

Again, I'm being nice.

BTW, I lived in Utah for 23 years.
It's not just Utah... Every winter the Scouts have an Ice fishing Jamboree on a local lake.

And every year they cut a 10 to 15 foot circle in the ice over waters 30 feet plus deep.

Anybody with a 16th of a brain who lives where you ice fish know you stick a tree branch or any type of Unnatural piece of debris someplace along the edge to warn others of potentially thin ice..

But the scout leaders are morons who sit behind desks and only head into the wilds in their heads.

5 times in the last 6 years an unknowing fisherman has fallen through. No deaths to date thankfully.

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weren't the two scout leaders who got caught knocking over rocks in a natl park from UT too. Whats up with that? Can't imagine cutting a tree down next to a hwy like that. They lost my support since becoming a political organization. This sure doesn't help their cause much.
The Boy Scout leadership in Utah has a long and very dubious record. Examples are many, including lots of avoidable incidents/accidents, the worst of which have involved the deaths of scouts, and now this!

"Leadership" related to boy scouts in Utah, could be described as an oxymoron. And yeah, the guys who tipped over the "hoodoos" in the Utah state park last year were..............boy scout leaders.

Stealth1's second post above provides a hint as to the political reality related to this, and most incidents, involving the Boy Scouts in Utah. Speculate from there!

Again, I'm being nice.

BTW, I lived in Utah for 23 years.
It's not just Utah... Every winter the Scouts have an Ice fishing Jamboree on a local lake.

And every year they cut a 10 to 15 foot circle in the ice over waters 30 feet plus deep.

Anybody with a 16th of a brain who lives where you ice fish know you stick a tree branch or any type of Unnatural piece of debris someplace along the edge to warn others of potentially thin ice..

But the scout leaders are morons who sit behind desks and only head into the wilds in their heads.

5 times in the last 6 years an unknowing fisherman has fallen through. No deaths to date thankfully.

+100 (i.e. the Moron part)!!

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