I have never changed the brake or clutch fluid on my 08

Maybe this will be my next project :huh: Now I am off to find a tutorial on fluid changing for dummies.
It's crazy easy to do. I prefer the SpeedBleeders while others prefer the Mightyvac. Use what makes you comfortable, but either of these tools will make the process quick, mess free, and easy.
With my bleeders, I open them about 1/4 turn, connect a plastic hose and pump the old fluid out. Doesn't take much as I use a syringe to take the old fluid out of the reservoir first.
No leaks, no air getting back into the system, and when the pumps fluid shows clear, I close up the valve and fill the reservoir.
The order you do the bleed will depend on what Gen bike you have, as all 2006+ are linked brakes.
For my GenII, I do left front, then right front. Then I goto the rear brakes. I do the lower right front (the linked one) first, and then the rear.
Then I do the clutch.
Easily done and tools put away in 30 minutes. The bike just feels better afterward. Its prolly mostly placebo effect, but whatever, I like fresh fluid in my binders and clutch.