Break in oil

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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The FJR has Yamaha's semi-synthetic when it leaves the dealer floor. It also has a maintenance interval that seems to work just fine. I don't get why people feel the need to go overboard with their own crazy theories about how this stuff should be done.
And for years it had conventional oil filled at the factory until they changed what their 'official' oil is.
Yeah...after saying "Yamaha semi-synthetic" I was gonna say, "Whatever that is." BUT I saw something shiny and got sidetracked. Sorry.

Dyno, semi-synthetic, full synthetic; for our application, it's all the same. Wasting money on all this high speed super oil is, well, wasting money. However, it's your money, so waste it any way you want.

Oh...And Howie; Change the oil in your ******* Honda for Christs sake.
Why? Haven't driven it since I put the new motor in Frankenbike...and that was 39 months ago!!

And what ever happened to the recommendations in the owners manual?
WTF does the owner's manual have to do with owning an FJR? What a goofy concept!

so i kicked the hornets nest.

oh well.

good point. all. even the ones who reflect me as a fool, but thank GOD i am an American and change my oil every day if i want to. :)

at any rate, perhaps i'm mistaken, but when i brought the bike home from the dealer, if i recall, the manual indicated it was filled with full synthetic (also stated by the dummy behind the counter, but thats another story)

BUT as i'm so anal, i'm now searching for my manual to verify - i could be wrong - and i'm ok with that.

and other posters are correct... I am anal. as i noted, nothing to this ritual at all except it just makes me feel good. that and my experience with ring/journal/bearing raceways/etc break-in and long running engines.

the only thing i know for sure, is that it will not hurt the machine in any way, and hell, might even allow nuance of extra dyno polishing achieved during the anal break-in dance sans micro contaminants to let me squeeze an extra 50k miles out of her...

i'm curious what the high mileage record holder FJR has on it...

and a little supposition: i'm also sure that Yamamamma works with the laws of their own average, in that they build a well engineered machine, and that's it. i suspect they never intend for their bikes to go 300k plus miles...

all in all, an enjoyable and raucous debate... i posted knowing it would stir the ire of some and the smirk of others...

and on a final note, there is some fairly scientific thought out there about break-in with dyno and it's from a fairly reliable and ongoing student of the process. i'm not sure about posting the link here, as it's fairly radical and may make somebody grumpy...

HA! feck it... here it is. and while i don't necessarily prescribe to all things Motoman, one can't argue with his experience... i haven't built or torn down nearly as many motors... so, FWIW,

What happened to the OP? Did he get embarassed and leave? Or did he do this on purpose?
Red, would you want to have to talk to HotRodZilla or RadioHowie? I didn't think so!
As always, you impress me with your wisdom!
I hate to admit it but both of those worthy gentlemen do sometimes post some really useful and valuable information. They sometimes hit the nail squarely upon its head. Sometimes anyway... The rest of the time I agree. It could be a most unpleasant conversation.

What happened to the OP? Did he get embarassed and leave? Or did he do this on purpose?
Red, would you want to have to talk to HotRodZilla or RadioHowie? I didn't think so!
As always, you impress me with your wisdom!
I hate to admit it but both of those worthy gentlemen do sometimes post some really useful and valuable information. They sometimes hit the nail squarely upon its head. Sometimes anyway... The rest of the time I agree. It could be a most unpleasant conversation.
It's not so bad if you're talking to AJ and Steve-O by phone or email, but having to actually look at them in a conversation really makes you want to vomit!

What happened to the OP? Did he get embarassed and leave? Or did he do this on purpose?
Red, would you want to have to talk to HotRodZilla or RadioHowie? I didn't think so!
As always, you impress me with your wisdom!
I hate to admit it but both of those worthy gentlemen do sometimes post some really useful and valuable information. They sometimes hit the nail squarely upon its head. Sometimes anyway... The rest of the time I agree. It could be a most unpleasant conversation.
It's not so bad if you're talking to AJ and Steve-O by phone or email, but having to actually look at them in a conversation really makes you want to vomit!
Took all the mirrors down in Casa Stanley, didn't ya! :p :p

He used that mirror line on me one time, too! I'd say he's kinda touchy on that subject....
Walt Old Buddy, RadioHowie is so damn ugly that if he was a dog I would shave his ass and train him to walk backwards; same with 'Zilla, but even more so! jes' sayin' and nuff' said! RH has the absolutely perfect face for being in the radio business. Es verdad, ese!

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He used that mirror line on me one time, too! I'd say he's kinda touchy on that subject....
Walt Old Buddy, RadioHowie is so damn ugly that if he was a dog I would shave his ass and train him to walk backwards; same with 'Zilla, but even more so! jes' sayin' and nuff' said! RH has the absolutely perfect face for being in the radio business. Es verdad, ese!
It took Beemerdons three minutes to respond....

He used that mirror line on me one time, too! I'd say he's kinda touchy on that subject....
Walt Old Buddy, RadioHowie is so damn ugly that if he was a dog I would shave his ass and train him to walk backwards; same with 'Zilla, but even more so! jes' sayin' and nuff' said! RH has the absolutely perfect face for being in the radio business. Es verdad, ese!
It took Beemerdons three minutes to respond....
Sorry Walt and Jim that I was so slow, I went to the kitchen to open another beer and nuke a pork tamale. I won't let that 3 minute delay happen again, seriously!

"Beemerdons is SO ugly that....."


"He's SO ugly that he was turned down at the 'Walking Dead" audition....."


"Beemerdons is SO ugly that....."

"He's SO ugly that he was turned down at the 'Walking Dead" audition....."

Half of this list below applies to RadioHowie, ALL of this list covers Hot RodZilla! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!


You're so ugly, when you walk into the bank they turn off the cameras.

If ugliness were bricks, you would be the Great Wall Of China.

You're so ugly, you went to a haunted house and came out with an application.

If ugliness was a crime, you'd get the electric chair.

You were so ugly at birth, your parents named you **** Happens.

You're so ugly, your mate won't have to worry about birth control...your face will do just fine.

You're so ugly, you could model for death threats.

You're so ugly, when you were born they put tinted windows on your incubator.

You're so ugly, you have to sneak up on your mirror.

You're so ugly, when you look in the mirror your reflection turns to stone.

You're so ugly, when you sit in the sand the cats try to bury you.

You're so ugly, your doctor is a vet.

You're so ugly, when you were born the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents.

You're so ugly, you stuck your head out of the car window and got arrested for mooning.

You're so ugly, your pet name is Scooby-Doo.

Your girl is so ugly, you gave her a hickey and got a mouthful of fur.

You're so ugly, you have to Trick or Treat by phone.

You're so ugly, when your mother went into labor your father went into shock.

You're so ugly, every time your mother looks at you she says to herself, "Damn, I should've

just given head."

I know why you look like a horse, because I saw your mother grazing in the field.

You're so ugly, when we play peek-a-boo - first I peeked, then I booed.

You're so ugly, you can sink your face in dough and make monster cookies.

You're so ugly, they call you Taco Bell, when people see you they run for the border.

You're so ugly, you make onions cry.

You're so ugly, the tide wouldn't bring you in.

You're so ugly, I took you to see the zookeeper and he said, "Thanks for bringing him back."

You're so ugly, you mother had to get drunk before she breast fed you.

You're so ugly, you went to a freak show and got a permanent job.

You're so ugly, the police sketch artists are afraid to draw you.

You're so ugly, when you get sick they call the vet.

You're so ugly, you make blind kids cry.

You're so ugly, farmers use your picture as a scarecrow.

You're so ugly, every time you go out you get chased by the dog catcher.

You're so ugly, when you jerk off your hand tries to fall asleep.

You're so ugly, you can't hail a bus.

You're so ugly, they call you Moses because every time you step in the lake, the water parts.

You're so ugly, you give Freddy Kruegger nightmares.

You're so ugly, they let you park in handicapped spaces.

You're so ugly, when you threw a boomerang it didn't come back.

You're so ugly, when you went to the zoo they refused to let you out.

You're so ugly, you can't get a date off the calendar.

You're so ugly, when your mother went into labor the doctors went on strike.

You're so ugly, your last name is Link and your first is Missing.

You're so ugly, people put your picture in their car window as an anti-theft device.

You're so ugly, that you can turn milk into yogurt, just by looking at it.

You're so ugly, people create a Jackson ******* style painting when they spew on the floor.
