Breaking news: Paul Bird and the entire Ventaxia squad move up to WSBK

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
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Manchester UK
Run as the Stobart Honda team and laterly with input from ventaxia Paul Bird has made a good job of competing in the British superbike championship for 5 years. This year coming good at the end with a few podiums and one win (?).

I had contacted him on behalf of Howie Mainwaring who is looking for a better placement next year and was told that the new team was sorted and was to be announced in the next day or 2.

This announcement is a shock to all in the BSB camp. Paul is opinionated and contradictory, he is also very wealthy, a championship winning rally driver, and an astute team owner. I am pleased that they will be at WSBK and hope that the team will include a British rider as we don't have anyone to represent us as Tose is going to MGP.

The early whispers are that Greg Lavilla is booked, rider 2 not yet named.

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