Broke again...

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Manhattan, KS
Well, I went down again. Tuesday the 25th, was going straight across an intersection and had a car turn left in front of me. I went left, straightened up, slid across the sand in the middle of the intersection and came down on my right side/back. Was during our morning rush, immediately had a dozen people around me on cell phones. Car kept going, no idea if he even saw me, but I was pretty close without touching him. Was asked if I needed to get looked at, decided yes, & after an x-ray, c.t. & another x-ray was told I broke my right scapula in about 4 pieces and 2 ribs. Looks like I'm not going to make WFO this summer :( . Bike has scrapes across the right bag, Wild Bill highway peg & bracket bent in, phid & bracket bent & broken, and the frame slider lost about 3/4". Had a friend ride it back after I got back from the ER.

Damn it.

Well, I went down again. Tuesday the 25th, was going straight across an intersection and had a car turn left in front of me. I went left, straightened up, slid across the sand in the middle of the intersection and came down on my right side/back. Was during our morning rush, immediately had a dozen people around me on cell phones. Car kept going, no idea if he even saw me, but I was pretty close without touching him. Was asked if I needed to get looked at, decided yes, & after an x-ray, c.t. & another x-ray was told I broke my right scapula in about 4 pieces and 2 ribs. Looks like I'm not going to make WFO this summer :( . Bike has scrapes across the right bag, Wild Bill highway peg & bracket bent in, phid & bracket bent & broken, and the frame slider lost about 3/4". Had a friend ride it back after I got back from the ER. Damn it.
Alright, guys. Knock this shit off. NO MORE TEST CRASHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are style points, though. Also, there's other ways to get attention. Sheep are easier on the body................ so I've been told. :blink:

What gear were you wearing?

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Really sorry to hear this James.

You aren't paranoid if they really are all out to get you (and apparently they are...)

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Absolutely James... sounds like your skills saved the day, yours.

Be proud

Not everyone could have done the same. Heal quick and get back on the road!

I'm sorry about your get-off. I'm pleased you didn't take chances, played it smart, and got checked out in the ED. Spend some time healing up and knitting bones. Hope you get back on soon.

Good to hear that your bones and the Feej are fixable. Glad you avoided the worst possible outcome.

Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery. :assassin:


Well, good thing you posted this, darn concerning with this rash of get-off's... circumstances beyond control with car-driver not being attentive.

Hope you have a speedy recovery; epson salt's baths all around this forum....



Sounds like bike is in pretty good shape. though.

James, sorry to hear about your mishap...get your body healed and bike fixed. Look forward to get on the road again...

Sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad you are ok, and were able to tell us about it. Another reminder that good skills are better than good luck any day!

Take care of yourself.


Bummer that you got all banged up, but at least you were able to avoid the rat brain.

Glad it wasn't worse and hope you heal up quick.
