Broke my Mirror off in the Garage

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Adventure Seeker
Jul 25, 2014
Reaction score
Georgetown Illinois
So I was getting one of the side cases off the wall where I store them on hooks and the case slipped out of my hand and fell and hit right on top of the right side mirror before I could grab it all the way. Broke the thing right off.

After cussing it up a little, I looked online and the logical move is either get a cheap mirror for replacement or go with the FZ mirrors. I did a little searching and would just like confirmation as to what you all have used in the past. What FZ mirrors work best and did any of you get a really good deal anywhere in particular. I will be selling/gifting my perfectly good left mirror to anyone who wants it after I get the FZ ones installed. Thanks in advance


After doing some research here on the forum do not go with the knock off brands. Buy the OEM ones from what I have read. How about Ebay for a used mirror. Should be easy enough to find. Look at the bright side you didn't drop the case and mess that up.


Couple of splints and some duct tape you're good to go.

Joe's right or Partzilla is the way to go on FZ 1 mirrors for price. Good pricing, little slow on shipping.

Boats and Partzilla are the same company, check both sites sometimes one or the other will be a few less $$$.

I searched part numbers.
Sorry If they are incorrect
your numbers are's the letters that are wrong.

Well, I got the mirrors in the Mail. 18 bucks for both sides. I think it was the same link that Pants sent from Ebay. Ordering was easy and shipping was free. Took about 5 business days to get here from Cali. Picked up the box and heard a little "jingle" in there. Not the thing you want to hear. I snapped a few pics of the box and it had a crease in it, but not too bad. Opened it up and one of the two mirrors was broken. AND you guessed it. The right side one was broken. The left side one is pristeen. I need the right side one.

It ends up being okay though

Called the company up and a guy answered and he said take a few pics and send them to his cell phone. I did while I was on the phone with him and he sent me a tracking number for a replacement in about 3 min.

Sending it USPS Priority mail 2-3 business days. Would be nice to have a mirror.

To be continued.......

These are the FZ1 mirror part numbers I used a few years ago when I got mine (for reference):

  • 5LV-26290-00-00
  • 5LV-26280-00-00
Anything other than OEM will likely be a vibratory mess.

Josh, if you bought mirrors for $18 for both sides, those will be aftermarket (Chinese knockoffs). You will be sorry you didn't read better. Get the OEM FZ1 mirrors.

  • 5LV-26290-00-00
  • 5LV-26280-00-00
The knockoffs will look fine, but will vibrate and will not stay in place. This has been discussed countless times on the forum with the same results.
