Bruce Needs your prayers

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2008
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Yesterday my brother-in-law, Bruce had his 5th surgery as result of an M/C on 7-14-08. He shattered his right leg in the wreck and has not had use of the leg since that time. He had 3 surgeries the first week after the accident and a 4th about 6 weeks ago. Both the Tibia and the Fibula were broken and also each had multiple fractures.

Yesterday he underwent the 5th surgery because the Tibia is not healing. He had a 1/4 inch titanium rod put in during the first surgery but it was not keeping the two parts of the leg stablized enough to permit the bone to repair itself. They have tried the electronic bone stimulator but it was not working sufficiently enough. In this surgery they replaced the original rod with a 1/2 inch titanium rod and crewed the two bones together with a plate to further prevent it from moving. In order to reposition the Tibia they had to rebreak the Fibula as it was preventing the surgeons from aligning the Tibia. It was a 5 1/2 hour surgery. He was then put in a cast from his toes to his hip.

Today they had to crack open the cast as there was excessive swelling of the leg. He has been in excrusiating pain since he awoke from the surgery. They have him on the max dose of morphine and he still hurts. If this does not work then he may be running out of options in the effort to save his right leg. for this reason I am asking for your prayers for him that he may heal quickly and fully. He is a big outdoorsman and loves to hunt and fish. Obviously, he has missed this hunting season completerly.

BTDT... the pain is beyond description. Prayer's from here... get in his face and challenge him to kick it.

I know someone who went through that with his arm after a high-side at a track day, put his elbow about halfway to his shoulder. Surgery, morphine, surgery to repair the first surgery, casts from shoulder to wrist, 2 or 3 years of recovery. Oh: right arm, and he's right-handed.

But there was recovery. He's riding again, playing golf, shooting pool, the latter two better than before, apparently. Still has that metal thing in his arm, I think, so he's probably cheating, ineligible for the PGA tour.

So thoughts are with you. It's hard, it hurts, but it will be in the past one day.

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Something similar happened to my best friend 3 years ago. I think we are on surgery #6. Just had a partial knee replacement. We've done a halo, plates, screws, removal of same, knee clean-outs and now the replacement. If you guys need help with anything, I have a list of recommended doctors, surgeons and PT places in Houston, Chicago and Albuquerque. All the best to your brother and to you.

