Buddy Belt?

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Anybody tried one of these? Its a belt with loops for your passenger to hang on to.

Im thinking my wife might like one when I grab a fat handful o throttle and unicycle on down the road with her. hehehe!!

One of our club riders uses that. His pillion won't ride without it. Though, in a get off, I'm not sure if I'd wanna be attached to a pillion... may increase the probability or amount of injury...

TWN, I think we are talking about two different types. The one Im looking at is just a pair of loops fixed to a belt which the passenger grabs, not the gizmo that straps rider and pillion together.

I agree, if I find myself flying thru the air with the greatest of ease I would rather not have my wife strapped to my back. Pillions are not protective armor! :haha:

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As a long time horse rider my wife sits an excellent seat, and normally sits so well balanced I don't even notice her on the bike except for the weight (don't ask, don't look :rolleyes: ). When she needs to get involved with the ride she first grabs the ol' love handles. When it gets more interesting she hooks her fingers through my belt loops and hangs on. When it gets really hot she turns loose and does this from behind me:


Note the position of the speedo needle...

And, this:


While the 'Buddy Belt' may make Aunt Bee and your little nephew feel comfy and secure it may not really do much for your knee draggin' partner.

Alan, it looks like you can't keep up with your riding partner. Couldn't you get your FJR to go any faster?

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-I have one of the belts you mention. I use it when my 8 year old rides with me; (actually have been using it since he was 6). Works fine, no problem. My wife never felt like she needed it, however; especially now with the Givi top box on...

Well geeze, TWN -- back when we were discussing how some of us came by our web names Thug did warn us :lol: Seems to me he has a good eye for beautiful scenes. I wouldn't hesitate to go anyplace with him (in the dark, in the lesser neighborhoods) :aarock:

Whoa Nelly ! I agree with all three of you... ( and only if Thug goes first ! )

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Bit of a story to tell...a few months ago about 30 of my closest riding mate's went up to a place called the Blue Duck which is an little pub come restaurant in the middle of nowhere up in the hills. I had never been there before and was looking forward to it. Anyway after about 2 hours of riding we arrived and there was not a lot of parking available so I thought hmmm...I'll just park under this tree on the pub's lawn away from everywhere so I did.

As I was removing my protective gear this skinny prick of whom I have never meet before came out onto and yells "hey you move ya bike from there that's for guests" and stormed back in the pub.

I though for while how I would handle it as all my friends heard it and were quite upset with this bloke's attitude. So after about 10 minutes I decided to go and give him an attitude adjustment. No fists were involved but he did get them message loud and clear about what I though of his establishment and more to the point what I thought of him and what I might do the next time he ever spoke to me again in that manner.

After a while I left for a feed down the road but before I did a mate on the ride said to me show me how angry you are and then he took the "Shot".

That fucking cocksucker when the bushfires were on last year which were very bad, the local coppers had to block off the road to his pub. A mate of mine who was a copper on duty this particular day making sure people didn't go through the road block without knowing the dangers first, was waiting there and this gobby prick start's whinging about how he (the copper) was stopping his trade from coming up the road (Right in the middle of some of the worst fires they have had for decades) my mate was a farmer in his previous life so he was pretty layback and said well you better get their next of kin details and dental records first...Why said MR Cockhead? well when we find their charred remains we will need to identify them from the DNA and Dental records, "oh right" said Mr Wanker...and drove off.

So at every opportunity I tell all and sundry about Mr Fuckwit and his antics and I know the word is spreading because I can show up somewhere and someone will say that's Thug you know, the guy who had the run in at the Blue Duck!

