butt pad or seat

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First off,

... but my butt was on fire.
Go to the doctor and get a shot for that, OK? Otherwise Bust'll follow you home and ... well, just go to the doctor. OK?

Secondly, if you really want to be comfortable, invest in a Russell. You won't be sorry.


Here's the bottom line...

Buy a good seat. Period.

The LD guys who have good seats rarely use any 'add-ons'.

- The bead seat is great for getting some air to your boys and can be useful even on top of a 'good' seat.

- AirHawk, is probably the singe best on-top of add-on, IMHO and is very adjustable, but not cheap. If you buy a good seat you don't need an Air hawk.

Being the slow learner that I am and cheap too, It took me a long time to learn this. I still don't have a great seat. (see cheap part). I have a good seat, a Sargent, and use both an Airhawk and beads from time to time, but never at the same time, and generally only when going for more than say 600 - 800 miles.

I absolutely hated the gel pad that I had (ButtBuffer) they just kept in too much heat. I had similar results with sheepskins. Maybe good in winter but not worth a damn to me for summer.


Invest in a Russell Daylong now.

Or you can go the "cheap route" now and eventually buy the Russell seat anyway after spending hundreds on various add-ons. They are not all that expensive if you only need to have the front seat sculpted. It does get a little pricey if you need to do the rear also, for your pillion, but if you do, it will work wonders for both of you.

I think I'm one of the few who doesn't mind the stock seat. I did an SS1k in Colorado last year at NAFO with my riding pants and a pair of bike shorts that have the simulated sheepskin in the crotchal area. They work fine for me. Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to have a Russell. And the wife threatens me over that very issue every season.

But I did a 2700 mile ride in 5 days on a 1979 SR500 back in my younger, tougher days so my butt is still numb most of the time...

I think I'm one of the few who doesn't mind the stock seat. Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to have a Russell. And the wife threatens me over that very issue every season.
Same here. The stock is "OK"...not great, not hugely comfortable but "good enough" that I really can't justify spending so much money on a custom seat that *might* fix the problem.

Oh, it will fix the problem (if you buy a Russell).

The only people I have ever heard dis the Russell are the short shits vertically challenged fellows that whine about not being able to touch the ground anymore. But they weren't complainin' about sore butts anymore. ;)

Think of it this way: You probably didn't know how well it was gonna work out when you got married, did ya? And I'll bet it cost you a whole lot more than 5 or 6 hunnert to do that... :p

I got a sheepskin before I got my Russell.

I took the sheepskin along on my 6000 mile 11 day trip to CFR and back. Never unpacked and used the sheepskin.

My stock seat was good for one 600 mile day. But if I had to travel after that...I was no go. that's when I knew I had to get the Russell.

I love tractor style seats.

They're even good in the twisties. :)

I'm just rounding 85000km on the stock seat including a 12000+km ongoing CFR ride and I am just beginning to hate my stocker. Maybe some beads like I saw at CFR might help; it's those little sharp side ridges that wear on you day after day! I should have traded for that MonkeyButt door prize :dribble:
