Buy a 2005 or 2006?

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Folks -

thanks for all the feedback. I don't recall having participated in a forum where I've received such quick and on target answers. The 2006 seller ended up dropping his price so I am going with that bike. Now for all the questions about top bags, heated grips, etc. begin -- and my wife thought the shopping was over... ;)

See you on the road.

Thanks again, Gordo

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Folks - thanks for all the feedback. I don't recall having participated in a forum where I've received such quick and on target answers. The 2006 seller ended up dropping his price so I am going with that bike. Now for all the questions about top bags, heated grips, etc. begin -- and my wife thought the shopping was over... ;)

See you on the road.

Thanks again, Gordo
Congrats on the bike! You will really enjoy it.

Frankly, I am also looking forward to another summer of riding.


The heated grips get warmer and get warmer faster on the C14.

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Folks - thanks for all the feedback. I don't recall having participated in a forum where I've received such quick and on target answers. The 2006 seller ended up dropping his price so I am going with that bike. Now for all the questions about top bags, heated grips, etc. begin -- and my wife thought the shopping was over... ;)

See you on the road.

Thanks again, Gordo
Congrats Gordo! Great choice!!

I can guaran-damn-tee you will never regret it.

Now spill the beans, how much did you manage to get the guy to shave off?

Enquiring minds, and all that... ;)

The heated grips get warmer and get warmer faster on the C14.
I guess we now know what Rad's new job is...

Of course, the AE is an aquired taste. I was not interested in an AE but a 45 minute test ride led me to aquire the taste.
I prefer pie.

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Go with the 06. I got mine last summer with 263 miles on it for 9000. A brand new bike! Get what YOU want because you will regret your decision later if it isn't everything you dreamed of.

EDIT: Congrats on the bike! You'll love it! I hope you have a budget for farkles! It gets pretty addicting...

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That wasn't me, it was daviddowns2000. But what he is referring to is the valve check maintenance that is due per the manual at 26,600 miles.
Yep, that was me, and it was the valve check I was thinking of. However, I would also have wanted to see proof that the expensive 16K work had been done on the '05. Moot point now, congrats to Gordo on the '06.

I have an 06 with ten thousand miles and LOVE it. Heat was fixed and is no problem. Twitchy throttle was resolved with a PCIII which I would get sooner rather than later. You will never be sorry you got this bike. I have heated grips and will be nice in winter in Virginia when my bike is in the garage. Corbin seat I think was a bit lower and I am 29 inseam. Pay close attentioni when stopped and moving slowly or you will be one of many of us who have dropped the bike in the driveway. Invest immediately in frame sliders. Have a ball.

G2 Throttle Tamer...done


Clutch soak...done

Corbin seat...ordered

VStream windshield...done (although this thing is BIG compared to the OEM so we'll see if it lasts through the summer)

Gloves wired...done just in time for the temp to get up where I don't need them anymore

Next steps:

- power block for other electrics

- Trade Garmin Streetpilot for a Nuvi 500/550 (because I am not seeing an additional $300 worth of function in the Zumos but i do want a waterproof GPS)

- Trunk, mainly to keep the kids on the back :blink:

...and, almost forgot, start tweaking the suspension so it works better.

And hope for a break in the rain and the schedule so I can go ride.



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