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I have seen on a few threads here people concerned with the "high" horsepower on the FJR and some mentioning of some people being skeerd of the bike. For anyone with these fealings do not fear. If you ride the FJR like a sane person it is tame as a kitten. Very nimble at slow speed parking lot manuvering,and by "short shifting" going through the gears it's as smooth as the hand rail at a Nevada whore house.
New riders don't be skeerd of the FJR.
I agree - the FJR only goes as fast as the rider's right hand tells it to. When I first got mine, a guy at work who rides a Ducati looked at the FJR and shook his head. 'Too much bike for me'.

My project is to bring my riding skills up to a point where I can enjoy more of this awesome bike.

When I first brought it home I had some serious buyer's remorse. The deal came up at a bad time financially. We were still paying off various other toys and really didn't NEED another toy/loan. The bike was big and heavy, perhaps too much so for a rider with a 27" in seam and only 5'2" tall. Several farkles later, I wonder now and again if this bike is too big for me but then I get on and ride it and forget those concerns.


Well, I was never a real waiter, I had wanted to buy a bike that I cold go places on, I also did not and still do not have extra$$$$$$$, just to go buy all of the things I want.

I had not had a bike since I got rid of my 94 S, intruder 1400.

I always like the sitting position of the big v twin, but wasn't willing to pay the Harley $$$$$$$$$, to get less of a bike.

So, as the bug got the better of my last year with spring approaching, I sat out on my quest to buy the perfect stead for my new adventures.

visions of packing tents etc filled my head, yes I'm going to travel with this new toy of mine, put down those golf clubs, I said.

So last March I went looking for a bike BMW, yes had the though of an around bike, 1200gs that's the ticket I thought.

Went to the dealer sat on it, I liked it but it seemed to tall for my inseam. The price tag seemed to steep for what I wanted to pay as well.

So I went home!

Got to love the internet, yes that's what I'll do I thought!

Anyway, to make a long story short, I like things that are different!

I like things that everyone else doesn't have!

Searching the net I see the most beautiful Bike I think I have layed my eyes on.

I just got to have this, so the next day take a vacation day and off I go in pursuit of my new baby!

It must have been fait, I had no idea of the pay before you get it!

I Drive to one dealer, they do not have it, I did not ask about it.

I Drive past the BMW dealer in search of this 2D image, I saw the night before.

I Drive to the next dealer, boarder state, I walk in, I do not see it!

The sales man walks up, everything I can assist you with.

Yes I'm looking for the FJR, do you have it? I ask!

He says yes, It actually just came in and we have 2 of them, I say is it ABS? Yes, he replies!

I sit on the bike, touching toes/balls of feet on each side!

I ask my better half, what do you think?

It you she says! Okay, I think, what do you want for it? I inquire.

way more than I wanted to pay for a bike!

So, I leave, 1/2 mile down the road, oh I say, better half I forgot my


We turn around, I go back in! Guess what happen next, I drive home on my new baby.

The only bad experience with the purchase, was the insurance, seems insurance company did not insure bikes!

So they hooked me up with Progressive! yep they dicked me 1700 a year. So what I say to myself, I give them a check over the phone get insured, find other insurance the cancel and get my hefty down payment back or at least most of it! nope paid around 180.00 canceled two days later and went with state farm for 450.00 a year.

Progressive stealers gave me 45.00 back.

Now I'm out riding my new baby!

haven't rode a bike for 11 years.

Man this thing is heavy at stop, I'm thinking.

No problem, ride all day long, pick up son ride around a while return home, going through gate side bag decal catches fence, dammmm,

Going down, Houston, I can't stop her she's going down.

Lucky for me, I was able to put her down on the grass!

Not a scratch, only the decal was ripped of the left bag.

Go back dealer replaced, no charge.

next day riding around what a bike!

Hmm, I ride it back behind the school, I thought, riding around on the side walk, not fast just getting use to it.

handles like a dream even a snail pace I think.

Hmm, hey I ride to the other side of the lot through the grass!

Riding along, grin on face, rear end start to sway back and forth, better slow way down I think.

next thing I know I'm stuck! shit I think, forgot cell phone to boot.

Tried getting stick limbs what ever, she stuck and sinking to the rims in mud. No way I think, walking down the road to get to a phone to call, to get my truck to pull this thing out of the mud, I'm thinking what a dumb ass.

anyway truck final;ly arrive, hook to rear wheel slowly having better half pull my baby out as I strain to keep her upright.

get her out, fire her up, ride to a car wash. clean her up!

laugh about it to this day, not a GS! no more wet grass for me.

Now Monday arrives, ride to work, park go in oh I forgot something, go back turn key get something out of glove box.

go back in work, come out to leave, no way left keys in and on.

won't start, better half, please help me thinking how stupid as she running behind my new baby pushing, won't bump start either.

damm, go home get charger, tools go back open manual, damm that's a great place to put the battery, I think!

An hour and a half later, she fires up! sigh of relief.

ride home damm my better half is thinking and saying, you have that Bike for 4 days.

We laugh,

So on the internet I go again, hey I found the other forum.

Wow what a neat place, this bike is great but its the hottest ride I have ever had! sweating like crazy while riding her in Kentucky.

Hey, this jumper mode will fix it, co adjust. tank insulation.

Did those still not helping. numb right hand, first farkle, d&d risers!

Great, 95% improvement. still will need to turn the bars out with linksters, might do that this year.

heat gave up on the heat fix, its hot and that is just the way it is going to be on pre 06. Have heard good things from some with 06 thus far on this forum.

hey eom, I'm going I think, make reservation, hook up with a few others, ride down to the Dragon! Townsend. What a ride.

I had only a mesh rocket jacket and some old gloves.

wind breaker over it, I had so many things strapped to this bike, bags full, duffel bags as high as I was, from the pillion seat back to the rack.

Man you would have thought I was going somewhere for a month.

This bike had no problem handle all that stuff and hauling ass all the way down.

I was great riding the dragon, meeting all the other owners and seeing the things they added to their bikes.

So, still love the bike, have added things to it., hw pegs big help, big cbee 4+4, head light covers ice Blue looks great, still have back pressure, will cut like calsci's. Should have bought that windshield first.

heated jacket liner, glove liner, socks, and dual controller, datel is a must, got the blue like smthing had at EOM.

rode to Cincinnati, to get the top case and bracket, don't leave the garage with out the cases., sliders installed, will drill out the holes big enough so as to not have to remove them to get lowers off.

Once I see the 06 on person will modify lower fairings to let heat out.

9000 miles and counting, what a BIKE!

Plan to have it until I can not ride any longer.

As you can see from my long winded post, operate error, would be the only problem you should have with this Bike.

Some tic but oh well that's life.

Some are hot, oh well lower the screen and install a second fan, which I will do one day. yeah get rid of the cat, that is probably the real heat issue since its right under the rider.

yes and make sure you have some riding gear so you can pack for a weekend with out having to take all those clothes.

Fred H

I ride my 04 more than my wing, I've got 70,750 miles on my 04 FJR and 98,000+ on my 02 wing. I find it more comforable toride than the wing as its lighter and more nimble for lane splitting here in Ca. But ride the wing when wifes rideing hers and need space as can pull the trailer.

roger/orangestreak :D

rogerfjrfaster :D :p

I wish it handled like my R1 and had the horsepower of the ZX-14. Other than that, all I would ask for is perfectly clean, quiet, airflow and great weather protection; no heat on my legs, and the previously mentioned big, powerful engine. Oh yeah, and more mileage and more power.

Until I find the above bike, I'll be perfectly happy with my less-than-perfect, but otherwise much loved FJR. :D

I've been seeing lots of people talking about replacing the windshield on the 06 because there's not enough protection. Let me give you my perspective. I have been on sport bikes all my life. I'm 6'2" and wear a size 54 jacket. I ride with the windshield in the normal position or maybe an inch up almost all the time except if its really cold, then I jack it all the way up to keep the cold air off me. Other than that, I WANT the air hitting my helmet because thats the quietest, when the air can slip around the helmet. You start raising the windshield and you start getting the buffeting and noise. I wear a very good helmet (Arai RX7 Corsair). This is the most comfortable bike I've ever owned and meets my expectations and exceeds them. Its not as fast as a sport bike, but its fast enough. Some of you guys want full protection from the wind and thats your choice. Just remember that full protection also costs you when its hot out, you don't get decent air flow through your jacket.
Speaking of helmets, they do make a difference. I bought the Arai this year and have always had HJC AC-11 helmets. What a huge difference. At about 80-90mph I would start to get buffeting on the HJC, just figured it was the speed and the airflow off the windscreen. Then I bought the Arai, and on the same bike at those speeds the helmet was rock steady. Plus the airflow inside the helmet with the vents open was amazing compared to the HJC.
flyin low,

+1 on the helmet recommendation!!! I just dont see how anyone can think theres a more comfortable / quiet alternative to the new arai's. It completely changes the way you think about helmets. Bet you never return to any other brand.


I have my 06 FJR for 2 weeks now & as I approach 1,000 miles, I can't stop smiling. :D :D :D

Whether riding it, cleaning it or just staring at it I just :D :D :D :D :D :D

And is it just me or does the 06 have a wonderfully deep tone exhaust. I may wait awhile before adding the Staintunes. I was going to install the K & N air filter, Power Commander & Staintunes right away, but I'm so pleased with it's performance I think I will wait one year till the warranty expires. Use the money for an autocom & a Garmin Steet Pilot.

I have owned previous fastest production motorcyles & this is just as fast & agile in the street (real world riding) as any, & it's way more comfortable. Handlebar risers when available is my only minor grip, & the more I ride it the less I feel the need for the risers.

Anyone who would sell this bike for another is just not a sport/tourer. Which is OK. But I am. And after riding ST1300's, BMW K1200S, Kawi Concours, etc. The FJR is the KING of Supersport/Tourers. IMHO. B)


As I wait for mine it seems that there has been some buyer's remorse among some of the other guys. Was it less than you expected? Since there was limited to no opportunity to test ride, could this have been the reason why you didn't know what to expect? If you're not as satisfied as you thought you'd be, feel free to tell us why.
I know this must be difficult but your thoughts and opinions are truly welcomed.

Besides, it will give us waiters some more stuff to read while we're ......waiting, of course. ;)

You sure this isn't a question you asked your first date? :D

Well, y'all will be happy to know that I am starting to settle in with my new FJR, despite some initial teething pains.

I put some more farkles on it this weekend (Tankbag, Autocom, FRS, Color Weather Doppler enabled GPS, throttle lock, Ipod, radar) and now that I have the electronics package up to snuff it sure seems to be a more capable touring mount.

I am ok with the power and speed and handling, that really never bothered me. My problems were that mainly I was not ready for the amount of noise I got due to the smallish windshield (compared to a GL1800 Wing). I just have had to accept the fact that I have to wear earplugs all the time on this bike.

My other issue is just the idea of owning two bikes. I feel like I am cheating on my wife or something when I get on the FJR and leave the Wing parked in the garage ignored and lonely. I put so much energy in every bike I have ever owned so that I almost become one with it, and for me it is difficult to divide my attention between two machines.

The FJR is everything I ever hoped it to be, and more. It is smooth as silk and handles like a sport bike. The brakes are awesome and the bike is a blast to ride. My only complaint of any significance is that I hate where Yamaha put the battery on this bike. What were they thinking?

Anyway, I hope to take the 06 out on it's first road trip next weekend now that I have GPS and radar and music. I will miss having the huge trunk on the Wing, but I guess I can just pack a bit lighter.

Relieved that the bike was nowhere near as fast as I'd been lead to believe and was very easygoing from the perspective of handling. Then again, it was disappointing to learn that it was so mild mannered - sort of 'is that all there is'?
Yea, that was my initial reaction too. I think the speed thing was a bit overplayed. I think the deception is that the bike is pretty smooth, even at higher speeds, so you don't get the normal speed ques you do on other bikes.
it's hiding up above 5k rpm. it's like 2 different bikes.

I actually think that my GL1800 has better roll on acceleration at certain speeds and RPMs due to the huge amount of torque that the big six in it has, but it doesn't have the HP on the upper end of the RPM range like the FJR does. The FJR seems to just like to go fast, and is a bit more work to keep under 70 as it runs so smooth at 90.
interesting since i can take my gl1800 friends from either a standstill or a rolling start. i found later than one of them was banging off the rev limiters while i was keeping my fjr in the lower rpm's because i was still breaking it in. and he's a flat-track racer who knows how to push a bike hard. many of them can take me in the curves solely because of skill. but put them on the fjr and the wing and they'll run rings around their wing performance when those skills are put to the ground on the feejer.

I also notice a general "feeling" that I am not as protected on the FJR as I am on the Wing, though I can't really put a finger on it. The bike somehow just makes me feel more vulnerable, mainly from a visibility standpoint. That big Orange GL1800 sure sticks out in traffic, and I know that has saved me a couple times. I wish the FJR was a lighter/brighter color (maybe yellow?).
no doubt about it. the gl1800 is a much bigger bike (fairing frontal area and gvw). visibility can be addressed in ways other than bulk.

I go back and forth. Part of me really likes the bike and doesn't want to give it up, but another part thinks it is silly for me to have two motorcycles and have to buy insurance and gas and tires and accessories for them. I'm not sure I can afford to keep two bikes, and I can tell you for sure I won't be getting rid of the wing, even though it has 92K miles on it. It is my vacation machine for my wife and I, and I love to take it on long trips to California and Canada etc.
just remember that the tread you use on the fjr is just that much less tread used on the Wing. same with all the other consumables. sliding the feejer through traffic is a breeze compared to the wing.

I finally picked "IT" up today. I won't say I have remorse but its just different comming from a sport bike. I like the bike don't get me wrong, just different, Its quick just not AS quick. For me I need a taller windscreen, I'm 6'2 My head is right in the wind no matter where I put the screen and it seems to have more noise (wind) than being completely open on the Katana. If I duck down and get out of the wind its really nice. May as well be in a car.
I have to remember, I bought the FJ to start doing some LD rides and 2 up with the wife and to slack off the throttle a little. But I still broke tripple digits on the ride home (a few times) :D

This is from a 54 mile ride home before I had to go to work.

But take the change for what its worth. I had a 97 chevey crew cab 454 that I liked better than my 04 chevy crew cab 496 until I got used to it.
Here is a follow up after a short day of getting to know the bike 120 miles.

I agree that the speed thing was overplayed but that is probably a comparison from what you came from. Would it feel like a rocket on nitro...if you came from a cruiser YES, if you came from a Busa NO.

It handles the wind better than my Katana did. we had Lake Wind Advisories all day 25mph+ gusts and normally I woulda gone home because to much of a fight in the wind on the Katana. it will cruise more comfortably at 110mph. I REALLY need to get a feel for the heavier bike on the twisties. I was riding with a BMW GS and he really spanked my ass in on the curvy roads. I almost overshot my lane on one turn and if there had been oncomming trafic it may have been ugly. I had the bags off its just not as flickable.

I think everyone will be happy with the FJ. Just take time to get used to it as has been said before.

Just returned from a 1 week trip to Deals Gap. WOW!!! What a road that is. Very fun, to say the least . The bike was a blast on the way there and back even thru some very nasty heavy rain and high 40+ knot crosswinds in Tennessee and Arkansas on Saturday.. Road 2500 miles in all and enoyed the rides immensely. Stock seat, Cee-Baileys +4+2 cured ANY wind noise and buffet, ('cept for the BIG X-winds)

Ready to ride during the coming week around town. The new Pirelli Diablo Stradas were fantastic with superb twisty capability, and held up really well to the sideloads, scrubbing off minimal tire during the week.

Made 14 1/8th mile dragstrip runs(burnouts and all) at a strip called the "411 raceway" with several dozen Warriors and a Yamaha film crew. Best I was able to run the FJR was a 7.2 second time with 99.7 mph. Was unable to crack 100. There were some seriously strong Warriors, one even driven by a pro drag racer. The best Warrior time was, I think about 7.1 and 95 mph.

My FJR was absolutely trouble-free the entire trip. Four of the Warriors snapped drive belts at the dragstrip and they suffered a rash of CPS (crankshaft position sensor) failures thruout the week.

All in all, my FJR proved to be a truly great long distance touring machine, a fun Dragon slayer, and a pretty fast accelerating drag racer. :clapping:

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While I need to get a Corbin and bar risers to get long distance comfy on my new '06 FJR, overall I am VERY pleased with the bike and find it to be considerably improved from the '03 FJR I had. The performance and handling the bike has are certainly superior to the '04 ST1300 I had. While I really liked the 2 GL1800s I've owned the FJR is for me preferable: less (wt.) is more!

BTW, what is "wrong" with having more than one bike? Of course now that I'm down to a mere 16 bikes................LOL! DFO :D

I bought a used, but cherry condition 05. I have a lot of time on a Gold Wing. Grew up on a BMW. I think the FJR is everything it's supposed to be. Half Gold Wing, half crotch rocket.

It definitely has taken some changes (farkels) to adapt the bike to my comfort level. I don't like the wind in my face. But I don't like having to man-handle a Gold Wing in tight situations or gravel roads. For 5'10" and 185 lbs., the FJR is all the muscle I can handle confidently.

My biggest complaints are the way the damn thing is marketed/sold, and how difficult it is to keep it below 90. 6-speed would be a welcomed change for being more legal on the highway without having to constantly watch the speedometer.

The FJR is like a heavy 450 dirt bike with windshield. It's just awesome!

Stick around,You'll see how open it is when Howie, TWN or some other asshat jumps you for saying something they already know - and they know everything! They farking live here. ;)

How the HELL did I miss this for 4 days! I've been mentioned (top billing, even) in the same sentence as TWN, and "other asshat" gets 3rd billing.



Buying the FJR1300 may have been the single dumbest thing I've ever done.

No, wait--make that the dumbest thing I've done in 25 years (before that doesn't count).

No, wait, getting myself into the position to go down 2 years ago on my FZ1 was the dumbest thing of the last 25 years--beats this out.

I sat on a 2003 at the Dec 2002 MC show at the Javits Center.

Then in June '03 I put down a deposit for an '04 ABS the dealer had ordered to get around Yamaha's pre-pay plan. On the very last day of July it arrived, bags and all (that was an issue). Only the Yamaha trunk didn't arrive (I later cancelled the trunk and got a GIVI).

Amazingly, despite being so incredibly stupid as to buy a bike I had only sat on once sight unseen, I was INCREDIBLY lucky to get such a great bike!

Would I change stuff? Sure! Did I change stuff? Sure! And lots of stuff, from the brake discs to the exhaust and the FI map. There are only 3 things I think Yamaha did with the 03-05 series that were really dumb: 1) Battery location--yup, we all know this one 2) teensy-weensy alternator with no real excess capacity--we all know this one too 3) Idiotic fuse block location.

Everything else (like not having at least one outlet) is fixable. Even the heat problem is fixable.

From what I've seen, the 06 fixes the heat problem, and gives you an adjustable seat. There's even an outlet, but it's in a weird place?!? Still, the three things above aren't fixed, and the bike adds another 30 lbs.

Yet compared to my other bike, the FZ1, the '06 FJR is a reasonable upgrade. IMHO, they RUINED the FZ1 this year. I had a chance to test ride the FZ1 (an '02) against the 919, so it wasn't a dumb thing to do, buying the FZ1.

Sometimes you get lucky and get away with being incredibly stupid--Buying the FJR1300, was my turn to get lucky....

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Stick around,You'll see how open it is when Howie, TWN or some other asshat jumps you for saying something they already know - and they know everything! They farking live here. ;)


Huh, I missed it, too. Go figure. And, Bruthie, I don't know everything. For example, I did not know that you were a raging homo fixated on 'asshats'.

Have a gay day, sis! ;)

Absolutely zero remorse. Modifications do not equal remorse. The FJR is not perfect, just better than its competition. So far this is the best of the seven bikes I've owned.
